Only attention I liked that I observed is from one country but I wont mention which one. Thanks to kindness I told before also. (It is in west but won't name where is). But otherelse I observed attention from alot of places from everydide, attention freaked me cause I dont like attention. Specifically in such topics.
Topics I like are topics like aliens or other galaxies but not world issues. And I don't like attention on world issues. Cause I don't like world issues. I wish to invent space tech to go to other galaxies as told.
So please dont include me in world issues. I dont like world issues. I wish people solves world issues best. My issues I wish to solve is how to go to other galaxies like stuff.
I stated my opinion briefly in general what I think of world issues. But otherelse I m not involved in world issues nor capable of solving. So it freaks out to observe attention also related to world issues.
Wotld issues is not my expertise area and find it creepy to get attention on such topics.
I kindly request no attention on world issues. Cause blogs topics is topics like aliens/other galaxies and unrelated to current issues of world that I hold no specific talents to solve. (I m not a diplomat. It's unfair to ke to be dragged to world issues that I have no background expertise of to check nor solve) I m not a diplomat. I dont have experience in eorlds issues. So its unnice to be taken to such topics.
I only talk of other galaxies or aliens or projects topics. Other else topics freaks me out cause I have no experience in world issues. I m not a diplomat. I have no such background nor expertise nor talent.
I briefly stated my views but that's all. I freaked out when I saw I were tried to be dragged in to world issues topics. I m not experienced in such topics and find it unfair. We are not the ones who created crisis of world (elephants grass) I don't want to be grass bushes under huge world crisis. My blog is unrelated to world issues. My blog is about aliens/other galaxies or projects etc.
It freaks me out and I feel like grass whilst huge crisis of world issues happens when blog is taken to world issues even if its not related.
It feels like being grass whilst huge elephants hanging around(elephants is analogy to world issues/crisis). When attention to blog happens. It feels like being grass.
I reflected my humanitarian sided idea on the topic and thats all. Otherelse I find it scary when I feel like being taken to such topics like crisis in world. I feel like grass when elephants hanging around (elephants analogy to world issues/crisis in world to restate)
If there were anything I could blog to solve world issues I would be happy to. But I am not a diplomat and world issues versus me resembles ephants grass analogy at most. I don't think I can solve world issues cause I have no expertise in such topics. But I wanted to just state my general views on those topics and reflect the most humanitarian side/views I found the most humanitarian as I observed such crisis in wotld. But I dnt liked attention cause I have no skills to solve this issues. I atbmost would be like grass when elephants hangout(analogy to crisis in world)
I think takinf my blog to that world issue is not ok cause I m not diplomat and I have no skills to solve such world issues. And totally makes me feel freaked out cause I feel like grass
I wish I learnt sumerian fastest so that blog topic can't be taken to world issues topics. 🤪
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