i think the stuff of that aliens communication again happent . or not i dont know, this one might be coincidence. or not. i dont know.


i thought of something and then the topic passed in the text i read. a text written many many time ago. 

it might be as well coincidence.

but if not, then i ask aliens where are your spaceships I want to visit other planets :) 


ok most possibly it were just  coincidence. 

or not. i dont know.

i wonder how spaceships of aliens are. if they could travel in time, i wonder their tools in that. maybe quantum computers? hmm. i mean i wonder their dimensions physical rules, maybe we cant live in such dimensions? since physical rules might be quite contrary to ours. or maybe its similar but they have some machines to do time travel? e.g. quantum computers' extended future versions? to do travel to other superposition states that actually exist (my time interpretation is that past and future all exist at the same time except the edge of future) i wonder if their dimensionality geometric wise dimensionality is similar to ours? is cartesian frame also 3d there? (in theirs dimensions).


ok my talks (monologue like blog paragraph) with the hypothethical alien beings whom i think program universe superposition status. but i am not sure, it could be just coincidences. 



ok recent that interstellar movie reference makes me think,  i think then hmm i am expected to do invent something. or they just wanted to communicate taking song i listen to? not that they specifically want gravity related invention from me? or maybe they want me to invent. as told i am already building study to tyr to invent new maths grammar. maybe this communication is related to that?

today: i progress on understanding homotopy concepts. yay yesterday i first time saw an other algebra's example even if i hadnt started studying to that. 

and i read the proof of SO3 homeomorphism to S3 with amazed stare. I think whenever they try to construc t/check higher dimensions in topology study, it becomes very interesting/amazing. 


i had no idea SO3 could be homeomorphic to S3. actually even this could be used in quantum computing related maths. 

what they created in this topology topics seems very amazing. 


just wondering how S3 could have been, then learnt they already did some homeomorphism like that and i said heey this is cool. never could imagine such homeomorphism between matrix groups and S3. this is totally amazing homeomorphism.  

 but i think i would need to go over homeomorphism chapter once more. later i finish the homotopy chapter. ok seems as this week i might finish this topology study. 

i definitely think topology is very amazing field. as i have a chance to come to these specific chapters and i wonder the amazing diagrams and euler number of spaces like topics i saw in following chapters. 

 ok i think topology started to get fun after these chapters. of mugs having chapters or where you have to think of glueing how to glue edges of a square or quotient spaces either, (hmm i completely dont recall alot about cosets, about algebraic quotient topics but in topology i learnt an unsimilar versions of quotient topic exists. made me remember cosets topics and that i needed to restudy the abstract algebra such chapters. also remembered the famous cool Haar measure and but i need to revise them either and measure theory also. cause i also forgot about cosets specifics in Haar measure. i actually remember cosets but dont remember about that algebraic properties in abstract algebra topic . i need to revise later.. now first learning these unknown topics. like topology etc. then would  revise those topics later. ) 


topology were severely boring then it started to become severely fun at topics of SO3's homeomorphims to S3. I were wondering about S3.  (higher than 3d dimensions i mean and specifically that space).

topology's initial chapters were very boring but now its very fun. but also i think getting used to think like that, for instance about homotopy topic, would take some time since i am not a math genius nor any type of genius. but its really very fun. i hadnt expected topology to become fun. because initial chapters were severely boring.

coming to aliens: hey aliens thanks for communication:)  can i get a ticket to yours spaceships to visit other galaxies if ever possible one day? :) pleaseee if its ever possible :) i wonder alot other galaxies/other planets :)



i dont know if aliens exist. but i really suspect they might actually really exist. i believe to such belief. i mean its like religion. its not factual, and based on just coincidences. but ask me, if you ask me, i really believe in to my own religion that i built based on coincidences observations i had.  i really really believe to my own eccentric religion. that aliens program our universe. and communicate with me like that. but please you dont believe, cause its unproven and a very very eccentric/esoteric religion. i mean this topic is just beliefs, not proven contrarily also not any like usual religions either. so i expect you request blog readers to not believe to my religion. cause this religion is just a belief that i had setup. it is not backed by proven data,. but i really really believe to my eccentric religion.  that the coincidences are created by aliens and that i am communicated by aliens via that. but this religion is just for me. please dont  believe to my  eccentric religion you readers :) cause my religion is not proven or just based on coincidences. so i wanted to restate that since its very eccentric type religion :) 

and its not exactly like religion either, its just a metaphor to religion concept actually. not exactly metaphor either. it just attributes wise does not match nor fully contrast with religion concept  either entirely this topic i mention. its just i have such belief (its wrong to set it call it as religion either). but i really believe to. 


its a belief i mean. that aliens communcite peek to my universe. from that scifi tv show repeated sentences coincidences and latest coincidence i mentioned before. but its just a belief. it could as well be just entirely all coincidnces each coincidence. so its not possible to check factuality level of my belief cause i need to know the usual probability distribution of this type of coincidences to get to a p-value like hypothesis test maybe? i dont know. maybe some distribution could be used to check this unlikely happening coincidences pdf (probability distribution function) to later try to create some p-value check (null hypothesis check) maybe. but there is noit enough data for that either. 


so in such uncertainity, i have had setup this as a belief. that aliens communication like that happens. but its just a belief,, but i really believe to this belief.  to me its no different than fact, cause the coincidences were very unlikely to naturally happen. (e.g. repeated sentences in scifi tv show i mean) (it were, it felt like, either i have been hacked or  aliens did that).


there is also the possibility that i actually have been hacked. (in that scifi tv show repeated sentences coincidences).  iit would be very sad if i were hacked. in that case, i would definitely have no thoughts like aliens existence. 

so my belief would be broken/irrelevant if i were hacked instead. i wish i wish alot i werent hacked.it would be very sad if i were hacked instead. cause my belief would become unsupported (for me to believe) if i were hacked instea


i really liked this belief:  of believing to other galaxy beings existence and their communication. 


so one of the most interesting topics i ever seen in this year 2022: learning SO3 and S3 is homeomorphic. its truly awesome. never could imagine such homeomorphism could exist in between S topology space and matrices topology spaces. i just find this the most awe creating topic i ever saw in learnings in 2022. or even 2021 either. i think this is the most awesome interesting topic i ever encountered in my maths study until now.  i think i also liked similarly Verlet integrator design and its basis La Hopital rule were it ? i forgot the difference equation its used underlyingly. but i think i found the same creativity awe to the maths topic in that topic also either, i mean in Verlet integrator. but i were upset to its lacking stability control topic, so i devised a stability control mechanism to that through differential geometry knowledge and i still need to write a paper about it and a library. but its pages are left out to be accomplished later. ok. later. or i think through the grammar tooling i create i might write it there using such tool either. anyway.  i mean i intend to use create a maths grammar not specifically using ANTLR like toolings but specifically compilers grammar tooligns and there, in such i think i could code the maths theory beside optimization of verlet integrator (to control its stability level) there later. very later. this is not any urgent any. what is more urgent is creation of initial maths grammar, then switching to coder ai proejct etc. 


so there is a lot of tasks to do study. first topology topics needs to be learnt until last chapter. then there goes c. algebra. then revising previously learnt topics. then maths grammar/clompiler design in some compiler toolings etc, etc. then also followingly, study of the Fregean wise semantics layers etc. and the syntax layers with NLP toolings etc etc. so lots of topics needs to be yet still done in the coder ai phase of the building a new math grammar for quantum physics project or exploring all other possible math grammars to reduce the complexity of quantum physics.


----so end goal of this project, is reducing complexity of differential equations of quantum mechanics. that would be followingly used to try to check advanced more complex superposition states with macro settings not H2 atom's orbits like usual defacto qm equations level, they are usually not complex as far as i know. so the blockage to do simulate adfvanced qm physics is beacuse their differential equations are hard differential equations that are just not calculated but tried to be figured out without solving the euqations(for higher than H2 configurations) so goal is creating new maths grammars to try to reduce that complexity so that more complex forms of qm configurations might be invented that might even create capability to create home quantum copmputers, that first one i want to create for my coder ai project also later. that my ai works with both qm structure and also usual compiuting resources. (what the heck, a copy paste got attached here without knowing that i ) 

anyway. i wanted to detail my ideas my project goals alike. 





 i also continue to do volcano detectiving at times and i wish good aliens stops bad aliens doing that. (just wanted to state, aliens i communicate are not the aliens that does volcano anomalies. aliens that commnicate to me are good aliens not the bad aliens that does anomalies in  those topics) 







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