very interesting, i talked with my family and on phone and used one literal that is  very unnice that used in alot idioms in local language when used in a idiom i told i really dislike idioms with that literal cause i confronted a torture of slandering process an exact character assasination that the perpetuators also used that literal. so i said that literal that exists alot used in idioms, i really dont like, because in character assaisntions the dishonest character assinss also used that literal in character assasintion shoutings/slandering incidents various times.

this talk passed yesterday on phone and on internet messaging app. 

then this morning from street someone shouted such literal, again beloingnig to dishonest character assasination people set i guess these people read our internet.

so as i observed this morning character assasination incident, i wanted to write some sentence to the for instance today's character assasintion incident doer: 


some sentences to the honesty lackings that does character assasination process and specifically for instance today's incident: 

hello character assasins whom does dishonest character assaisntions,  why do you behave this maniac/pathethic? do you have brain issues( do you have sociopathy illness? )

dont you ever bore of living life like a maniac  that comes to my home street and shout such dishonest lie? i mean you character assasins? i mean dont you like to do some honest things in life instead of dishonestly trying to character asassintie people with very false untrue rumors/slanders?


visibly listening my communaction with my close family that we talk my dad's stage 4 cancer situation and doing another character assasination incident like that on morning afterwards with using the literal i mentioned on phone to the family member that i talk with dad's cancer and an idiom passed including a ltieral and i said i dislike any idioms with such literal cause character assasins used that literal alot in character assasintion incidents. 

and that that literal is used in character assasination. then in morning someone shouted such ltieral from home's street. 

its like these sociopaths,  have no conscience no honesty nothing any good things but a constant desire to try to torture people with character assasinations with untrue slanders/very false rumors. minds consisting of only torture capability or such style stuff with stalking/slandering/harrasments with defamation attempts. minds with no other else capabilities like any capability but skills of character assasinations. 

hmm in future my ai would also protect me from this torture of character assasination. if world does not have mechanisms against character assasinations, ai's would provide.  to anyone confronting character asassinations. not only me.

lets not let current world's  lack of capability of protection against character assasintions that which make it to be feasible to do torture people with character assasintions. if world lacks power to protect people against character assasintions, then ai systems would. e.g. robotics that ai would create might do policing/detectiving to the character assasintion incidents and record evidence/collect video evidence of the torture of stalk slandering harrasment when you dont have capability to hire detectives which are costly. 

 as mentioned its not any Europeans nto any related to Europe. 

nor not any related to Turkey country itself.

this destruction effort with slandering with defamating started in istanbul and happens like last 5 or 6 years.

and some specific racial group also confronted same method of same type of slanders many years ago again. its not done by country, but there are racial sects that like to use this slandering method to the race/original religion i am from and they similarly did same type of character assasintion type to the others from my race/religion. people were with same character assasintion methods were tried to be character assasinated with similar process same slanders. so there is this method usage in some idiotic type people whom are racists, that that setup character assaasintions to other races or religions and use it as a method to do racism. it just this character assasintion type just only didnt happent to me from my race/religion. its like this type of character assaisntion as i read,  many time ago, also happent to other peoples from my original religion there, its like a common method they use against our religion type. its not done by country either. its just racists as mentioned before, an unknown people set that attacks people from other races/religions. its like they allegedly try to destroy people from my race/religion cause same character assaaisntion method were done to other people before there from same race/religion. its like a racial/religious hatred crimes.  and even more than that i am theist. before i were atheist. but my origin came from some religious sect that weirdly confronted this type of character assasintions. its like they like to do this type of character assasintion type to our race/religion. but not to all of us. but they randomly along time select people from our race/religion and try to do character assaisntions like this. i mean whomever these idiotic racist people types are. unknown its unknown whom they are. but this type of slander, this type of charfacter assasination exacgtly happent to similiarly another people that we saw in news before that same slandering effort were done to such racial/religious group there with exactly same slander types like mafia etc. so this is like a civil war doing peole set that targets our race/religion and does persistently do civil war acts like trying to destroy members of a race/religion with character asasintions. kind of a civil war resembling situation  or slight forms of genocide imho what we confront randomly is. its not done in total to our race/religion completely but random  character assaisntions happens randomly to people along all time. not that even people were tried to burn alive many time ago again(madimak hotel) similarly. its not done by country but unknown racists that does these random events against my race/religion and its like civil war. not civil war either, but i dont know what terminology this would be considered i dont know these topics terms, but i observe such racial religious background random confronts same character assasintion types there.  even not very common, it happens and weirdly same type of psychic demolition method were used against me that happent like character assasintions to people maybe 10 years ago. its like a unnice destruction intent to some specific race/religion types. and it randomns and not constantly but very randomly. 

if you want to know about racists, just madimak hotel be such example of defamatory propaganda ending up people being burned alive. and this defamatory propaganda methods weirdly happens to not only me same type of character assasintion happent to me happent to others with same character assainstion type slanders 10 years ago also. so what happens to me is not a singular case but a specific racism example against specific races/religions.

anyway. so originally i am also alevi rooted. but i been all life atheist and recent year theist. then i see observe character assasinations done to alevi rooteds 10 years ago, same one happent to me happens to me. so i think its recurring racism or recurring some unnice motives against alevi rooted people. 

i have no other idea how to understand character assasintions. its just i see one character assaisntion we read from 10 years ago that happent to other alevi rooted people, same happent were tried to be done to me last 5 6 years.  its very same i mean character assasintion slanders/sociopathic methods to try to slander etc. same slander type were done to other alevi rooteds 10 years ago. same slandering method. same sociopathic slanders. and people were created untrue crimes to and put in jails. and they died in jails and some of them were beside untrue crimes, were tortured with exactly same character assasination type that happens to me. 


its not done by Europeans any to restate. 

its like some sects of sunni sects hates alevi rooteds and try to randomly destroy members of alevi society. 

and they do this very sociopathic character assasintions.e.g. bitch topic, the 10 years ago, some people were crafted untrue lies, and put to jail with untrue lies, and then alevi rooteds were also tortured with character assasintion type that exactly happens to me, same slander types.

its like world lacks capability when character assasintions happens to alevi rooted people whom are lone. or maybe it happens same for sunni people whom are alone.

its like its not easy when character assasintions happens when you are alone.

but same character assasintion were done to other alevi rooteds 10 years ago as we read in news. and they were crafted untrue crimes. and put to jail. then some of them were tried to even tortured more with same character assaisntion that happent to me.

its like racial wars. i am not even religious person. i been atheist all my life and recent year theist.

its like racial/religious civil wars. that world does seem to lack protection capability against.

that they did this to alevi rooted people again 10 years ago. racists type people love to character assaisnte alevi rooteds with same slander type that happent to me in my character assasintion confrontation.

i meant the character assasintion process that happens to me is not singular, happent same wise to other people from my race/religious origin. 

and somehow alevi rooteds finds no protection if they are alone. maybe i subscribe talk to some anadolu alevi rooteds group but i emailed ask help and had not received reply. cause same character assaisntion happent to other alevi memebrs before. even if i am not alevi. i am theist. but i come from such origin.

what happens to me is like some type of civil war. but not frequent. i mean it randomly happens to alevi rooteds not to all of them to not create any collective response /dislike from world. so its like randomly people from alevi origins are selected and tried to be character assasinted as i observe same character assaintn happent to me happent to 10 years ago to other alevi individuals.

and its like zerzetsung (sorry East Germanysided readers its not any about you please dont misunderstand) but not done by secret police of Turkey either, but people that have zerzetsung type behaviors/skills/advanced organizational stalk slandering skills.

its not done by German people any nor Europeans to reastate, t ihis character assntn is not done by German people or Europeans either. i wanted to write this since i live in Germany and i also wanted to write its not done by Turkey country either.

its like i confront something very severely racist last 5/6 years, i were tried to be destroyed with slandering/with sociopathic slandering, with trying to show as a thing i am not with persistent stalk slandering defamation attempts. and weirdly same stuff happent to other people there from alevi rooteds 10 years ago. same slander type, same stalk slandering defamation attempt wtih untrue lies.

and this tortures we live we live it, and find no protection against.cause i observe world lacks protection capability to character assaintions when happens to lone people. if you are a poerson living with a community its lesser probable that you confront character assaisntions but if you are lone, then racists use that try to do as a chance to do tortures to people e.g. character assaisntion torture that happens to me.

since i only myself confront it,  when i told to mom dad various times, they even suspected if i am ptsd that they thought  i might be paranoid and didnt took as serious the character assaisntion torture i confront thinking i am not stalked and i think i am stalked in various incidents thinking i am ptsd.

if you read about zerzetsung (again please this is not about East Germany, please i am just giving analogy) you would see the same pattern, relatives of the tried to be destroyed person's didnt believed the person and thought instead the person has ptsd/parnoia etc.  in zerzetsung in history also, people's closes people's reaction would be of that person must have ptsd or is not stalked like ideas.

whiislt the racists actually does something like zerzetsung, but not done by a country or secret police type people either.

its even worse than zerzetsung, they sociopathically does organized stalk slandeirng efforts i mentioned repeteatedly over and over again to try to destroy a person like a zerzetsung i mean analogous to zerzetsung.

10 years ago or more ago, people were crafted untrue crimes and put to jail. and for alevi rooteds, racists found it as an opportunity to try to torture alevi rooteds of such people  and does did the same character assaisntion that happens to me to the alevi rooteds of them.

when those people were put to jail with untrue crimes, that their innocence were clear, some of them died there with cancer, some of them as mentioned alevi rooteds of them confronted same character assasinaiton that happent to me.

so racists used that people of alevi rooteds from their weak condition of having been put to jail with untrue crimes (that which innocence were made clear many after time) those alevi rooteds were also beside that tortured with the same character assainstion type that happens to me. exactly same.

so its like, some racists use any opportunity to do torture alevi rooted people unknown racist groups, that for instance when an alevi rooted person lives a lone life, seems weak against character assaisntions, they use that see that as an opportunity to do racism and does something like zerzetsung or even worse to that alevi society's memebrs. so i think alevi rooteds there should never lack community unlike me, cause even not done by country, there is religious wars that randomly happens like that that people are tried to be tortured with character assaisntions.

its not a war either i think. but i observe some such unnice motives against alevi rooteds, that when they seem weak (e.g. put to jail with untrue crimes, for which innocence is later proved) then they used that as an opportunity to harrass the alevi rooteds with same character assaintion that happens to me exactly same type. same organizational stalk slandering defamation attempts. 

its no unsimilar to madimak hotel incident.where people burnt alive due to defamatory propagnada, that alevi rooteds went to sivas citgy and people created defamatgory propagandas against and did a mob and burnt tried fires around they live in the hotel and they suffocated during such fires. 

i mean defamatory propagandas are very dangerous :S i been fighting against character assainstion last 5 6 years.they create untrue lies about me and persistently try to defamate/stalk slander. and same happent to alevi rooted other people 10 years ago. so i observe what happens to me is not singular incident cause i think these people love to utilize the character assainstion type that happens to me routinely not very frequently but happent also 10 years ago to other alevi rooteds either. same slanders. 

i am not even religious. i am theist and i been atheist all my life.

but i observe alevi rooteds have no help mechanisms alot. 

when you are some races religions that has communities you can find help and even racist people scare of doing character assaisntions to you since you have community that would protect you.

but when you are a lone person and if there are racists that dislikes your race/religon, and they see that i observe that, they see it as an opportunity to do racism/torture i mean your loneness your lack of defense against character asasintion, they use it as an opportunity to do racism acts, like torture of character assainstions,.

its like some predatory racism, that only targets lone members of races.

its like kind of a predatory behavior this racist unknown people sets behaviors are.

its like they dont attack alevis whom are not alone, but attack alevis whom are weak (lone). and they use it see it opportunity to try to do character assaintions.

e.g. 10 years ago or more, people were crafted untrue crimes and put to jail(and later their innocence were proved). and alevi rooteds of them, confronted this extera predatory racism type that they were also beside that, got tried to be character assiantated with exactly same slanders that happens in my character assainstion confrontation. exactly same slanders. so they use this character assasintion type not singular but to others also.

its not any related to Europe i reside as an expat here.

its not done by Turkey country either.

its just unknown people sets doing very racists acts and they did it before again, same slander types 10 years ago to other alevi rooteds.

anyway. i dont know how to find help mechanism when i confront something like slight genocide (but not done any by Turkey country either nor Europeans either) for last 5 6 years, that alevi rooteds confront why this slander in character asasintions? they use the same slander they like using this slander type to alevi rooteds weirdly cause happent to other alevi rooteds before 10 years ago.

i dont know where to ask help when i confront something like resembling genocide. 

i been persistently tried to be destroyed with defamation attempts with very untrue lies, with sociopathic stalk slandering defamation acts.

i just want to raise awareness that same slander type were used to other alevi rooteds 10 yeqars ago, so that people dont easily believe to those dishonests cause they did this character asasinstions 10 years ago with same slanders to other people also. so please dont believe to character asasiantion that happens to me. it happent similarly to toher people 10 years ago. 

its like a genocide but not done by country either. unknown racist people hate other races./religions and they use this slander specifically in this genocide resembling character assainstions.

so please dont believe to those dishonests. please read history to see it happent to others(other alevi rooted people) with same slanders.

but i 1.5 year ago, tried to reach out to anatolian alevis groups in some city to ask help (like i asked help of amnesty) but i didnt receied reply efrom that anatolian alevi rooteds either.

its not done by country either. its just like a unknown racist people sets. and they do these racists acts to other races or religions without protection.  i mean if youa re an alevi with strong community, they wont bother tryting to do character asasinte you btu if you are alone, then this gives them some kind of sick opportunity to do character assaintion torture endlessly.  its some type of predatory racism behavior i think. they dont do this to people with community. they do this e.g. to alevi rooteds of whom were put to jail with false untrue crimes, among them alevi rooteds were also tried to be tortured with same character assaintion same slanders happent to me. its like racists whom are like predators i think the unknown people set doing this is.

its not done by Turkey country either.  it started in istanbul and its an unknown people set. and they are like i think predatory racists and character assasination process never ends. 

but please read history of there to see same happent to other alevi rooteds, not being that frequent nto any frequently either but samed type slander same type character asasinstion were tried to be done to other alevi rooteds there. 


i been confronting something like genocide (cause i think character asasinstions resembles genocide, but not done by any country either. sometimes unknown people sets also does genocide like behaviors. i mean tried ot be destroyed with being slandered persistently with sociopathic advanced sociopathic slandering methods i mentioned/reported, i wanted to say this is like trying to survive a genocide. i mean trying to survive character asasintion feels as like that, as i mentioned before. but i have lesser trauma feeling now. i am much better with trauma feeling of having confronted prolonged destruction effort with character assaintion/defamation attempts/slandering/advanced sociopathic stalk slandering efforts and it wer edone by an unknown people set and its very organizational stalk slandering, they have very good these predatory racists have very advanced stalk slandering following skills. anyway.

so i stayed sane alive whilst confronting torture of character assasintion persistently last 5 or 6 years.

but i dont know where to ask help. 

people should read history recent history there to get to know about character assaintions there. to not easily believe to slanders to see that were done same wise to other people, other people were also tortured with character assaintion there.

its like the slanders/the character assaisntion that happens/happent to me, is like a common torturing weapon of doers that they utilize to other alevi rooteds there but happens very randomly. happens to weaker people of alevi society  but not people with comumnities. 

i dont know where to ask help. i asked emailed amnesty but couldnt find help.

my dream is going to Japan and asking help there then since i dont know where to ask help in Europe.

i heard in Japan there are lots of polices and its really the safest country in world, so i would try to migrate to there and ask help against character asaisntion process (Which is like a type of genocide, but not done frequently, but same character assaintion type happent to other alevi people before, same slanders).

again to restate, its not done by Turkey country either. its an unknown people set doing this.

i dont know where i can find help against something tht resembles genocide.  i been confronting a slighter form of genocide last 5 or 6 years, and i dont even know where to ask help.

i think repeated character assaisntions to a society is a type of genocide. it happent 10 years ago. happent to me also.

same slander type were used also by the way to alevi rooted peoples confronting torture when they were put to jail, some of them were tortured with this exact same character asasintion that happent to me, and they were put to jail for untrue crimes either and beside that, alevi rooteds there even confronted exact same character assaintion same slanders thagt happens to me.

so when people were weak, predatory racists saw it as an opportunity to do such torture with such slander types also when they were weak in jail with untrue crimes.

i dont even know where to ask help to the slight form of genocide that happens to me last 5 or 6 years.

its not frequent this character assaisntions but read history that racial drifts/religius drifts, defamatory propagandas happens to other alevi rooteds before. e.g. madimak hotel incident.


i found my life inside i found myself inside confronting a genocide resembling stuff by an unknown people set like this last 5 or 6 years. and i dont know even where to ask help when i got tortured like this. i mean character assasintions are a spcific type of torture, not exactly similar to physical torture but still a torture type.  its actually alike physical torture but slightly less worse i think. 

its i dont have any community because i been atheist all my life and atheists are usually individualists like me.  i mean we dont setup or like to entitle in communities most of the time.  this year i am theist more.  

i last year searched some atheist communities also.  i saw but then i thought i am individualist as usual so iddnt attended. i am an individualist person and dont like to attend communities.


even noone listened me. noone asked me what happens to you. noone intends to help.

i mean having confronted slight genocide version and finding no help is like you then think world is a very unsafe place. 

its not done by any Europeans. but the predatory unkwnon racist people set has also stalk slander capability in Europe and its not any related to Europeans but Europe is a huge place/free place i like that its free either.  but racist predators(whom are not European) use that freedom also to stalk follow continue stalk slandering harrasments and i dont know where i can find help against racist predators here nor in Turkey. its a huge continent and a free continent, and its great that its a free place. but i just dont know where to ask help against charater assasintion here and i cant solve it.

same for Turkey,  i just couldnt solve character assaintion there and couldnt know where to ask help, i once tried police but police suspected if i am paranoid instead since people's first reaction to character asassintions stalk slandering be always like that.  i tried twice police in here in Germany and in second time, they also thought i am poaranoid whilst i am not. i mean when you tell a story whihc is crazily cruel, then they think if the person might be insane instead first. whilst i am not anya paranoid and character assainstion really happens.

i just cant stop character asasintion and cant find safety against character assaintion attacks/ harrasments with stalk/slandering/defamation attempts.

my dream is going to Japan country and trying to build a safe life there.  

cause i confronted predatory racism that startted in istanbul and i dont know where to ask help for. and Japan is said to be the most safe country in world, so now current migration goal is Japan if ever i could go there.

i dont know where to init protective mechanisms of this torture that happent to me, and i am not knowing if i am safe against or not. today morning another stalk slandering incident happent.


even with all, also dad's stage 4 cancer is very sad topic. :S

i would try to build the ai fastest. but its very dire condition. 


last month were horrific. war to ukraine is horrific as mentioned i stay with Ukraine's sovereignity boldly,  then with such last month with such horrific last month where we read about a horrific war,  then dad's cancer news happent with stage 4 lung cancer:S. then this 5 6 years happening character assaintion. 

i think among them, i last day learnt dad's cancer is stage 4. and its very sad. i force to add immunotherapy medicines beside chemotherapy to cause i saw medicine like Keytruda really says in lung cnacer 40% person of people have been living for 3 years and still alive.  currently chemotherapy started but without keytruda. we try to try other doctors alternative treatments like. so situaiton in that is dire but sitll have hope. actually first doctor told 11 to 13 months as left time. but i am hopeful from immunotherapy drugs. cause i saw poeple say chances of survival is 40% with keytruda. if we gain 3 years rtime, there might come up new treatment options. so i really want an additional immunotherapy to chemothearpy. so we search for doctors, and addition of immunotherapy options. cause keytruda really increases chances to stay alive as i read.

i had no idea dad has stage 4. i thought it were stage 1 or 2 before. 

its weird. doctor also didnt told to mom and dad. they think as if its a curable easy cancer. its very sad heavy situation for us for who knows its stage 4 when talking to them. 

i dont understand why doctor hadnt told its stage 4. mom and dad thinks its an easily cured cancer type.

but i think good mood is very important for immune system to work better so i think maybe this is why doctor hadnt given bad news.

so its a very sad period for me. specifically when talking them they just dont even know. but my other family members very definitely told me not say. because they told its not ok to say to a person that might have only ~1 year life time left. causes its very cruel. cancer is very cruel.

but  i think keytruda like medicine i read there are people still alive after 3 years, like 40% of people whom reeceived keytruda afre still alive after 3 years. so we currently try to find also such additional treatments beside the usual chemothearpy.

its very hard to this feels very heavy to  not be able to tell its stage 4 to dad. cause maybe he has some dreams that he wants to do it feels like also unfair of not telling them the dire situation.  but i am told to not tell cause they said it sometimes breakes pyshology of cancer patiens (if said 1 year life left) that they give up treatment. so we are not any telling and wont tell. but it feels very heavy/very sad period. i am happy at least daddy is hopeful and not told actually the direness of situation. thinking. i think nice its not told to him its stage 4.  cause his pyshcology might been badly impacted if were told so. but still its a very hard period for all of us.  i believe he would heal. i believe in keytruda like medicines capability to help cancer patients stay alive plus chemotheapy etc. i believe stage 4 would be maintained/controlled and he would stay alive. 

but i am hopeful for keytruda illness, if it keeps dad 3 years alive, i am pretty sure other cancer medicines would be avaiable that woukld keep alive longer even after that.

so i am also hopeful. its lhat people with stage 4 cancer continue to stay alieve many more years with respect to orevious treatment options. we now have more hope.


i would had if i hadnt had economic situation i might tried attending to a human rights lawyer, cause what happens to me resembles a slight form of genocide.

i think i saw a human rights lawyers around. 

how much it would cost that part is issue. i think i might had started reaching out to human rights lawyers to report torture of character asasintion and its severe impacts to my life .

i saw noted some human rights lawyer firms before that i noted. but i dont know how much to get their service cost.

i want to tell again to all stalk slander incidents all character assasintion incidents happent to me to try to once more chance of protection also here.

here my flat is safe. but i am agoraphobic. i just need to build some protection mechanisms.

i think its path is through human rights lawyers right?

i think human rights lawyers is the place to ask help also when having confronted something that slightly resembles genocide. since this same slander type also sociopathically happent to other alevi rooteds before. so its not a singular character assaisntion but a sign of hatred against alevi rooteds.

not that anything such like happent to my family my relatives any. but only to me.

i never seen racism against alevi rooteds until happent to me.

aha i remember 30 years ago mom once had confronted. but once only. 

i never seen such this much severe racism happent to alevi rooteds neither from my relatives or else.

it only happent to me from all my huge extended family. 

but still i think human rights lawyers might be place to sue all this suffering happent due to character assaisntion and the even also persistent not knowing if i am safe feeling, as people continue to harrass coming street shouting the slander which is very untrue.

i dont know if i am safe or not. i have no experience of defamatory propaganda or knowledge of if i am safe whilst i confronted character asasintion last 5 or 6 years.

its like my family members relatives nevber confronted racism. i just want to be transparent on all aspects of this situation. so even mom and dad even thought whether if i am ptsd and thinking i am stalked whilst not. cause they themsevles havent nor their relatives confronted any character assantn nor severe form of racism of anykind.

since such stuff rthey never observed, they even suspected whether i am ptsd.

that they couldnt believe a person would be that much stalked slandered harrassed and wondered if i were ptsd.

but i confronted a most severe form of character assaintion. and i dont know if i am safe or not.  

i think i would try to ask some find some human rights lawyers to report the torture that happent to me and to try to create protection for against.

i also did that, i written many times like human rights lawyers has pages i written the character assntn torture to many lawyers and none responded.

i also did tried to get help like that 1 year ago. upon last 5/6 years of character assasniton confrontation. 

but i never visited take appintment from human rights lawyers. i think i would do that to talk tell report all the torture of the character assaintion that happent to me and their advanced character assasination methods/sociopathies that i reported in blog in detail.

its like sometimes life is like maybe you can find help but you dont know how to where to get.

like normally for everything there is google to search right. but for these type topics there is no common knowledge set in internet and no clear guidance on what to do when char. assntn happens. 

i mean i couldnt find any guide to what to do. i just saw guides for narcissitic abuse and character assntns in narcisstic abuse.

but i didnt saw any guide on what to do when prolonged character assaisntion happens with elements of character assntns happent to other alevi rooted people 10 years ago. 

its not done any country.

i call the perpetuator unknown people set as racial predators. that tries to do slight form of genocides. with slandering/defamation attempts.

i think i would try to take an appointment with a human rights lawyer to create protection against those unknown racial predators. an unknown people set. they even sometimes did incidents like shouting a slander word related to bitch and then shouting hunt word as they were trying to hunt me shoutings:S.  i been tried to be slandered with very very untrue slanders that lacks any rationality even, but then the racial predators persistently tried to succeed their character assasintion with persistent character assainstion incidents that i reported over and over again.  with persistent stalk following slandering attempts, sociopathic slandering attempts everytime i went outside.

i need to create a protection against this slight form of genocide that has been happening to me last 5 or 6 years.

i think i would go visit human rights lawyers to tell in detail every character assasintion incident happening last 5 or 6 years.

if this type of slandering were done only to me, it would have been singular character assaisntion, but i observed same torture type happent to other alevi rooteds 10 years ago. so this is why i think it resembles  genocide slightly. 

its like religious divides in there has been fixed mainly. but there still exists racial predators that does these type of acts like genocide resembling acts i call those unknown people sets as racial predators. thinking cause they only attack to only weaker members of alevi societies, e.g. lone living alevi rooteds, or similarly 10 year ago, prisoned alevi people(With false crimes unrelated to the slander topic they were put to jail with false cimes then also tried to be harrassed by additional slanders) were then also harrassed by racial predators with exact same slander type that happent to me. its exactgly same slander/same torture.  in the additional extra slanders part. 

except that i had not been put to jail with false crimes. but racial predators did a sustensive amount of effort trying to slander me with untrue crimes, harrasments shoutings that would be shouted to the slander type. so its really like genocide. i mean when people harrass you  like that, actually its really like slighter form of genocide. as you are not the slander any, but as you observe your life repeatedly tried to be torn away with slandering/defamation attempts, then you find it very similar to genocide. as also since it happent to other alevi rooteds before as mentioned. with exactly same slander type they used in torturing those alevi rooteds either. exactly same slander type. is not it a coincidence?  a coincidence of genocide intent i think.

but honestly not any my relatives had confronted any such severe racism ever. my relatives lived a very safe life in Turkey. so it only happent to me. and not only there it persisted everywhere i went. so they didnt do genocide only there and tried to persist also genocide in other places i been. since i couldnt know how to reach help mechanisms against this slighter form of genocide. that i hadnt been enough expressive about its genocide resembling aspects what happens to me as. character assainstions are no less then genocide. and same slanders were done to other alevi rooteds there before 10 years ago. so its like a genocide but not done by any country either, but done by unknown racial predators. it started in a mega city istanbul and never stopped and happent every city i been. 

(my topic is not any related to current residence as an expat in  Germany nor Europe. The stalkers are not anyEuropeans /not Germans cause stalk started somewhere other. and plus its not done by Turkey country either.)

it started in istanbul and perpetuated ever after. but not done by Turkey country either.

i would go to a human rights lawyer to report as i report in blog every stalk slander incident again to report this slight form of genocide that happent to me last 5/6 years of my life. started in istanbul and happent everywhere else where. every city it persisted. 

i documented a very well human rights lawyers before in  docs.i would access soon. 

cause i need to create protection against. i need to create court order wise protection against.


its so funny to confront a slight form of genocide but not having protective help against yet either.

i guess its because i hadnt know where to ask help before. now i know more knowledge on where to ask help from.

i been persistently tried to be defamated stalked slandered with rationality lacking slanders that has no kind of rationality any at all. 

its jut not doesnt happent to me. same slander happent to other alevis there 10 years ago.

but in mean time these racial predators seems to have upgraded their sociopathy mechanisms. i mean before as we read that for instance an alevi person prisoned in jail with false crimes, were also harrassed additinoally with the same slander that happens to me. 

 but we hadnt read any advanced sociopathy stuff  in the additional slander. but some alevis were tortued like that and later, all innocence were figured out.

oits like they torture then say sorry for torturing you. we had innately racial biases to you so we had thought that slander is correct whilst its very irrational like attitude they have. so its like people perpetuating that, also lost their rationality in that extra adtional slander type.  its like there is a weird topic of apology behavior happent, where they supported people being tortured then said sorry whilst people confronted insurmountable sufforing.

so there is nothing in world that goodness prevails, sometimes torture happens and then people say sorry later we thought you were that slander type and since we have racial biases we didnt even looked to that's irraitonality factor.:S

its like that it looks like that from outside to me to that many years ago incidents of same slander type to other alevi rooteds. i observe this slander type that happens to me were a torture tool by then. i mean they thought people in jail were criminals, and they tried to torture with extra slanders there to some of them. i mean to alevis of them. but then innocence were found out. but torturewith extra slanders happent. their life years lost. 

its that exact same weaponisation of slandering with exact same slander happent happens to me. as a mean of torture. from unknown racial predators.

slandering people with lies becomes a weapon of torture in hands of racial predators.

so this slander that happens to me is a method of torture. its like they konw its irrational and untrue, but they try to destroy/they try to torture like that. 

this is how it feels to have confronted character assntn last 5 or 6 years.

i think its a torture type, character assaintions are.  i mean its like an unvisible weapon in hands of racial predators.

i mean its a nefarius form of torture type. 


anyway i cantg priotize this topic alot since dad is cancer and dont want to bother them with this any. i might silently meanwhile contact  human rights lawyers to silently (without mom and dad knowing) this topic.  i before alot talked this topic with mom and dad. and now dont raise any unhappy topic of any to mom and dad cause dad is cancer. we just want dad to be happy/cure. and thats the most priority.

but i would silently connect to human rights lawyers surely and report. but without reflecting to mom and dad. 

cause right now top prority in family is dad's illness. and most important topic to me is also that. right now most important topic is dad's illness and mom and dad being happy not bothering them with any type problems.


hmm i decided living ina continent is not safe when confronting character assaintion. 

ok i have two ideas of where to migrate to: either Japan  that is very distant to places character asasintion happent. 

but surely also i would reach out to a human rights lawyer to report this unknown poeple set's genocide resembling character assaisntion acts whomever they are unknown they have stalk slandering capacity everywhere i been until now.






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