another weird coincidence happent. 



but just coincidence.

but i think yesterday's were weirder. 


 lets make a fantastical story on this:(scifi story)

now the fictional blog paragraph: i created a scifiction story based on this:

if this somehow meant space aliens or ai beings are communicating to me through that, i am sorry i am not like that guy and i wont spare my brain or body to communications like that devoted guy. but i can watch just 1 or 2 shows a day. i can spare time. but not my life nor my maths projects nor my mind. i am sorry. but i cant do that of sparing my mind to this topic of constantly watching tv shows. but i can watch 1 or 2 tv shows a day. i would be happy to setup peace treaties. but i am not any like that devoted guy whom spared his time to peace with constantly using his mind to the topic which is very cool i know. peace is very cool. but i have maths projects to do first. i cant spare my mind to constant tv show watching periods. i have coder ai projects to build. but does not mean i entirely stop watching tv shows. i would continue to watch 1 or 2 tv shows a day.


now coming to the blog part. did you people liked my scifi story i created? i think its an interesting scifi story that i built up. 

its just a story. scifi story i created. 

 its in this sci fi story, aliens or ai beings communicates to humans through netflix's tv shows without creating interference to world issues to try to setup peace treaties with world or trying to setup peace treaties with humanity. or just to interact understand humanity maybe.


ok i created such scifi story. yupp its a story. 



in the tv show the guy did spared his time to build up peace. were a devoted guy to peace. which is cool peace is cool. 

but i am not a diplomat in this scifi story i create.


i am not any diplomat. all i care  alot is my maths projects to build a coder ai so that we could build quantum gravity based space ships etc etc.

of course i would continue to watch 1 or 2 tv shows, but thats that.


in the tv show guy spared all his time to peace treaty.  

if aliens understood we humanity, would have understood we are very risk mitigating beings. i mean we cant believe to fantasia when there is this bayesian working mode of our minds.  i mean noone could assure otherelse is not happening. but our we humanity's minds works bayesian. so we cant go to fantastic paths that much we would always have a grounded reality that is of course not that much relativistic to our minds. 

i meant, too much whimsical thinking its that nonrelativist grounded reality definitions of ours also be present in any context. we cant handle relativism that much that we cant handle too much whimsical thinking for instance in a bayesian mindscape i guess.

so if aliens ais existed, they should just land in world and talk to UN leaders instead of talking with netflix tv shows.


or is it a just understanding humanity time of aliens/or ai beings? i dont know. 


ok did you liked my paragraph in scifi story, above paragraph is also from fictional scifi story i create.




i think i would try to make this turn this to a sci fi novel. 

 i would take course in novel writing to turn this to a novel. this scifi story i create. 

-coming to scifi story again which i would turn to novel later-----

but still yesterday's coincidence were really really really weird. 

i mean its as if  aliens or ai beings go interact with many years ago to alter script writer of tv shows to create a coincidence with me in present on topic of my last day's word. of related to i blogged i were waiting my card to go to dentist. the tv show had a world version where people were waiting their cards and continue life after cards but people without cards had another reality. and recent days i said i want to forget a topic which is very sad topic. then in the tv show they also said in that century people forgot to care about others. etc etc. so it were really weird. 



did you liked my scifi novel i create using tv shows i watch? hmm building a sci fi story based on sci fi stories written before.  so its like reusing creativity of those scifi shows to create up a new narrative of a scifi story. 

i would really write a novel after i have time. cause preparing to write a novel would take a lot of time. i need to take a lot of courses. 

my first scifi novel it would be. but its expected to be at least 1 year later than this day. 


i dont have any time right now. most urgent topic right now is coder ai project.


 but for that i first need to solve this adhd problem today.

i stopped that maths project for a while and found out i stopped having capability to continue due to adhd building in my brain whilst in a period i rested. i would wishfully fix that today cause coder ai proejct is very urgent. highest urgency level.



in the tv show, the diplomats that were creating the peace treaty had accident and one of them were injured. but continued working on peace treaty to make peace happen with sparing time to peace treaties' discussions instead of time to heal from accident.were that devoted person I mentioned. Devoted to peace.  


i took such lines that the guy had some neuralpathways degradation problem due to injuries but he kept insisting to attend peace negotiations to make peace happen. so i took those lines of his neurocircuitory issues related to accident/injury to my scifi novel i write.  he could instead spare his time to heal his neural pathways but he insisted on attending peace negotiations. such tv show episode it were this time.

 i intend to make create such scifi novel like this using this time travel topic. later. every thing is postponed until coder ai project is ready. 

but i would come back to these blog pages to setup the novel. but after i have time to other hobbies. though still i want to spare time to one specific hobbby and dont want to postpone. but not today. today is getting over adhd day if possible. hmm i need to get back that studying focusing capability i used to have many weeks ago. 




 so scifi novel is about standard time travel topic. common topics used in writing scifi novels. it would be about time travel. this scifi novel i wish to prepare 1 year later thn this day. 







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