But I still believe good aliens and bad aliens exist. (Bad aliens are trying to terraform world with volcano disasters I think)
That were not a part of tantrum but a belief I really believe to.
E.g. bad aliens are doing volcano disasters.
After I observed the coincidence of Caribbeans volcano disaster, then i blogged it reported such incident. then i were by then living in a building where zeroth floorhad a Gomato named barber shop.
then i saw some news passing Goma word.
then later i saw Gomato volcanoe.
i think this bad aliens are messing with me. since they meant they wanted to kill me ? since my flat were on a Gomato named shop. i got it that bad aliens try to mess me and have special interest to me i dont know why :S
so i believe good aliens exist. then also bad aliens whom does volcano disasters.
i think might be 2 separate federations of universe's galaxies. one federation is trying to protect inhabited planets from being terraformed. other federation (called as bad aliens) tries to terraform already habited worlds with volcanoes.
reason that we dont see alot volcanoe eruptions is good aliens are protecting world from that. or bad aliens gone to doing that hiddenly mode since I reported this terraforming of world from blog and made it visible.
i made it a serious topic to people whom believe to this. i believe to it. cause coincidences were really severe. i think bad aliens stopped doing volcanoe disasters because i made it visible from blog.
i think latest Tonga were not done by aliens but natural. or we dont know.
but at least they hadnt messesd with me in that. that no coincidence happent.
just to note, Goma volcano incident happent with referencing place i live. my place i live wre on a Gomato named barber shop. then also i read Goma related news before by then.
then i thought if bad aliens bad minded federations in galaxy exists, then there must exist good minded federations with a protective approach. that protects our world from terraforming i mean.
it cant be all bad. i mean there must be a anti-thesis to terraforming bad aliens.
i think good aliens must exist also and must should they already be protecting from aliens whom tries to terraform world.
please dont take my belief also serious. cause there is no proof that aliens are actually invading world. i think there is no full invasion. i think, reason there is no full invasion is that that binary system i mentioned/good bad aliens dichotomy. of that beside terraforming world type aliens, there exists aliens that protects world from that.
but recent news last weeks scared me if world with go to a nuclear hay wire or regional haywire with lots of casualities:S, then i asked good aliens to fix that beside protecting world from being terraformed by bad aliens (with volcano disasters). but i dont know my request were even heard.also. i dont know if good aliens ever listen to we people. what are their motives or rules etc. but i am pretty sure good aliens could exist if bad aliens also could exist. other else world would have been terraformed by then, there must be some good aliens stopping that.
i saw people did references to tiesto songs that i were not listening when Tonga volcano happent. i wanted to clarify i dont think bad aliens did that. even if bad aliens tries to mess with me before (e.g. making a volcano disaster on a same place where i lived, i mean barber shop had same name, i guess that were a death threat of bad aliens to me? i dont any know why bad aliens does terraforming on world, i dont know their motivation, i have no psychic communication to bad aliens or would ever want:S i would try to protect world from being terraformed instead) i dont know if i am a psychic or not. but i have these ideas on these topics. hah coming to Tonga volcano, i saw people did reference of Louder than Boom song of tiesto and did such reference to volcano saying meaning bad aliens tried to mess with me with that and world? I just wanted to mention i werent even listening that tiesto album. so its not any coincidence. and i wish good aliens protect world from bad aliens messing. and they also mess with my life like that as i reported e.g. death threaths with a volcano disaster in Goma volcanoe disaster.
i think Tonga could be just usual hundred years cycle of stromboli eruption. buut not bad aliens work.
i report every incident as usual whenever i observe anything that resembles aliens work/made by aliens stuff.
i dont think there would be world invasion. i think good aliens must exists that protects world from bad aliens invasion.
i believe reason that not continous volcano disasters/terraforming not happening is because of good aliens stopping bad aliens. i dont know what galaxy federations abide or rule sets, but i believe up there, in a galaxy some federation pauses world's terraforming stuff(with volcano disasters). maybe bad aliens are only given lesser chance to modify our world i guess.
so i believe that there exists bad aliens and good aliens.
i hadnt watched guardians of the galaxy, but i think aliens must be i mean their patrolling world affairs must be like that. both good aliens/both bad aliens for whichever motive they have. i want to watch that movie cause i wonder about it.
i wonder about federation of civilizations whom can alter the rule of physics of our dimension. i mean our limitations/constraints, being altered by maths/computers/new physics frameworks.
i think it must be something like i mean aliens patrolling galaxy spaceships must be something like suchs sci fi movies. there is no reason that that imagination of such techs in sci fi movies be actually not existing in the universe/other galaxies or even current galaxy.
there might be also multiverse theories I also believe in to them.
luckily without aliens help(not mentioning any bad aliens, we would never want help from bad aliens) , wishfully the war crisis would be gotten over with peace.
there is hope of peace in recent news I wish peace becomes stable. and war possibility gots very very very very reduced. cause every country people are e.g. somepeople's relatives. war is very sad. i wish peace becomes stable and last longing. cause war is horrific for people living in war place.
so i startefd to read news that there is hope for peace. which is awesome news. so help of aliens to fix war from happening is not needed wishfully.
though i dont think aliens would take in to account anything and they would have their own motives. i believe there exists good motives having aliens whom protect world from bad aliens terraforming for instance(with volcano disasters i think bad aliens try to terraform world/mess world named planet that whicih good aliens stops whenever they catch it happening.) i hadnt watched transformers movie since i dont like such movies but i think this aliens quarrel resembles fight between autobots and decepticons. and that world becomes a place where bad aliens tries to take interest of good aliens with doing bad things on world e.g. terraforming world specifically volcano disasters on inhabited places. i think that is a way that decepticons like aliens trying to take attention of autobots in their not ending quarrels of creating a war like that on world just to init a war to specific to autobots. so good /bad aliens is quite analogous to autobots/decepticons. i think terraforming of world might be even their games. of how good and bad aliens plays games. that they might be doing decepticon things to take another round of war with autobots with doing unappreciated things like terraforming a habitated planet whilst there exists tons of nonhabitated planets. so i think this terraforming of world is a war call of decepticons to autobots or such narrative analogous to belief i have on this topic, i mean of course its not autobots nor decepticons, but the narrative is like that i think.
i think that constant happening of terraforming does not happen because of good aliens.
i wonder if they are from our dimension or moved accomplish their fights in another dimension to fight with less side effects to our dimension?
or something more horrific might be going on, that they dont have good/bad type characterizations but its just their games with no motive to what happens to world at all. i dont any know.
i just reflected my belief that some anormal topics happening in volcano eruptions.
but please dont believe to my belief above. cause its not know if any interpretation i did on anomalies is any correct. i just interpreted like this. but i have no idea what actually happent in those anomalies.
but i believe these aliens must be also thinking, multidimensional. thinking of tv show coincidences of me saying some sentence then seeing the sentence in the scifi tv show i watch.
so i believe the aliens are multi dimensional. and our world is kind of host to their quarrels? or such? i have no idea.
but please dont believe. cause its my silly interpretation and its not any known if my interpretation is any correct.
and feel safe, cause good aliens protects world from being terraformed by bad aliens. good aliens do protectand would protect always ithink. so planet world is safe from being terraformed with volcanic disasters i think.
i think i cant test that scifi tv show method to talk to good aliens, cause i am finished of tv shows of that sci fi show series, i watched every tv show by then of that scifi tv show.
i think time is a dimension that these good aliens can travel. because in that incidents, tv show i watched that were casted 50 years ago had my sentence passed. so i believe they can travel in time very seamlessly. and do communicate to people with weird time travel depended ways. but this is just my humble/silly opinion. its not known if its correct.
i feel devastated that anthropology dept's podcasts finished and that scifi show series also finished. that i dont have any medium to observe this type of possible communication from multidimensional beings to whom time is traversable.
its so devastating. last weekend i just wanted to have that coincidence of my sentence in tv show happen, but didnt happent since there is no tv show to watch left from that sci fi shows nor anthropology dept's podcasts finished. (i hadnt listened all but others i ddnt wanted to listen).
so my communication chances with good type aliens is lost. it feels so unhappy. to not find any medium to be able to communicate.
as to state: this is just a belief. not known if its any correct. so please dont' believe to my eccentric belief. its very eccentric and not known if its correct/true.
i think what they did in that communication were to make me aware i am communicated(first.) by repeating my sentences. to create an understanding of the communication in me. this happens in scifi tv shows that were casted 50 years ago or 30 years ago. i mean tv show script turns out to coincide with a sentence i tell. but really i mean on the same day it happens.
like i were telling i am awaiting my card to do something. then the tv show person had a person whom waits a card that is similar to our card concept very much and is awaiting and said is awaiting card.
or pain! pain! pain! words. i on a day were having alot ache, and told alot pain pain pain whilst walking in my room , then the tv show that day had an alien whom when mind melded with Vulcan told "pain! pain! pain" words repeatedly whenever Vulcan mind melded.
or other topics similar to this.
i still dont know if i were instead hacked? that 50 years ago tv show's script werent like that and they changed? i dont know and dont' think so. cause the video visuals also matches up with that for instance card topic.
one day i would buy dvd of that tv show to check this aspect, whether if i were instead hacked or not.(i were wathicng it from netflix)
it were like when i mentioned martial arts, the tv show mentioned Sumo martiqal arts(with also making fun of my fatness beside, cause i were mentioning i think jijutsu martial arts, then this sumo martial arts topics passed in tv show) . it were like this exactly.
it felt like some entity that is out of time dimension is trying to show communication to me via that.
but then i thought ok, if there is such communication, i am glad to receive learn what the good aliens would tell, whats going on. i mean why they selected me to communicate to. what message they would convey to me? is it just an alien pal from a distant galaxy that is out of time dimension? that wants to find friends on world? e.g. a coder friend? guh? or is it like they are just not showing nerd friendship to a coder person instance but just trying to understand humanity with monitoring and sometimes randomly communicating to people?
of course this is just a belief. i dont know if my belief is true actually. this is just how i interpret. but i dont know if my interpretation is correct.
it might be as well just coincidences. i have no idea.
but i am very sad that my medium to communicate to good aliens is not applicable any more. cause i watched all those episodes of that sci fi show. and also listened all anthropology dept's podcasts from that university thaqt podcasts i wanted to listen to form their titles.
its just absence of medium to communicate situation exists and its pretty unsettling.
cause i really want to try to continue to communicate and not revert back the communication that happent. but all my medium to try to communicate is finished.
i need to find such other scifi show.
or maybe a scifi book. maybe they would go back in time to change book's writings to try to communicate?
lets buy some scifi books then. maybe frombooks this time this coincidences topics happens.
i just dont know. it might as well be just coincidences.it imght have been just coincidences and nothing else. i might had created a belief to myself based on just coincidences, it might be just coincidences and my belief might be quite incorrect/untrue. i dont any know.
but i theorize maybe good aliens started to communicate due to character assasination that hapepnt to me, plus unrelated to that hatred crimes happent on online last year.
so i think it might be as well because i were tried to be slandered with lies. i mean maybe good aliens communicate to people whom are unjustly tried to be hurted with being slandered with lies.
maybe religions concept is actually aliens, maybe Gods are aliens, whom tried to order world. or alike, that maybe sometimes aliens communicate to people whom were tried to be slandered with lies.tried to be hurted with slander/lies. then those times maybe aliens communicate to take the character assaisnaion process ongoing person change her focus to them instead.
i think maybe sometiems aliens communicate to people whom lived very unjust stuff, e.g. character assasination process that happent to me with impossible slanders/lies.
maybe aliens communicate in such cases sometimes to those type people like me.
i am now over character assaasinations' trauma some level and dont enter to ptsd trauma mood whenever i see a slandering defamation incident. but before all felt very traumatic. now it feels all less trauma. i dont get enter to trauma when slandering incident with impossible lies happens now.
but i had confronted an enless character assaisnation process for last 5 years. confronted persistent defamation attempts/slandering. but now i dont enter to trauma that much whenever i confront a slandering incident with impossible lies. i am much more powerful against inner wise i mean to character assasinations process of slandering/triying to hurt me with slandering/defamation with impossible lies.
and not to forget those tv show or anthrpology podcast coincidences, which means i really might have alien pals. what can be more happier than having alien pals? :D i mean whilst very unjust things happent to my life like character assaisntion process happent i were tried to be slandered. but now thinking, *** everything else, i might have alien friends. that takes away the trauma feeling of persistent character assainstio/tried to be slandered situation i think alot.
i mean i believe aliens communicate more to people whom confronted unjust topics like hard topics like character assasination topics that people whom tried to be slandered with very very very very very untrue lies and with theathratical slandering methods that i reported hundreds of blog pages, their methods of stalk slandering theathres. anyway. i am innerwise much feeling stronger against that. i feel like trauma somehow healed to some level. i dont know how but i feel innerwise stronger against character assaisnation that happent to me, that i were tried to be slandered very brutally.
anyway. nothing is more happier than possibility of having alien pals. cause unlike your idea that my alien pals dont exist, i really believe they might exist.
cause that tv show coincidences were really really weird. like really if some beings out of time dimension alters tv show i watch (that tv show i watch from netflix, whihc is casted 50 years ago). like learning a literal in some linguistics paper that day 2 literals, that are very eccentric, that are really ececentric, and it passes in tv show the same day. or others that i mentioned. i really started to think i might have alien pals that is out of time dimension. but of course i am not sure.
i need more scifi tv shows to watch understand if thats the case.
(but aliens pals i mean good aliens. i dont have any bad aliens pals and i wouldnt want any bad aliens pals either ) (bad aliens are aliens whom does for instance volcano disasters on world) my aliens pals are not bad aliens, they arenot responsible for disasters in world any.
my aliens pals just try to communicate with me through that method of for instance anthropology dept podcasts.
one thing sure--> i am unsure if i have aliens pals. it might have been just coincidences at all. i have no idea. but it feels as that tv show and anthropology dept's podcast coincidences seems to me as if i really might have aliens pals (good aliens thought not bad aliens and they dont do any disaster on world, they try to stop bad aliens doing disasters from instead).
one thing i am sure; that i am very unsure if my interpretation/belief is any correct. it might be just coincidences at all and I might had setup a belief to myself based on just coincidences. so my belief might be completely untrue. i have no idea. maybe it were all just coincidences., i dont know any.
its yet not two channel communication. maybe sometimes some day a book text might have been taken as 2 channel. i mean it started with repeating my sentences in such medium. then sometimes i observed in a book study i did some topic i mentioned a reference to it happent a book written long before. so that might also be such coincidence. i dont know. anyway.
but i am so unhappy that i am devoid of method to try to communicate to aliens pals (if i have aliens pals). cause the series of episodes of that tv show finished. anthropoilogy dept podcasts of that university finished. so feels unhappy that no method to try to communicate to exists any at all.
i think i would as told try out this time then novels/sci fi novels maybe.
again to restate:
one thing i am sure; that i am very unsure if my
interpretation/belief is any correct. it might be just coincidences at
all and I might had setup a belief to myself based on just coincidences.
so my belief might be completely untrue. i have no idea. maybe it were
all just coincidences., i dont know any.
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