hmm tried to find a gaming laptop that is not expensive. I tried to keep price under 1500 euros. I think i dont want to spend alot.

its for coding environment for hobby projects. my other laptop is slow(and some screen corner popped out after had fell) and other pc has no external graphic card. so I needed a better coding environment but tried to choose the cheapest priced gaming laptop options with at least 16 gb ram and i7 cpu models (8 cores). 

price is important cause i dont want to spend alot. I try to instead collect spare money from salary instead of spending. not in mood of spending alot but instead in mood of sparing from salary.  i even did penny pinching of 300 euros and found 1300 Euro priced laptops instead of 1600 Euros priceds. I think i entered a mood of sparing money even did penny pinching of 300 Euros that much mood of sparing money beside.  hmm 1600 priceds had even higher cpu models anyway. i think this would still suffice for coding.

yayy since i priotized ai project, i wanted to buy a gaming laptop.

also want to play computer games sometimes on weekends. 

hmm if i had more spared money (if i spent less last years for instance) i would i think stayed in 2200 euros price range laptops of razer or mac's such models or erazer or omen.  or something like 1700 euros priced from omen also could have been.

but i am also in sparing money mood and so i gone with the most economic priced ones.


hmm ai project's then coding environment would be ready.  

though i think to come to coding needs at least 600 paged commutative algebra study yet still. so there is a lot to come to the coding phase yet still.

hmm but my pause at topology stopped. i now contiue. i somehow got paused at topology study. paused there. but be able to continue now. 

hmm so tasks left before coding grammar side:

- finishing this topology book which is now possible before i paused and stopped studying for a while. now i can continue. for a while i left studying to this project but continued now.


-  that learning commutative algebra to learn modern maths. it would be my first modern maths reading. i mean more abstract maths.


-revising measure theory knowledge previously learnt in speedy fashion (mt also belongs to modern maths)


-revising some other algebra (abstract algebra) very speedy fashion


- revising quantum computing algebra in a very speedy fashion


then i would be able to continue grammar writing study. i mean just the core maths grammar initially for the coder ai phase of the project, then linguistics side of the project would resume, of semantics grammar in a Fregean approach but not exactly Fregean, just to exemplify the task's scope that is used, hmm, then another layer, then knowledge storage retrievel layers, ontology systems beside, so that to be first inital layers stacks for coder ai phase of the project, then would try to make this ai be capable of having general intelligence, then would try to have quantum mechanics simulator be written by this ai, and with doing some explorative maths grammar generation capabilities to explore alternate maths grammars/algebras to use in qm topic. so this commutative algebra is very important in generating the baseline for that explorative maths grammar part of the coder ai baseline. coder ai is just initial phase of ai project. as told before, i have no goals of automating coding in coding industry. no such goals. its just in these projects a coder ai is necessary to accomplish the coding of the qm simulator product.

hmm following stages would be then, exploring molecular simulations to investigate alternate superpoisiton/entanglement configurations. maybe through crystal(lattice configurations) and even other possible molecular design optionalities, so options of also moles counted configurations would be explored to investigate possible home based quantum computers optionalities so that i could explore option of building a home quantum computer. so i mean alternative entanglement/superposition configurations would be explored. to add quantum computing capability to the ai by then.


yayyy i would add playing computer games times to weekends sometimes or also weekdays evenings.then would resume linguistics side of the project.





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