tonight i dont do zener card test because i hadnt had 3 hours rest night of last day again (stomach illness) (i got doctor appointment). 

so its postponed to tomorrow evening if i could sleep tonight at least 3 hours.

hmm. hey,  just 10 min ago, something weird happent. that weird burping (stomach illness) side effect but as if the wall hit my back whilst i were trying to fall asleep i woke up hitting sound like if someone in other room hit the door something so much that the wall had felt like hit my backslightly with quite alot sound like if someone hit the door in another place so much like stuff. or really someone hit the door so much in vicinity place etc that this happent. i dont know if it were stomach burp side effect of impacting my body creating such feeling. 

ok finally going to doctor for this nasty stomach illness.

if i were going to write a scifi story (just fiction): i would said some unknown people are doing some wave including tests in vicinity(sound waves etc?) that hit me also.  its not like that. just fiction. i mean i write a scifi fiction on this above paragraph's topic right now.

or another scifi story baseline would have been like: my brain got deoxygenated for a slight moment due to that stuff of stomach illness of bloating and it somehow made felt like that in that moment. or if were to be setup a scifi story, lets add other baselines, that an alien from other dimensions did that sound wave like stuff to wake me up from just falling asleep moment since my brain were deoxygentated due to sleep apnea. ok this might also be a scifi story baseline. 


this illness is severe. but finally i go to doctor very soon. this effects on my body is very nasty. that deoxygenation moment due to stomach and digestive systems load on vessels/nerves and its very nasty side effect. it hurts sometimes when deoxygenation(blood flow being impacted due to load of stomach/digestive system bloating)  happens i mean a part of my body hurts. 

ok. other weeks i couldnt attend doctor appointment cause i were busy but this soon appointment i would surely attend. 

there happens moment like last ngiht i woke up and felt blood is not flowing in my body or at least away from my lungs etc something stopped feeling and after i burped alot many times, the bloating passed away and i felt the oxygenation feeling. i think i would also go to some other doctors after i fix thiis stomach's excess bloating and recently its some part started to hurt so i guess ulcer also happent. anyway. going to get fixed soon so that i have my rest periods to me again. like being able to sleep night.

that moment of waking up and feeling not breathing since the stomach digestive system blocks underlying vessels/nerves is pretty nasty moment. i opent window asap then burped and burped many times and then circulation get back to normal level again. for a while i felt deoxygenated. hmm so last night stomach bloating were again in severe level.


stomach illness can even do load to blood vessels underlyingly to stop blood flow. stomach illness is nasty.and very uncomfortable. cause i just sometimes just cant sleep due to side effects of burping/bloating.

after this gets fixed, i think i would celebrate being healthy again. this illness is alot nasty imho/imso.

it just creates even sleep apnea in worst form. asa it creates loads on nerves/vessels, just blood circulation gets stops. and impacts any where in my body. soimetiems i felt my eye not getting enough oxygen etc. or else.

so i think i have severe form of sleep apnea due to this stomach illness' bloating. and its very nasty type illness.  just because does not happen only when resting, sometimes even rarely happens when i sit and a sleep apnea moment happens of impacting blood circulation and i burp and bloating eases and circulation gets back normal. 


ah:S pretty nasty illness type stomach illness is ;S

never had this much challenging health issue ever in my life. until this stomach/digestive system illness.  its side effects are challenging.

ok, counting days to the appointment day i arranged., so i have my digestive system/stomach get fixed this bloating stuff gets fixed. ulcers gets fixed. (i guess i have ulcer since sometimes some point hurts. which makes me think there is now also ulcer i think. anyway. whatever. i guess it would be fixed sometime later after getting treatment. 

It wernt this much previous weeks. It became worse recent days. I must consumed a food type that made stomach worse. 

Sleep apnea is such horrific disease. E.g. waking up and figuring out I had not been breathing or even breathing just blood doesn't circulate under load of bloated stomach/duodenum places and belly/stomach hernia.  It were not this level I think it became worse again. Anyway I arranged Dr appointment. Lets fix this ulcer whatever. Counting days to the appointment. Not much. 


 Sleep apnea is unnice:S or stomach illness caused sleep apnea version of it is really unnice. Blood flow stops when stomach loads underlying nerves vessels with bloating excessively. 

I dont know about other versions of sleep apnea but stomach illness caused version is really very nasty. 

Anyway. I would celebrate alot when thus is healed ulcer etc bloating.



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