yupp i decded to try to invent cancer fight medicine when daddy became cancer.
hmm i would start with imaging technology. hmm this project beside ai project would be much more priotized.
hmm i remember seeing how electron microscope works.
now its time to as i learn particle physics physics to devise something noninvasive and better than tomography and second step would be cancer fighting nanobots try.
hmm for instance a tomography like device that could show a specific DNA straing having cell locations inside the body and nanobots in real time attacking inside the body that unhealthy cancer cells.
hmm this is my idea. i saw already nanobot rpojects exist.
hmm i want to figure out an imaging mechanism to cancer cells through knowledge gained along the time in physics as i continue to study.
i believe its possible to create a tomography alike device that calculates the position of some dna strains that which are cancerous cells and the nanobots would then be moved to them.
hmm so its particle physics time to try to invent such imaging mechanism that is like iterating nanometer nanometer wise imaging along the cell stratas to image every cell in body to find cancer cells dnas.
hmm so the imaging mechanism should be able to send some particles not specifically photons to some controlled nanometers wised controlled region and should be able to figure out some specific molecules arrangements. hmm so it should be some static device that iterates the search of cancer cells nanometer by nanometer. through some particles that are sent to a location and stay there and at the same time these stuff should be able to with a secondary mechanism create imaging of molecular structure.
then the nanobots could be sent to like t cells eradicate cancer cells. yuppp.
so this side project be a project of trying to invent such new type of tomography device.
i wont stop ai project study in tandem cause ai can also help inventing these and nanobots either.
guh started to get interesting in medical imaging device innovations i mean stuff like tomography. but it would not be done with high energy photons either in my hypothethical device unlike tomography.
so what i understood from cancer is, not knowing location of cells is one issue, specifically if there are hypothethical stem cancer cells be present that are unresponsive to medicines.
so if we figure out a very good imaging mechanisms a hypothethical one like defined above and if we also create advance nanobots tech to send them to exact location of the either stem cancer cell or other cancer cells etc, then cancer would be actually cured.
hmm so lets go more to particle physics study to check out what could be done which particle could be controlled like this. (that can be sent to a specific location in body that iterates nanometer wise scan of the body i mean beams of such particle scanning body)
hmm lets use my silly creativity in particle physics to device such medical imaging device. not known if its possible but i am pretty sure i would figure out some method to accomplish this brand new medical imaging device, that which can scan body nanometer wise and find cancer cells location correctly that at the same time nanobots would be transferred to alike t cells.
so i think coder ai project also could help ni this project in maybe nanobots project side etc. but before all i in tandem to topology study for coder ai, start some more extensive study to particle physics and theoretical physics and common physics to investigate possible building options of such device with whichever particles. it couold be even quantum level interaction thinking. of sending some molecules to some positions with quantum channelling and these stuff needs to also have capability to understand the protein structure of the dna there to discriminate in between normal cells and cancer cells.
this would happen as a side project to ai project cause i believe ai would exponentially make it easier to build the tech at least. underlyingly, to save dad from cancer also one huge motive for this new project goal as second project. as a side project.
its time to get creative in physics time. to try to save my dad from cancer illness.
i believe if ai gets ready it could make happen nanobots building time very short that i could save dad and that building of this device either it could shorten such period of such medical device building time.
normally i would had given maybe a decade to this project to accomplish it but i dont have such time so ai's help would be very necessary in making this project turn to product., my coder ai assistant, i need to resume topology study right now. and lets at breaks to study consume some physics knowledge like particle physics etc and other common knowledge to try to create ideas on how to setup such a device.
timeline of project: saving dad from cancer. (lung cancer).
i wish new treatments creates enough time to build this medical device project and the corresponding nanobots aside project (robotic t cells).
so goal: programming body with nanobots. and making cancer history and also fixing tissue damage with again nanobots.
yupp i would need to study the biology and medicine courses from coursera awhile related to immunology and general medicine knowledge i guess to get a look view to molecular topics regarding those topics to be helpful in design of the medical imaging device.
i once started a biology course related to genetic engineering i think but left it since were busy. course given professor looked like Einstein look alike professor :) i mean hair style/fashion style looked like such professors/scientists :)
hmmm so tonights goal hmm some particle physics readings and then later studying to topology study.
plus i believe quantum channeling might be use to transfer things and scan body nanometer by nanometer wise so of course also quantum physics would be studied also.
i believe such new medical imaging device could be also built not with particle physics but quantum channeling.
maybe it would be very hard to control particle physics behavior.
e.g. take neutrinos for instance, could we make them travel in body nanometer wise nanometer with device control then use something other to interact with neutrinos to create some imaging of the molecular content there. i remember neutrinoes unlike rays can pass through body with no interaction. hmm what if we controlled where neutrino is and interacted with neutrino with another particle that and which all together might be used to construct some struct at that nano location in body to later try to do some electron microscopic imaging like stuff with another particle but not rays still.
so it can be a definite noninvasive medical imaging devise in this mind exercise of particle physics wise solution that whihc is not any known if is any feasible.
i think both qm side and both particle physics side there might be solutions. but most important is finding those solutions most urgently and i think i need to focus on ai project more just due to time constraints i think ai would build the device much faster or make its production very fast unlike usual invention/building time for suhc projects. and similar for nanobots either i think ai is needed regarding the time constraints .
so wouldnt do some fun with linguistics side like investigating world's languages grammars but would try to setup a common intelligence having ai fastest. but not would reduce effort spent to core maths layer as i want ai to be quantum computers pluggable. as there are already qm computers around in world.
normally i intended to have some fun at NLP linguistics phase of coder ai project like learning more about world' languages i mean basics of not any like linguistics. but just as hobby to try to spare some time investigating grammars of various languages of world like study it would had been. but not having such fun time of reading about grammars of languages and there is strict time constraints for the project.
for ai:
hmm not ai but its a coder ai. anyway.
i need to be very diligent in fastly building this ai project and by the time it gets build /connected to qm computers, i believe these devices manufacturing might be having very short times. cause i mean qm computers have exponential computing capacity and with base knowledge the ai could gather from reading wikipedia or medical books or particle physics or physics, it could create designs for that medical devises and also creates robots that devises that medical devices so that it could very fastly be built to save dad before cancer illness tries to take away dad from our family.
so it would be an anti-cancer device: i mean the medical imaging system and the nanobots for it.
hmm. so continueing topology sstudy now and would do much much less laziness everyday unlike my usual days recent times where i do lots of laziness beside.
time to build coder ai became having stringent constraints. yuppp.
i am hopeful. but i need to be faster. i need to be lesser lazy every day and study to ai project everyday.
i think i can accomplish that. but i think i would need still 3 months or alike to make ai having common intelligence.
so let this month to spare and half a month other month also for maths studies to finalize then creating the maths grammar. then 1.5 months or 2 months needed to build the nlp other software components to reach out a common intelligence having ai system i think.
then at the same time i need to at break /rest times study to particle physics and revise quantum physics knowledge studied 1 year ago. and try to create ideas to such medical imaging devices as mentioned. then the ai would learn about particle physics and physics from textbooks like me (but much faster of course, uncomparable i think i mean i might spare a whole year to sutyd some physics/maths topic and i belive ai could be able to learn much faster maybe in a week and if its a quantum computing plugged ai, maybe minutes or less or alike. ) . for instance to build medical devices necessary enough knowledge i might gain fastest in a year or more, but i believe an ai system can learn in a week or so instead of my slow pace which conflicts with the situagtion that there is not enough time, cause dad is cancer. so earliest/fastest product development is the current goal. no time for fun tasks like learning alot more grammars of other languages or previouy i planned such spare time at suhc phase like some such intellectual task like that but its indefinitely postponed as there is not enough time for any such topic. ai needs to be built fastes and therefore the medical imaging device and nanobots techs also afterwards. i dont have luxury of having enough time to devise such projects myself right now which might had even took a decade if i tried to accomplish myself. there is no such time. ok.
i am very hopeful the medicine tech of current time controls the dad's disase so i have more time to build these devices. but his cancer type is not good either. lets see. i wish dad stays with us long time. and that i finish these projects so i could cure and fix this unnice cancer illness that happent to our family or happens to lots of other families in world.
right now only most important resource is time as i planned this project this evening. so day's evenings and weekends would be spared plus holidays.
so lets try to build the common intelligence having ai in 3.5 months then.
most huge chakllenge initially is to finish the topology commutative algebra and revising mt or analysis studies in 1.5 month. but i believe i can accomplish. now that i have a time constriant i believe i would be not lazy to this studies this time unlike recent months.
i wish i could save dad before illness tries to take away dad from our family..
(hey this device i think might also fight other illnesses either, i mean nanobots could eb used to recover tissues also. some molecular engineering in body it be summarized as. with nanobots that i saw some scientists studies to use in cancer illness already that they created nanobots whihc gets activated with photons and plus they attack cancer cells/tumors. )
from my initial look a view only thingi saw lacks is knowing where cancer cells are exactly. or stem type cancer cells. or other cancer cells. i mean to know where cancer cell that is adhesively traveling body is. so that after treatment illness does not recur any cause all cancer cells would be eradicated through such positioning with such hypothethical medical imaging device.
this project might even make humans eternal. i mean controlling telomers and all protein mechanism of the underlygin genetic material inside body with nanobots could make it possible to live to forever imho.
it would have been cool to live to forever.
but i myself dont know if i have enough time for this project due to stomach illness which i dont know what illness is anyway soon would be checked. i would do my best to finish these projects soonest.
i think most important challenge of humanity is and always been medicine as i saw how i got amazed to new cancer treatments solving previously unsolvable cancer situations/controlling stage 4 cancers wihch were not possible before with that success rates. i totally got amazed.
then we need to change this topic of motto of: life is short topic. life could be eternal.
but i dont know myself if i have time that much to build such devices.
lets see. i would do mysbest to finish earliest. i think it would go faster whn coder ai is ready.
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