( shadowy people does not mean shadows, it is metaphor to shadow concetp, it means klu klux klan like people sets/groups whom has organized stalking slandering skills to do klu klux klan acts of stalk slandering/character assasination with invented lies. it does not mean shadow like shadows, its metaphor to shadow concept i mean organized stalk slandering/characrter assasination with invented lies to deliberately char. assnte. it means klu klux klan like groups whom does deliberate acts of organized stalk with slandering/character assasination wityh the lies they invent/create  to do try to do klu klux klan act of char. assntns. Shadow people is a metaphor to klu klux klan like groupings.  ) 

(not to be miunderstood as i called shadow like shadow. its just metaphor to organized stalk-following/char. assntns with slandering, metaphro to char. assntns to klu klux klan like groupings) (as i observed/reported from blog when happent to me last 5 years in severe form that i repoprted from blog every time whenever i detected. )  (its organized stalk slandering with very theathratcial slandering methods in practice that i mentioned last day again also before in lots of blog pages of their such klu klux klan like group's methods of deliberately char. assnte acts/ slandering, sociopathic methods/theathratic slandering methods where they invent create a lie about a person and try to make surrounding to that with persistent ortanized stalk slandering. its exactly klu klux klan like organizational stalk slandering to try to deliberately char,. assnte. and it happens for prolonged time, it happent to me last 5 years. i were stalked slandered everytime i went outside. e.g. when i go to cafe, some people come and sit in another desk spread slandering lie from another desk and stalked person even if does not react does not care, they do severe sociopathic slandering theathres like that  like saying sentences that would be said to the slander types they invent. they eloborately invent slanders(e.g. one of the such slanders were mafia slander) and play out with shouting such sentences the slanders whilst they stalk/follow. its like exactly like klu klux klan. they do have some such destroying lives people mechanism with persistent stalk/slandering harrassments. their sociopathic methods in that, i tried to record everytime i detect. they dont only slander, they do play it with theathratical slandering incidents as i observed many times happoent. i wouldnt care nor react, but i observe the slandering would persistently continue to happen with deliberate goal of destruction effort as very same organized stalk slandering stuff of klu klux klan like people sets. they have very organized stalk slandering capability with trying to character assasinate. e.g. i observe thismethod of creating a lie about a person, and stalking following persistently and slandering like that to defamate like that. its like klu klux klan i think as i observed last 5 years when happens to me.  its not a simple chara. assntn. they very sociopathically create sociopathically lies about you and would persistently stalk slander with like that. same like klu klux klan an alternate klu klux klan version I think. a severe organized  stalk/slandering/defamation intentionality, severe form of char. assnmtns attempts with organized stalk slandering/following with stalk slandering. )





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