i would report another ku klux klan of istanbul's harrasment. (a ku klu klux altarnate version.) 

these stalkers slanderers would consistently shout curse words in stalk slandering incidents some very repeated words . one such word were shouted recently in the corridor. so in this  building place, there is a person of the ku klu klux klan that does stalk slander me persistently. 



you read the experience of ku klux klan stalk slandering from a blog in live time.


a person shouted one word this ku klux klan shouted in stalk slandering incidents alot.

they would stalk follow and shout such word. e.g. in cafe some people pass beside and shout you curse word. or when you walk in outside some people follow and shout the curse words.


they persistently stalk follow slander and does also various sociopathic theathratic slandering activities to try to destroy a person with defamation with trying to defamate.


this ku klux klan operates this char. assntn with slandering operation last 5 years with repeated stalk slandering defamation attempts. and i wanted to report the very last stalk slandering icnident.


seems as this klan has members in every city of world and e.g. they even rent a flat in where the char. assnte target lives to harrass stalk slander from there. 


this renting a flat in my home';s vicinity to harrass i observed once more in another place. or not that, they wiould come in vicinity of building shout stalk slandering sentences. 

 a severe char. assntn operation of a ku klux klan of istanbul.

persistent stalk slandering defamation attempts. 


they have very theathratrical slandering operations. like mentioned. when you sit in a cade. some poeple come sit in another desk. and does shout things trying to deceive outside as if you are slander type. they not invent slanders, they play it in outside to deceive sjurroinding as if you are slander type. and they did this playing the slander in stalk following incidents repeatedly. this defamation attempts/stalk/slandering happens repeatedly over and over again like this one i reported last 5 years.

they just not only stalk/try to defamate simply. they invest huge effort to try to defamate. this ku klux klan.  they invest insurmountable amount of effort in defamation attempts. and many years of following stalk slandering attempts. many stalk slander incidents. 

i never seen a char. assntn that is invested this much. i mean invested effort to my char. asnsnt is insurmountable level.

whomever this ku klux klan is, seems to have huge resources that they spare to char. asnsntns. 

this happens last 5 years like this repeatedly over and over again. 

they stalk/follow, invent slanders, then shout things theathratically that tries to put to slander role, with trying to deceive outsiders as if youa re slander, such a theathre, that you dont react, but still they try and try this theathre again to try to defamate. 

that this theathratical slandering method i observe repeated also over and over again. 

they try to defamate you to people and they behave like if you are that defamation type. they do some theathratical plays to depict you as the slander type.  that you dont react/ any but neverhteless they never stop that, and it happens endlessly this persistent stalk slandering defamation attempts. 

 its a severely invested char. assntn. the ku klux klan behind this invested huge amount of effort to stalk slander me for very prolonged period, its been happening last 5 years like this.


and they have gps like stalk slandering skills this klu klux klan. 

they have people in every city i think, cause i were stalked slandered/tried to be defamated every city i were in.

the amount of effort investment to my char. assntn is insurmountable. it has been happebning like this last 5 years.

this klu klux klan has repeated methods they use in char. assntn. they invent lies and try to harrass/stalk/slander with the invented lies they craft.  so this klu klux klan's methof of killing people is not through physikcal killing but its char. asnsntn type stuff. 

 i mean i read other klu klux klans in world kills people. this one does try to do that with char. assntns. 

this people this klu klux klan had invested insurmountable effort to this hatred crimethey intend to commit though had not succeeded fully. i mean they created trauma but hadnt managed to succeed defamation goal happily. i am very happy they hadnt succeeded tbhat. but surely it has had created alot ptsd/trauma/agoraphobia.

this klu klux klan continues the stalk slandering defamation attempts. i blogged all this experience of confronting a klu klux klan altarnate's char. assntn effort all 5 years as long as i could had detected. 

anyway, just wanted to report another stalk slandering incident. this type of stalk slandering defamation attempt happens happent repeatedly over and over again.  happens last 5 years.


i wonder what kind of klu klux kaln is behind this.  they seem to have an organization in all world cities and they deliberately invest alot effort to char. assntns of people. e..g for instance recent curses shouting, this curse  (in local language) were repeatedly shouted in other stalk slandering incidents even 5 years ago. think the amount of effort they invest to thiis char. assntn. they seem to have rented a place in building i live. and shouted the curse word this klu klux klan would shout 5 years ago in similar stalk slandering incidents.   this same curse shouted on today, were shouted 5 years ago similarly. this klu klux klan invests huge effort to this char. assntn. this stalk slandering defamation attempts happent repeatedly over and over again in every city i were. they stalk sdlander try to defamate the person in every city.  thye invest a very huge amount  effort to char. assntn. insurmountable effort to try to defamate/stalk/slander in an organized way. like following everytime you go outside, stalksing/slandering. they have gps alike stalk slandering capabilities. cause everytime i went outside i were stalked slandered tried to be defamated. they, this klu klux klan just dont invent lies to do try to defamate, they also play that in outside play the theathre of defamations, trying to depict you as the defamation type with shouting things that would be shouted to defamation type. so they really invest a huge effort to the char. assntn. and it happens like this last 5 years., i dont react. before i would react as psycho stalker stop stalking me. i dont know. it just never stops. they repeatedly over and over again try the defamation attempts/stalk slander everywhere/try to defamate with theathrarical slandering deceptions.  


so this klu klux klan of istanbul, has visibly lots of members in globe that persists in char. assntns. 


this happens to me like this last 5 years over and over again. but at least trauma level is reduced. for a while i had sesvere ptsd/trauma, i still have ptsd trauma but its level is reduced. 


i still have agoraphobia. cause this klu klux klan stalk slander everywhere. every city you go this klu klux klan stalks/tries to defamate with slandering. a very effort invested character assasination attmpt. it happens like this last 5 years.


so this were just another report of the activity of the char. assntn effort of the klu klux klan. 

 maybe there has been a thousand of my stalk slandering reports already i guess. cause i am blogging everytime i detect.



my life is happy, i learnt psychological strength to cope with a klu klux kaln's character assaintion. 


so curerntly for instance i am happy i feel happy. i learnt psychological skills to cope with character assasintion/defamation attempts. i learnt psychological strength to cope with a klu klux klan trying to destroy me with trying to defamate. happens last 5 years so i learnt how to cope. 

so if you wonder my mood --> i am right now happy. this incident didnt stolen my happy mood from me right now.

but this learning this coping skills hadnt happent instantly. i got these skills to cope  stress of trauma of  klu klux klan's stalk slandering attempts recent year. before i were constantly feeling a huge trauma feeling. this recent year i started to develop psychological skills to cope with. 

so i am a ku klux klan's character assasination attempts survivor. char. asnsntn had not ended still happens. but by time i learn to develop psychoclogical skills to cope with a character assasintion process,. i learnt to cope trauma of  harrasments stalk slander incidents of klu klux klan. but my life changed. i am mostly agoraphobic for last many years. cause everytime i go outside, another stalk slander incident happent last 5 year. every city. they stalk try to slander try to defamate with very sociopathic theathratic slandering methods that i mentioned.  

so if you wonder my current mood: i am happy. i feel right now happy for instance. 

but i am agoraphobic but i got used to troiublesof life with an ongoing character assasintion from a klu klux klan.

e.g. i dont go outside alot unless have to. cause everytime i go outside, this klu klux klan had gps alike stalk slandering skill, so its sure i would be stalked tried to be slandered with another theathratical slandering attempt again. so most times i am agoraphobic still

but if you ask how i feel whilst having surviving a char. assntn: i am happy. i mean i dont let trauma of char. asasntn steal my mood's happiness feeling.


at the same time, having survived a character assasintion feels also additionally happy. 


but char. assntn impacts my life surely, i dont go outside alot. cqause this klu klux kaln always stalk tries another attempt of theathratical defamation attempt every single time i went outside everywhen everywhere last 5 years.




but otherelse, i dont let char. assntn steal my mood's happy feeling mood. i mean i feel happy i feel my life is happy. i dont let char. assntn steal my mood of happy feeling mood


i really feel happy. 


for instance today feels a cool day!

yayyy :)














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