this click sound in glass that i suspect whether i am conditioning myself to burp when that happens that its not any weird topic, i wish to investigate through already existing simulators.
hmm qm dynamics revising time. this be hobby project whilst i gave some break to maths studies.
i want to investigate possibility of what kind of stuff could be happening in that click sound on glass which i think it must be just me conditioning myself to burp or such and nothing weird.
but molecular simulations has been interest to me last winter or summer i think,
to revise some quantum mechanics knowledge, might buy again some textbook for that.
ok seems as fun. since i would investigate whether my burping is correlated to some phenomena. whether i condition myself to burp everytime a heating/deheating sound comes in home.
i guess this home's glass is soda lime. i wonder its heat/deheating properties that it can create some crack sound as result. then i would check whether if any quantum side channeling or any such stuff could alter that or not.
why i wondered, its because of my burping conditioning of myself that i wonder about.
and its also because i really like quantum physics or physics this topics to revise/reread or check.
hmm would try to get to learn some simulator but its not quantum level. hmm quantum side level would be just theoretic i would just try to setup theories cause i dont have quantum simulator any yet.
hmm but as told i wish to write one or ai write the qm simulator later.
but visibly i gave some break to these qm project /ai project.
hmm i wonder what is the components of my flat's glass. is it sodium lime or some other components be present? is it strengthened glass? or just usual glass?
so this be the interesting project, left maths study is also interesting though not like this study.
since i really am very intersted to qm topics.
and its because also i want to investigate this correlated burping behavior.
but i dont know the content of the glass of this room. i mean extra contents of it. or its flux content either.
i were feeling very down last weeks/last month and i decided i add such topic to days because in my last weeks mood i dont study to maths either. so this additional study might enable also studying to maths either.
hmm after work or the day i felt very tired today. i think due to stomach illness whihc as told i took appointment to. there is still time to day of appointment either. last 3 or 4 days were worser stomach illness burping syndrome felt worser. anyway. soon doctor appointment taken.
hmm other topics i mentioned of i also would perpetuate (related to trying to build a life in somewhere other) but today as i am sick, i want to do some other things but then continue that task on tomorrow.
i felt very tired i think due to stomach illness i think. anyway.
hmm so now its time to have some fun of quantum mechanics related stuff studyings/simulator readings.
but simulator is not quantum level either. but i want to simulate glass molecules like heating like if its heated then cooling to make the glass like industry glass in the simulator and base that molecular structure to investigate quantum theories there. thought yet still i dont know the ingredients of the glass any in this flat. i actually investigate burping correlatedness with glass crack sound topic in this topic. i want to investigate whether in stress mind can create a quantum effect that creates crack sound in glass.
but its most possibly not like that. and its just coniditioning self to burp when a heating deheating based crack sound happens.
this crack sound took my interest for a lot time. and i really burp everytime crack sound happens. i really want to understand why. i mean i want to understand whether some quantum stuff happening or not or that i just have some conditioning to burp or its kind of fear response of me to crack sounds unconsciously. i dont know.
but more interesting is to revise quantum mechanics knowledge. hmm. yupp. i wish my favorite one other textbook beside me that which i might revised some topics when working to those topics. its not.
or else i am just bored inside emptiness of evening and find some interesting thing to do and i think its related to that. this truly be a hobby project.
oh again tiredness started to impact. i think its related to stomach illness whihc i would have checked soon.
one topic i read before were that light(wave) is particle and particle is light(wave).
so in such composition of glass, de Broglie topic takes my interest of the wavelength of the particles there. and such topics. hmm. anyway. would need to continue studying to particle physics for that side.
but later. i in tandem need to continue to maths studies and specifically that advanced topology studies for ai project.
yayy then after all, the fun of linguistics would start, or NLP time! yayyy. i think NLP is always fun topic.
hmm but today evening's empty time is reserved than to the hobby project of glass topic. i mean burping topic check.
i wonder what is wavelenght of particles of lime or sodium inside glass in angular momentum of world.
i wonder if the debroglie reality of particles, their wavelenghts, what happeens when coincidens with other wavelenghht debroglie matters. could this be a crack sound source? if there is some particle in glass or material of any that has also corresponding configuration in mind, could their matter waves interfere with each other? what are their wavelengths in angular momentum of world?
this be the basical initial theory to check in advance i mean most simplistic qm explanation. other qm explanation would be checking quantum channeling topics which maths are very hard but could be checked. or not unless emulated. hmm. lets go with first the most simplistic explanations. like checking interference of matter waves in angular momentum of world.
what is the matter wavelenght of Na's protons for instance?
i think this DeBroglie topic is very interesting.
but one thing i didnt understand that, when accelerating an object from stationary position to some speed, in that tiny elapse of time of very low velocities, would not be there huge wavelegnths as i remember some topic like that.
in our real number based physics systems, in that continous speeding object in such aspct, at some moment has huge wavelenght due to the fraction of time with very low velocity. then in such fraction of time if matter exists in huge wavelengths, e.g. when even we are moving our muscles to walk, in very low fractions of time, our particles then have very huge wavelegnths. unless velocity has some lower limit.
coming back to the real numbers based number system in iterating states of such velocity change e.g. when we walk or hold our arm, in tiny fractions our molecules be presents in huge wavelengths then get compressed in to very low wavelegnths? is it how De Broglie topic says to us? than matter interferes in fractions of time alot. so this fraction of times physics i also wonder that. or maybe there is some limit to that that is taken as constant that limits that behavior of wavelengths.
i need to revise measure theory topic to try to devise an alternative measure system to this acceleration to some velocity behavior's fractions of time physics. so in acceleration, i think universe all interferes is connected if i didnt misunderstood DeBroglie. but this is not complex like quantum channeling like topics either. but its just, if you think of DeBroglie then it comes that every moving object that has velocity change then would interefere with another moving object in any part of the universe. so all universe is connected this is what came to my mind when i saw De Broglie topic, i mean in that fractions of times physics.
but that be basical topics. with not advanced maths. and maybe there might be some limits that would limit suhc behavior. that it might be an invalid idea/wrong idea.
hmm many particles simulations quantum mechanics i think that i would investigate with new maths as wondering the dynamics of such system. hmm thought need to revise the quantum mechanics book as mentioned.
hmm. so lets create some funny motto on my stupid idea (might be invalid idea): if you want to connect to blend with universe, do some aerobics :)
(i mean about movement topic)
though universe must be flowing inside us at any time in such definition either. even we dont move. i mean other moving objects.
anyway this is just a possibly invalid idea due to lack of background necesasry enough knowledge in physics of.
if you ask me, in such definition even astrology wouold make sense then :)
i think i right now dont have enough knowledge to talk about these topics so might my idea be invalid very invalid.
i just for a moment got thought about Cantor's real number argument which i had a counter argument.but forgot about it, might remember about when i revise that topic, i mean i fogot my arguments in insisting only rational numbers is enough and true and real numbers does not.
in again thinking this fraction oftime physics topics, such real numbers/rational numbers and continuity topics becomes key points. maybe with homeomorphisms or homotopic equivalences, we can define new constructs to that real number line in checking this fraction of time physics again.
hmm but infinity arithmetic be the same as in all such discussions unless you set up an unusual covering open cover approach. hmm that could be as well checked.
i mean to try to understand this fraction of time physics dimension.
though i dont know about these topics like De Broglie topics yet alot so i need to recheck sometime after.
hmm i understood that my theory is wrong, since the velocity is very low so wavelenght behavior wouldnt have huge distance coverage.
as told i lack lots of knowledge yet still. so my idea of spanning alot distance magtter waves were stupid.
cause velocity is very low at that moment.
hmm it has been a stupid thought exercise type to think such idea imho imso. its because i am learning or revising some topics and i need to revise/learn other topics to setup correct more correct ideas unlike this above very silly idea :D
hmm but again i would rethought this topic after i learn more about this and revise qm topics.
hmm as trying to tnhink of, i understood i dont know enough yet on this topics.
so matter wave based interference from universe corner a to b seems implausible then just through only matter wave based application.
but there happens other topics like quantum channelin as far as i remember that breaks again locality and enables above nonlocal use case.
but again, in angular momentum of world, there might happen intereference of a person in a room with an object in a room maybe. i mean geometrically but with veyr low wavelenghts. so we do interfere with the room everymoment due to angular momentum of world.
but can that create crack sound in my roonm's glass? that some low level low wavelength matter waves interference can it alter glass's physical system?
why not. then in such theory, whilst burping and its pre deoxygenated mind situaiton related to apnea, mind local regions might do some crisis behavior maybe like more signalling some region etc that it intereferes with roomt's glass? maybe some matter in our minds has an effect to the room's glass's matter wave when they interfere?
ihadnt checked out plausibility of this for serious, i am just exercising my mind. maybe its implausible. but geometry of room makes me think matter waves might interfere during angular momentum of world. and if glass has a matter that has some reaction with mind's some configuration, than it might create that crack sound.
so theory is still not busted :) i mean the initial theory trying to explain my room's crack sounds correlations to my burping times. i mean i sometimes burp without that alot actually liket hat. but many times when crack sound happens, then burp also happens.
i started to get bored of this topic of investigating my burps. it must be just that i internally scare when crack sound happens (heating/deheating sound) and give such fear response with my sick stomach. or else it could be also unknowingly conditioning myself to burp when crack sound happens.
i am already bored of this topic :)
i mean simulating glass to check its molecular configurations then checking theory of matter wave interference simulation of various matter configurations inside mind, it just feels right now very too much work.
in the end it might show we can alter a some distant (not alot distant, in same room distance) glass with matter in our mind. so what. it feels the end goal knowledge is not interesting enough. it would just mean like that. i am sorry i susually get bored of topics i setup to myself like this fast. see how much enthusiasm i started to this topic, now it feels not interesting that much, or a topic that i can delegate to ai later to investigate/calculate instead of me.
i foresee that there is a lot effort to accompllish this goal with not so information wise high reward, i think its not priotized. it could else other time investigated by ai, i could check other topics.
i think i am very lazy person to think like above. but i just cant find priotizing this hobby project any interesting now. cause it does not have huge end result like in terms of gained knowledge wise.
maybe it oculd be that matter interference could be used to do create new energy systems. wth regards to world's rotation either. i mean interference of specific matters creating reaction and creating energy.
and using nothing else other than existing materials in world and their wave behavior.
hmm but feels not interesting right now cause i think for this latter one, information gain is high to get to be priotized, but its still boring. it does not change that to be investigated simulation is its coding etc is very boring. (or i think like this due to adhd and its not boring, i dont know, i might be thinking like this due to adhd).
i would delegate this investigation to ai later.
it just only interesting thing project seems to me ai and learning advanced topology like topics. then when ai is ready, it could be coded to investigate this usage of matter waves in world planet to create other green energy forms with no bad side effects to environment. not alot apploicable either i just cant even do any inference. i just did stupid type creativity and have no boundedness to feasibility factor right now. its not even a brain exercise right now. its really unbounded to any feasibili dimension right now. it might be quite infeasible. but still there is margins of feasibility to check/later with ai.
hmm again correction time:
i wonder whether if matter waves of my mind's matter configurations and my room's glass coincide. it seems feasible in some geometry configurations but not every else other.
this topic is a feasibility independent brain exercise but more of a creativity exercise i think:)
cause geometry wise making that happen is not any studied yet. so let this be just a glimpse of a slight mind eercise not any bounded to feasibility dimension right now.
but i am as told already bored of this matter wave topic whgilst blogging about since i guess due to adhd condition of me.
i think i would delegate investigation of this topic to ai later.
but first priority is learning right now advanced topology. then commutative algebra. then continuation of coder ai project as mentioned.
this hobby project related to matter waves topic is cancelled. i mean simulator etc etc. its cancelled. i am alreay bored(due to adhd). it could be delegated to ai to investigate later.
though later is still alot time maybe, cause i still have to finish this topology study then commutative algebra. and revise a couple of other knowledge areas.
it might be implauisble but there is a slight margin of plausibiluty in just brain exercising this topic, it might else be implausible either.
but honestly
i think i need to first,
other than that, i wonder also
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