My investigation turned out such  systems operate in uv range but are like large buildings of capable of producing thousand of trillion of watts per nanoseconds. So if it were flashed to sun it might affect 700 miles and plus transfer huge energy to sun's plasma layer. Bur I have no idea if that would create solar flare or not. So if it weren't natural it were done from world from families like buildings like huge places with huge energy sources. Not space weapon tech. 

Turned out the space weaponry tech concept of limited up to 1million watts can't create such any impact on sun. 

This if werent natural came from a facility with huge energy connection/store. We are talking of thousands of trillions of watts like power scales.(per nanoseconds)

So space weaponry possibility filtered out from what the heck happent check. Unless fusion energy has been able to be started to use in space systems. Other else this much energy consumption stuff doesn't yet exist in space as far as I know. I mean if laser systems happent in space, with under 1 million watt power use cases(which I took that numbers from laser weaponry I checked info of) it can't create solar flare any on sun. 

Since we know it's time, all we need to do is then check huge laser facility labs in world of from known ones in case if this were unnatural. Bur space weaponry is filtered out (unless peoppke invented methods  to utilize fusion in space weapons concepts)(that seemed to hadnt happent yet) (since for fusion we are newly seeing innovations in world)

So if this were not natural only explanation would had been a laser studies lab in world that were not in dark side of the world those hours. It could be an unknown place either. 

So my feeling about this: it could be just coincidence actually. If not weneedto make infrastructure of world stronger against solar flares in case this were used other times with creating more powerful solar flares. 

But my feeling is that: this could be just coincidence. 

Cause I downloaded the dandelion with sun image later than sun flare occurred without knowing in advance. Only last image I shared in that images set is an image downloaded earlier wtr to solar flare time. And all others I downloaded with searching sun set. That last image but, I downloaded not any like that it were an image I randomly saw and downloaded. And but liking that image as told later I downloaded other images with searching sunset word. 

I need to check physics of sun flares to know how much watt /hours could trigger solar flares to investigate more.

But definitely space weaponry possblty is out of possibilities. They don't have that much energy as far as iundrrstood but only maybe facilities in world might have such energy output capacity for nanoseconds time frames. Hmm though still I m confused how I downloaded dandelion image after this solar flare happent. Though on 29th I downloaded that sunset image randomly (last image on that image batch that I shared) and for instance downloaded dandelion on 30th very very after solar flare whilst traveling sun set pictures since I wanted to download such pictures of sunset. 

If there were any psychic stuff it's retrocognition. 

But there is slight very slight possblty that this might been done by a very high power laser facility on world either. 

But that has none relatedness to  retrocognition like topics either. 


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