today's evening to be studied continueing studying to topology.
i decided reading important topics of world i just wanted to focus on topology study right now.
i wish to talk just such topics in blog for a while. like topology etc.
cause i believe that aliens interaction i mentioned (of scifi tv show repeating sentence) might be like interstellar movie, that i might be an inventor in future, i already actually inthis project try to invent new grammars for maths for quantum physics actually as a goal, so i took that aliens possible interaction (to rephrase that they are good aliens, they dont do volcano disasters in world) as related to my studies/hobby projects that take my silly resting time other than sculpting/reading topics i wonder of.
cause i think and think and think over and over again those specific tv show coincidences of repeated sentence, I just find it very weird, and i tend to believe really to possibility that aliens that are capable of time travel did that. or other else i were hacked and sci fi tv show sound were modified? i dont know. i need to find dvd of that show to understand.
i tend to take that some aliens peeked to my universe said hi with that repeated sentences in scifi tv shows. if i werent hacked. i dont know.
i took that as very important. maybe i could invent soem other transportation mechanisms with qm physics later, then could travel other planets also yayy :)
i decided to focus to my inner world and my goals instead of doing explanations to recent misinterpretations that happent. i decided to stop replying to any misinterpretation whenever happens and just focus to my inner universe of projects.
there is always stars like shining like hope/all good things in mind. i mean hope of all good things. unlike unnice stuff like misinterpretations happent or unlike wars/war possibilities in world we read.
i decided to stop interactions of my blog world to outside. i mean i wont interact when i see i am misinterpreted. i wont reply to clarify since it takes alot mental/life energy to get upset to have been misinterpreted etc or when to reply etc
instead i would focus to stars in my mind, to projects i hold, i mean new maths grammar specific to quantum physics. but that would take alot more time. i hadnt started commutative algebra studies yet.
yeyyy a multimensional disc and its homeomorphic transition to a multidimensional cube. were kind of point i left in topology. it were about homeology topics. then would start some homotopy topics.
as mentioned, i understood that, it takes alot mental energy to try to fix misinterpretations so I decided i close my world and wouldnt reply to misinterpretations since it takes alot mental energy sorry but i stop replying to misinterpretations and stop my interactivity side of the blog of clarifications etc.
yayyyy homeology learning now. later homotopy. hmm then commutative algebra. yayyy then would have to boringly revise measure theory again. hmm and also abstract algebra again. then but at that point i would reach point of being able to write a baseline core grammar that i would exploratively explore autogenerated other grammars also and plus new measures/integrators etc etc plus would revise quantum physics studying i had at least 20 chapters or more i had studied to qm in one holiday last year. i were trying to build a quantum physics level molecular simulator to try to create invention in wind turbine design with some specific idea i wondered (i wondered if rotation of world could be utilized to enhance a more efficient wind turbine design) then i stopped since i decided i build a coder ai first, and so that i dont code the at least possibly 30k code of simulator code. so actually coder ai as mentioned, were thought to auto code the quantum physics simulator project since i were lazy to code 30k of code and still i have no intentions to code but instead as mentioned would first build a coder ai that i am currently studying to. yuppp. later afterwards quantum mechanics simulator, i would investigate other entanglement configurations that could be used to build home made quantum computers to build a quantum computer platform for the ai to build space tech of for instance changing physical frameworks inventing new ones etc etc and trying to go to other galaxies with that. so my goal for this project is traveling other galaxies goal yayyy :)
i stopped my world to interaction. i mean i stopped interactivity side of blog. since it takes alot of mental energy to try to fix wrong misinterpretations hey.
yesterday i thought the usual query of why its just 3d this place? i mean geometrically?
then what could have been topological space differences if it has been 4d?
one thing i observed, people presume that 4d or higher d is topologically similar to 3d.
if we take subspace topology of S0 S1 S2 S3 then it becomes visible that such subspace topologies are not homeologic. so, why do we presume that 4d is topologically similar to 3d? that could as well be not like that.
i mean we dont have guarantees that 4d would have been homeologic to 3d. there is no such rule.
i wondered why its a 3d universes but not 4d in geometry wise.
i then wondered if we lack to see the 4d with our perceptive skills. if our minds hadnt progressed along 4d perception lacking such module, but then but the physical systems also behave as correctly to physical frameworks we constructed upon 3d reference systems. why its 3d query makes me think if its a simulation. cause i mean why 3d? why not a mixture of 3d/4d reference frames? or higher dimensions? this geometrical dimension limit makes me think it might be really a simulation. cause nature wise, if it were a physical system evolved itself, that 3d dimension constraint happent itself, then i expected some scenario like physically evolving universe needs some situation to be 4d that there is some unpassable energy barrier or something that makes it constant at 3d. but then why does not it also stay to 2d other times? i mean why physical rules sometimes dont get to 2d? i mean geometrical universe dimensions/reference frames, it being constant seems so awkward and makes me think it might a simulation. but i might be wrong either. maybe this dimensionality (Geometric wise) frames might have some self reinforcing structure underlyingly so that a 3d dimension universe section never sees 4d or else 2d either. so this might be then not a simulation in that thinking mode of how universe has this such constraint.
and i think coming back to original topic i mentioned: why do we believe that higher dimensions are homeologic to 3d? it can else be having unrelated subspace topologies. it can be similar and might not be either. there is no rule to state that over 3d would be homeologic to 3d. it could be even cyclicaly changing. that there are cycling subspace topology similarities along the dispersal of other geometric wise dimensions reference frame structures.
ok so as visible i hadnt studied for a while topolgoy were at that homeology chapters. so need to continue study now. wishfully i finish alot chapters this weekend and then i could continue the huge task of remaning task of 600paged commutative algebra textbook which is the final huge task before maths grammar study. and other tiresome side would be revising measure theory and abstract algebra, but wouldnt take alot maybe weekend i guess. but i doint know how much commutative algebra learning would take. anyway.
i am pretty sure after finishing commutative algebra, thatw much knowledge is stll would not enough to build a maths grammar. but i agile wise stop studying learning such math topics at that point other wise coder ai wont be ready any soon. after these i would switch back to linguistics studies again to do build the Fregean wise/type semantics layer.
yayy so last years' vision were first wind turbine product then switched to idea of new transportation mechanisms with qm then i left that proejct' awhile recently recent months as i rested i wanted to be lazy for a while. but started taking on studying to project again recent weeks.
i am still at the beginning chapters of topology study. hadnt learnt topology yet. but at homeology parts right now. i were very lazy to study to topology but finally took on my interest to study again. i felt like i ddnt wanted to study to these topics for a while. i guess i needed rest. anyway.
so, this weekend's goals:
not realistic yet; finishing topology study. i am so eager to start final text book of these studies, i mean commutative algebra. cause i dont know about it any. have no idea of.
i still find that alien interaction possibility very amazing. when thinking over and over again about that repeated sentences in sci fi tv show (i wish i werent hacked). it really looks to me like if some beings that could travel time did that altering tv show sentences to interact with me like that. it might be just coincidenfces.
but i dont think so.
either i got hacked and that were just alteration of the scifi tv show's sound?
or it were coincidence? just sole coincidence? it feels unlikely so. it feels to me i really have alien pals that communicate with me like that. (they are not the bad aliens. they are good aliens and dont do disasters in world. i meant pals that communicate are good aliens i believe so. like interstellar movie it might be even future humanity beings. or ai beings from future. i dont know. but it seems to me really it feels i really got communicated. since that were very unlikely stuff to happen by itself. or maybe it were just coincidence. i dont know. but i very believe that it werent coincidence and i got such wise communciated by beings that could travel in time. but its a belief. its an eccentric belief. please dont believe to my eccentric belief that i believe cause its unproven and very eccentric :) . but i really very believe to it. i really believe. i do think i believe that i have aliens pals. that could travel in time that did that repeating my sentences in that scifi tv show coincidences on netflix. but its an eccentric belief. it is unproven/might be incorrect. it might as well be just coincidences. its a belief for me. anyway. ).
gosh i confusedly write a topic wrongly i tried to write good aliens dont do disasters in world. but wrongly missed some part of the sentence :S its because i am tired:S
i think some disasters of volcanoes like stuff are done by aliens(bad type aliens). in my eccentric belief.
but my pals my alien pals are not such aliens , they are good aliens and dont do such disasters in world any. i believe the aliens that interacted me might even be protecting world from bad aliens disasters. so i have such eccentric belief. since its unproven and very eccentric, please dont believe. its just a silly belief i setup. but i really really really very believe in to. so its a personal belief stuff. eccentric and unproven.
topics i discussed might be just coincidences at all. and no aliens existing etc.
but i really believe aliens pals exist and did that tv show coincidences of repeated sentences. it were on netflix. one coincidence happent in a 50 year ago casted sci fi tv show. other were 20 years ago casted scifi tv show etc. and happent alot those time such coincidences. either i got hacked. or it were coincidence. or i really have aliens pals. i have no idea. but i set up such belief system to me afterwards, an eccentric belief system though, that i believe i have aliens pals that could travle in time to communicate with altering scifi tv show's script. which feels awesome. i think having aliens pals would be very cool:) but i am not sure either if i have aliens pals. its a belief. not proven. anyway. maybe it were coincidences all. or not. i have no idea. i just believe that aliens did it that repeating of my sentences in that tv show. but of course i am not sure any. its a belief, and a very eccentric belief.
it would be sad if it turns out i were hacked instead. cause i liked this eccentric belief. i wish i werent hacked and i really have aliens pals that repeated sentences of me in tv shows.
even if i wernt hacked, it might again still be just coincidences. but as told, i really really really believe to my own eccentric belief :)
i detailed this awhile when happent. like my pain pain pain sentence. it were like hours ago i told pain pain pain walking in my room. then in tv show set i watched, an alien whenever mind melded with Vulcan said similarly 3 times pain like i said. or other, sumo martial arts 1 hour ago or alike i blogged about that my mind is jujitsu martial arts like agile and tv show then in some point talked of sumo martial arts. then i thought yeah my mind is not any agile i think i were wrong to think like that and i thought it as aliens made fun of my weight. anynway. then in another one, i blogged i am awaiting my card to go to doctor or alike. i had to renew my card awhile. then 1 hour later, tv show had scenes and a person were waiting card and said that sesntence and card concept were also very similar. so i really think it might be aliens pals communicating. or else, it could be just coincidences instead either. some other topic were, like one day i learnt two very eccentric rare idiom/literals in linguistics study reading that i wondered meaning of, then tv show told both of them, again Vulcan told them. i guess this one might be just coincidence, but the literals/idioms were very eccentric either. and 2 of them happening felt weird. but this one might be just coincidence. anyway. so as visible i really believe aliens pals are doing such coincidences to me of altering past scifi tv show in past time (they travel to past to alter tv show's scripts like that) anyway.but its just an eccentric belief. unknown/unproven. it might be as well just coincidneces. so i might believe to ,my eccentric belief but please you dont believe since its an unproven weirdo belief. but me myself i really really believe in to my eccentric belief. i think in that sense its resembling some level interstellar movie. but i dont know why aliens communicate like that to me. .
i am sorry but i stopped interacting. i might wanted to for awhile at least become none interactive blog that doesnt interacts any. i am sorry for this new noninteractive mode of this silly blog. :S i am really sorry for stopping interaction. this becomes like this for at least a while. i want to become focused to blpogging only and studying to projects. but i would stop interaction side of blogging and very sorry for that.
sorry for this stopping interaction side of blog:S
bye to interaction side of blog.
i feel tired i think i would rest the remaining day with awesome interstellar soundtrack. i really think aliens really communicated with me so this is why i like listening that movie soundtrack alot. but its just a belief. but an eccentric one. so please dont believe to my belief cause its unproven.
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