a defamation incident happent. a person shouted the slandering word used in char. assntn incidents (this specific word of baba i started hearing 5 years ago in stalk icndietns. by then i would thought someone with baba name is stalking me. by then, i were working in a software company in a district near to kadikoy and i remember this "baba" word stalk incidents started there. eg.g people passing in street and shouting this word making me think i have such stalker.
hmm in recent stalk slandering incident, the dishonest stalker slanderer character assasin sociopath shouted "baba!" word and shouted "zam!" word. this zam word i also heard in like 2 months ago stalk slandering incidents.
right inside from a character assaaisntion, i report the incidents as usual.
the stalkers in this character assaisntion tries to create a deceitful metnal image of me doing illegal things. and near to thousand of stalk slander incidents happent where similarly like this one, they shout a sentence which tries to deceitfully show the to be character assasinated in slander position. but its a cacophony and like theathre play. i mean, they play the theathre themselves like a shizoid patient these character assaisns, like shouting sentences as if you are a person who can do illegal things. or behaving like if you are involved with such like as if a shizophrenia cacophony i mean its like these character assasins behave like they have shizophrenia in this very sociopathic executed char. assntn. i mean they invent the lie themselves, play the theathre of lie with shouting things for the theathre played, so its like a shizophrenic theathre, but i dont think the character assains are any having shizophrenia illness. its just instead, a very dedicatefd character assaisntion. its like a repeated theathre in play over and over again, they play the theathre scenes to try to defamate over and over again.
like for instance this "zam!" word used in defamating, tries to show the stalked person is in kind of involvement with the shouter. they do these defamation tricks and even worse many times. its like cacophonic shizopherenia. where the character assainated tried to be char. assnted never replies/never reacts, but they play this theathre of defamation over and over again with trying to put the to be char. assnted in the role they invent lies they invent to char. assnte.
i remember this baba word stalk started 5 years ago. i for a lot while thought someone with baba name is stalking me. since i were stalked and shouted such words. i think i understood the character assasination after 1.5 years later than the init of char. assntn. i before thought i have very maniac stalkers stalking me e.g. some one with a baba name etc etc. these character assasins allegedly create lies about a person and persistently play such cacophonic shizophrenic theathre/sociopathic theathre where they shout things aligned with the chara. assntn slander. not onlyt hat, its just they build a narrative of creating a false stuff to you like spreading false rumors about you, then peole shout you sentences along with the false rumors being spread. its an organized stalk slandering like this. this persistent char. asnsnt of the unknown klu klux klan. it started 5 years ago.
this unknown klu klux klan from istnbl, never stops stalk/slandering and it happens persistently even if degree reduced alot.
this klu klux klan of istnbl does a severe organized severe sociopathic theathratical char. assntn process.
as usual as i been reporting as i can detected the stalk slandering last 5 years, i report from blog.
though in first 1.5 years of stalk slandering, i didnt even understood slander side of the stalk but were observing persistent stalker very maniac stalkers that stalk everywhere even if i dont any reply nor react and stalk would continuosuly happen. and then 1.5 years later i understood, for instance, there were words they persistently use in stalk slander incidents, i understood they are trying to slander me like that. that they just not only stalk but also slander. and their cacophionic shizophrenia resembling acts, where they talk to themselves, i mean they shout things to the stalked person, they dont get any reaction nor reply (cause the stalked person thinks a bunch of maniacs are persistently stalking me, what the heck) and then they behave as if they got response, i mean it really their this char. assntns behaviors resembles shizophrenia, even i dont think they are any shizophrenia, its an active char. assntn process that they allegedly behave shizophrenic in the theathre play of theirs. i mean to clarify, they behave like they are in a communication with the stalk slandered person and behave as if they get some answers, its pretty shizophrenic but not unfortunately, its intended such theathratical behavior to char. assnte, to try to defamate with lies they invent. so its like: they select/invent/build lies they want, then they play such a shizophrenic theathre, where they shout things that would be shouted to the slander type, then they behave like if they got any answer, then they behave in a defamation narrative in a pretty shizophrenic narrative (not naturally shizophrenic, its theathre, its char. assntn) i mean they create invent lies and theathratically put that to play whilst following the to eb char. asnted target, then even if they never get any reaction from the stalked person, they behave build a narrative and behave like if they got replies reactions or even worse in very defamation contexts. i mean they just not only slander, they do also create theathre plays like this, where a bunch of people plays a thathratical play as if they are all of they are shizoid, cause the stalked person never reacts, never replies (actually in first 1.5 year of stalk slandering incidents, i would wonder whom those maniacs are that stalks slanders me but would never reply nor react since i wouldnt even understand but i would think i have severe levels of stalker problem) then they continue this over and over again, with narratives they saetup very untrue narratives, with lies they create/invent and that they also put that lies to such theathratical play.
like its forcefully trying to make someone a slander type. whilst the char. assnted never replies reacts but they continue to behave as if the person they tried to char. assnte is slander type with such cacophony. of shoutings and such monologues. one method of this char. assntn i observe is this monologues. i mean a shizpohrenic cacophny where the char. assnted never reacts nor replies, but they continue the theather and slandering narrative exactly as if being replied or reacted. its a very advanced form of sociopathy. and accomplished in an organized stalk slandering icnidetns likewise.
its like forcefully trying to make a person a slander type whilst its not. (e.g. mafia like stuff) and even if you never care, never react, never any indulge nor alike, they behave like if you reply i mean in such monologuye cacophony. like for instance this "baba! zam!" sentence: in this cacophony monolohguye, the chara. assnn, sets up a slandering narrative where he plays the slandered person also. i mean they play these theathres with putting slandering roles to people (e.g. me) and even if you dont reply, the theathre continuyes and the slanderer behaves plays theathre in lieu of the slandered toi be char. assnted person.
i mean like e.g. in historical greece in theathres, there were some moment where a narrative is told to the audience right? they do that method in character assaintion. whilst the char. assansted tried to be char. assnted never replies, they do tell narratives like that in ancient greek theathres where sometimes topics were told throguht some person doign telling narrative.
so this sociopathic theathratic slandering method, i repeatedly observe.
i mean you never attedn the play but they what were that thathre moment were called, like some person tells some sjummary of topics of telling a theathre narrative, yupp they even if you dont ever attend nor never attended ever, they just put to play such sentences that tries to use that theathre trick. i mean to deceive outsiders, like in a thathre auidence, outsiders are tried to be deceived with those theatral tricks.
its like: these people have kind of god syndrome. its like: they decide someone should be an illegal person (whilst is not) and then they baheva like that endlessly. they persistently play theathres like that to defamate like that. and it endlessly happe,ens. in their narratives of these sociopaths, when you confront stalk slandering incients, you would be already be narrated as the slander type. i mean these irrational psychopaths sociopaths, they just have god syndome i think. i mean when they want to slander, then they behave like the slander type as if the person is slander type. i mean they create a false untrue narraive and play theatghre like that and that theathre never ends. the char. assntn never ends. it started 5 years ago.
what god syndrome means: it means:they just are severely irrational i think that even if its visible you cant forcefully deceitfully alter an engineer person to such topics like illegal stuff, but nevertheless these psychitics dont care aligning with reality any i mean they play such theahtre endlessly putting you roles of slander.
it happens like this last 5 years.
its a severe level of sociopathy. or its like as if they are very advanced theahtre players. and the char. assntn has been done very cruelly. and near to thousand stalk slandering harrasment incidents happent.
this char. assnns seems to have kind of kind of some sick ego where they dont accept failure of the char. assntn. and continues to retry defamation incidents.
this klu klux klan, that staeted stalking slandering harrasments, it just never ended.
they dont accept failure. they dont accept their characeer assasination process being defeated/or being made inactive by an engineer woman.
they just i observed its like i dont know i think thousands of stalk slandering incidents hapepnt.
in first years of char. assntn, sometimes stalk slander would happen in vicinity of my flat and i would shout psycho stop stalking me. cause i would think by then there is a serdar named person stalking me. cause they would shout some sentence including serdar word persistently in flat's vicinity harrasment stalk slandering incidents.
it just happent over and over again this stalk slandering icnidents.
not only serdar other names also i observed alot in stalk slandering incidents. i thought i had such stalkers. i would in outside stalk slandering incidents would never reply not to look as crazy that shouts. but when stalk slandering incidents happent in home's vicinity i shouted many times psycho stop stalking me.
a persistent stalk slandering defamation attempt happent over and over again.
i remember that year i had 2 heart arythm situation of very high heart rate like drums since due to overloaded stalk slander incidents in flat's vicinity that i tried to stop with shouting psycho stop stalking me! but it never stopped. so i moved to another city from istanbul.
this klu klux klan also followed in other cities i went. every city i been i were stalked slandered tried to be defamated.
i have ptsd. so have always some noise open in home. e.g. nature sounds etc. cause many times i observed character assasins wondering in vicinity of home not that much in this new city, but before it were very frequent and they would do play theit theathres of trying to defamate/slandering. for instance, in one before city i felt very stressed or other cities either.
i once moved to a home in a seemeingly more protected from stalk look alioke place just because of this. i were broke even but i spent all my money to move my home to a visibly safer place. then mom and dad came and didnt liked the place it were 2 floor or 3 floor house and a similar such houses place.
it were winter. i stayed there at nights to feel happier. since i were traumatized by persistent stalk slandering incidents. but the house'sair conditioning or heating system were off. and it were all very cold. but i managed to buy some woods with my last left money and it were even limited. and i even there were a hot house, i stayed there in cold place infront of fire place, feeling happier lesser traumatized.
that month were like: i got some promotion my salary were increased by alot fold since i were also taking ml engineer tasks maybe i guess, then i even whislt living in another house, that stalker slanderers came to vicinity of house to stalk slander, i with a limited budget rented a home myself likem that, and by the end of my remainnign salary i bought woods for my fireplace at my home :) and even woods were in limited count. though i would stay there instead of the hot heated house. cause the cold house felt more happier less trauma i mean more safer against persistent stalk slander incidents that also repeated by the heated house i stayed with another engineer colleague in some place, but i left and i could still stay there, since we had agreement that i pay that months rents together, but so i just were som much traumatized of stalk slander icnidents that, i would sleep in snow very much snow in a very cold house with just fire poalce with limited even woods i were trying to go eceonomic, and i were awaiting next month to come so that i buy missing stuff to my home.
hmm i remember that time. trying to feel more hot infront of the fireplace. and putting electric stove on other side. but it were still cold. but i learnt by then how to use a fireplace and luckily house's fireplace were working. it were a huge home i think.
then mom and dad came. and they hated the house i rented. found it unhealthy to live. e.g. balcony had some problem that i hadnt seen whilst renting. they got angry to me renting a house in not good condition. then mom and dad rented a cool house this time at 35th floor. they supported that. but i dont like taking theirs money so everymonth i payed tried to pay what they supoprted etc. they created rented a house for me in a cool building.
but there also, i remember in corridors some people shouting the words frequently used in stalk slandeirng incidents at least twice. or similarly iun the garage place underground level, a stalk slandering incident happent.
i were like: i started to becioem agorpahobic in that ankra city as stalk that started in istanbul persisted there. and it were the time i understood that i am also tried to be slandered. that its not just a maniac stalker situation but also a slandering persists /char. assntn attempts happens.
anyway. then i went abroad finding a job in abroad. then stalk slandering of klu klux klan also persistedn in abroad. whomever this klu klux klan, has stalk slandering skills in every city.
i observed people shouting slander narratives as they had spread false/untrue slanders. i even observed once when slandering tort is done, i were like with my relatives some place then 3 guys popped up (i wonder how they track like if they know gps) then the one guy told slandering sentence, the other guy told you said this and that to the other guy's slandering sentence, then they shouted some word from slandering word, i didnt cared nor replied as always, i never reacted nor replied anytime in any stalk slandering incidents except before when living at flat earleir, when stalk slander happent i would shout psycho stop stalking me thinking i have a serdar named stalker.
and for instance, one day i went to lake, or else everytime i went outside i were stalked tried to be slandered.
i drived to work by biking. and alot many times, stalkers would wait in corner to try to shout a slandering narrative. which were very traumatic for me.
so i observed the stalkers slanderers spread false/very untrue rumors/slanders about me in the city. that for instance, whilst biking from work to home, in a light stop someone would shout a sentence that would be shouted to slander type.
it were pretty traumatic.
cause its slander. not true. not any level true. a severe character assaainstion process with lies invented artificially :S untrue/very very very very veyr untrue.
it were severely traumatic.
and i had to bike work every day everyworkday so it were kind of stressful. though later i bought another bike which were better and found some nicer headphones with more voice cancelling, so it became better to bike after then.
anyway,. then i moved to another city. whilst i stayed in Rome/Hannover partially in some period/then finally moved to new city which i wont tell from blog. in new city stalk slander incidents frequency reduced byt still happens.
let me exemplify these people's stalk slandering character assasination skills:
i were just staying for a month in Rome, i were going back to flat airbnb flat i rented, then in main street i walk by a guy shouted "she were a slander!" again slandering again char. assntn narrative to deceive outsiders. or similarly in outside randomly when walking in Rome, passing beside a cafe and from cafe stalk slanderers would shout a slandering narrative from cafe.
so reason i hadnt traveled Rome whilst being in Rome. i traveled only once. cause this klu klux klan of istnbl stalked slandered every city i went. they have very much organizational skills to stalk slnader/character assaisnte attmpts whichever klu klux klan this is. i mean somehow they could always stalked slander incidents as if they have my gps. it were really weird. everytime i were stalked everytime i went outside. last 5 years. so this klu klux klan is a huge klu klux klan i think. i mean they have huge organization people set skills they use in this character assainstions process. i mean huge stalker people set. i mean it needs to be huge to be able to stalk slander like if they have gps of me everywhere everwhen when i went outside everytime, i observed slandering theathres of trying to slander of with a sociopathical cacophonic context/monologue of slandering narratives, or i mean this klu klux klan must have alot of member every city. cause i observed stalk slandering everytime i went outside.
for instance in previous city, i bought a new bike i assembled myself, but turned out i hadnt assembled correct, then found a taxi and put my bike and went to the nearers bike shop open at that hour, in the bike shop i bought some utinsils to be able to fix bike. but it hadnt accepted credit card payment, so the bike shop suggested me place where i can find atm. then i walked the path the bike shop p[erson said, a guy talking on phone popped up some coffee shouted a slandering narrative with putting to trying to put slandering context, then i decided i dont walk that place and returned and tried to find an atm in more distant place. then i found money in my jacket's one poecket enough for bike utinsils costs, then happily returned to shop to assemble my bike and bike to work. so this were another stalk slandering incident.
its like when they do this stalk slandering harrasment, to protect self from the character assainstion i feel need to be far from incdents place, so this results in making my life harder. e.g. in the end it results in a huge scale agoraphobia.
--i wanted to exemplify this klu klux klan's stalk slandering skills to let you understand--> once for only one day i went to another city. just for one day i went on morning and returned on evening(For attending workplace's other offfice). when returning, in a communal place, i just it happent like that: i dropped off my taxi. then walked to the place which i would return to city with. then there passed just 2 minutes or 1.5 minutes in between dropping off from taxi and then passing to a communal place, and then 2 people started walking in 1 meter beside me adn shouted slandering words/narratives and a curse also. this werent the city i live in. the stalkers slanderers were like always as if they know gps of me somehow. i just referenced this to let you readers understand this klu klux klan's stalk slandering skills. they are really skilled at this organized stalk slandering/char. assntn shit. i mean they seem to have some form of huge organizational power to accomplish this much intense character assainstion process. whichever klu klux klan is this, their stalk slandering capabilities i wanted to exemplify with this reference. this klu klux klan of istanbul has been doing this last 5 years. i think they afre a klu klux kaln of istanbul cause this character assantn stalk slander incidents started there. and happens last 5 years.
anyway. in this new city, i once went outside, and similarly stalk slandering incident happent. i were intending to go to coeffiur, i figured out coeffiur i tried to go is closed, then stalk slandering incident ha[ppent..
hmm but frequency of stalk slander icnidents is much less here. visibly klu klux klan has lesser stalkers in this city.
or maybe i hadnt encountered alot ddue to the fact that i constantly listen music. but this city is much silent place.
hmm i think a stalk slandering incident happent in my flat's vicinity./ a guy shouted a name word i heard alot in stalk slandering incidents today (like serdar) in my flat's vicinity.
hmm but if this stalk slandering happens in my home's vicinity, i most possibly wont even figure outcause due to ptsd 24 hours i am listening nature sounds like blizzard etc.
i feel most of the time, very stressed when i have to close the nature sounds. (i most time listen blizzard) due to ptsd feeling due to char. assntn attempts of a klu klux klan of istnbl. stalk slandering started there so i think then its a klu klux klan of istnbl.
e.g. in meetings time in workplace, i have to close the blizzard sound and everytime i have to do that, i feel huge stress. like if stqalkers would stalk slander again as i close the blizzard sound with another harrasment from vicinity of my flat.
so i dislike meetings due to that or feel stress when i have to attend meetings cause i have to close blizzard sound. (ptsd is like this. if you ever wonder how ptsd is. i wish you never have ever ptsd in your live either.)
some person shouted Ja word maybe a blog reader that intended to support psychologically but i am so ptsd that i lack capability to interact with strangers whom shout something. maybe that ja word in middle of mnight were a blog reader whom heard my story in blog and intended to support with coming in flat's vcinity and saying ja? i guess it might be like that.
i dont know. but in the end, i just have huge degree of ptsd. i just most times cant even stop blizzard sound even for a second. so i just even if a stranger would try to talk support psychologically or show sypport with tryiugn to interact with shouting JA like hearing my story of char. assntn etc, i just cant interact with still. cause i have ptsd. i am off to any outside interaction even if people would wanted to provide psychological support with saying ja with confirming we read your story we know you had gone trhough alot from char. assntn process. that ja felt like a confirmation voice, of confirming or support voice like if saying "we know you have been a lot through a character assasintion" "we are reading your story". like ja it felt as. i mean supportive person it must be someone whom shouted that ja.
but i am so ptsd so i just couldnt helpcant interact with anyone. i just only have blizzard voice in my home. or sometimes i talk to mom and dad. or sometimes i talk to have to attend calls with workplace where i close the blizzard voice which is the constant of a ptsd having person's life.
blizzard voice is life support system of my life i mean analogies or metaphor to that. i mean when having ptsd. blizzard sound is constant.
as confronted prolonged period of char. assntn process.
i think i gathered skills to cope with trauma of character assassination. i mean psychological strength. up to some strength. not that ptsd is fixed. but still trauma is much lesser wtr to before. and flat is comfy. even if i dont go outside scaring of triying to be defamed with a theathratical slandering incident, my flat is very comfy/nice.
so before i likde going outside alot. after character assaisntion started and after many time, i stopped going outside. but i setup an inner home to me. my flat here is comfy.
only moments i feel stressed are like whenever i need to close the blizzard sound. because i have ptsd. i scare if i close, another stalk slandering incident would happen from street or from home's vicinity etc.
i everytime also stress alot when i ahve to go outside. e.g. for mandatory things.
ptsd is something like this. i know i need to go to therapist to get over ptsd. but i need to also figure out someway to record stalk slandering icnidents to stop them with collecting evidence of stalk slandering incidents but its hard when having ptsd and always having blizzard sound on. i mean to be able to record stalk slandering icnidents, one should have the blizzard sound off right? i just cant do that with ptsd. most times blizzard sound is open. i just cant do detectiving to my own character assaisntion because of trauma/ptsd's side effects like always wanting to have blizzard sound open at home. so being a detective for self is not possible as i observe when you have ptsd/trauma feeling.
i just think its quite normal to have ptsd after last 5 years happening a very prolonged character assaintion process of an unknown klu klux klan from istnbl.
but at least in home i have an inner paradise to myself :) blizzard sound feels very happy relaxing. (i guess its tied to that house i rented in snow tyhat i mentioned, i think that resebles that time) or somehow nature sounds like this feels very relaxing.
so i have a self paradise at my home. have fun in my home like listening music reading sculpting etc etc. but everytime i have to go otuside i have increased stress levels.
though i as told got some coping skills with character assaisniton. i mean i am havbing some strength. for a period e.g. many months ago, i felt like constantly lost in trauma feeling. now adays its like many months i feel at least some strenght and have also an inner paradise at home where i am very happy. and then of course blizzard sound is always on due to ptsd.
anyway i continuye my day in my inner paradise home.
its my mood became very weirdo in character assaisntion process. from unhappy moment i can come back to happy state. i learnt how to become happy myself like for instance starting a sunday happiness. its happy. its sunday, holiday. making some breakfast time.
i created an inner paradise to myself at home. its really like paradise. i have my sculpting/drawing whatever hobbies. books like maths books i wonder about to be studied. or i watch sometimes tv shows.
so my life at home is my inner paradise. but due to ptsd blizzard sound is always on.
but i have weird mood update, like for instance i felt very stressed when saw a slandering topic on internet 4 minutes ago. then right now forgot about its stress now. and start a very happy sunday. so my mood changes been altered in character assaintion process. i mean i learnt how to restore being happy feeling i think. even if it feels wierd. i mean how to restore feeling ok/happy after feeling a severe stressed period jsut then i can fix stress and return to happy feeling again. its really weird. i really developed vefry alot coping with prolonged character assainstion skills (my character assasination happent & happens last 5 years )i before everytime i felt ptsd/trauma feeling it would take maybe many many hours to get nback to feelign ok/happy state. now period is very short. like for instance i felt stress of trauma just many many minutes ago, then i could quickly return back to feeling ok/happy feeling again. i had learnt such weird skill in this prolonged character assasination that hapepnt to me. i learnt weird psychioligiucal strength/coping skills etc. before for instance anytime a char. assntn incident happens, the incident's stalk slandering momenbt words would persistently replay in my mind for at least 3 days, i would feel trauma shock at least 3 days. now at least i can return back to ok/feeling happy state quickly. i gained such skill. but before it were like, whenevr a character assainstion icnident happens with stalk slandering, that would replay in my mind constantly at least for 3 days after it happens. or i would blog pages of blog of it, or would endlessly tell to mom and dad on phone. it were like constantly replaying in my mind i would lie on my couch and the character assaintion incident stalk slandering incident sentences moment would replay in my mind for hours. now i have a skill that i can quickly return to happy mood/feeling ok mood. i gained such skill in this prolonged character assaintion that happens happent to me. i gained coping with char. assntn skills when a prolonged character assaisniton happent happens to me. so i even if i have ptsd, its much better wtr to previous status of ptsd/trauma.
so right now i feel very happy in my inner paradise home :)
a sunday :) siunday to rest/do hobbies etc. looks very entertaining to do hobbies e.g. sculpting or watching tv shows or studying topology continueing topology study.
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