another coincidence in tv show were, yesterdays i saw sand in movies and also in internet specifically.

then sand topic passed in  a very creepy unnice context in the movie:S

i saw first time ever contact movie's scenes on saturday and the scene of flowing soil/sand from actor's dad's hand. then i started to saw sand related soil/earth related topics in internet such results popped up in internet today. 

then the selected tv has very creepy point regarding earth, i think not only nuclear war scare feeling coincided but also that sand topic coincided with very unnice. like aliens space ship were tried to be crumbled and it created some kind fo electro magnetic field. and everyone in other rooms everywhere went to dust. 

there were an alien spaceship in an underground lab in the movie it turned out.

movie's initial commercial looked as kind of aliens invasion.  but inside the movie it turned out: then turned out its a movie related to an underground lab doing some aliens investigation stuff from an aliens spaceship fallen to earth.

People were investigating it and it didnt even belonged to periodic table based materials.

people tried to crumble it or did some unknown stuff to the space vehicle then it spread out an energy wave and everyone around turned to dust. 

so i think it coincided with sand/dust/earth topic i saw in the other aliens movie on saturday.

if it were a coincidence done by aliens, it meant if ever humans did experiments on aliens they would spread such energy wave i think. since that dust earth coincided alot last days. e.g. on saturday.

so if anuy one ever counters a space vehicle that has materials out of periodic table, dont mess with it please :)

i on satuday by chance watched that famous contact movie's scenes on tv (hadnt understood talks since were in German language) but listened watched and been able to catch up. never watched that movie before. 

the contact movie's scenes, the contact with aliens that shapes the universe like that and the guy father of Judie's playing with sand like that making sand flow like that. then other days when searching internet i came up sand pictures earth pictures (i mean soil)

then last day i read about n w war news and risk of. then news included a topic which made me scared/upset of why the article used such sentence. i felt scared.

then wanted to check aliens replies if aliens talks from future to past with time machines. 

in the movie the aliens were also flowing in universe to different locations with an animation that looked similar to contact movie's animation. the flow of stars becoming looking like lines since everything becomes so fastly moving. that imagery animation type also existed in this movie i randomly selected last day. i see its popular animation type in aliens movies then. 

i dont remember what i asked from aliens before randomly selecting a tv show. i think i asked to stop war and but i also hold huge anxiety towards nuclear war risks i read of. 

then the movie also included n w topic and hold a story about a fallen space vehicle to earth with an alien inside, and humans confuse it as a n w stuff of aliens/weapon of aliens. 

so this were not like those pain pain pain coincidences or waiting card or red shirt etc etc: 

but if it were like that:

i think it meant dont mess  with aliens.

or maybe it were specifically to me? 

since i asked question to aliens if they ever had time machine and talked to past from future?

i dont know i just saw aliens tried to take their guyt o their planet back. and saw its not logical to anyoine to mess with an aliens vehicle if they have vehicles with materials out of periodic table. 

i dont think this were coincidence. its just aliens topic took my interest. but i were hopeful something like other coincidences owuld had happent either in the tv show. e.g. like red shirt or other coincidneces i mentioned before. 

 but i think nothign unusual happent in this one. since i mean coincidence of nuclear war anxiety is not specificly odd bcause its ocmmon to have n w topics in aliens movies also.

i dnt know what the heck is going on this possible aliens communications topic.:)

i mean pain pain pain sentence coincidnece were very very weird honestly. and also waiting my card coincidence. or red shirt.

or another one:  one day i wanted to draw again, and wanted to draw people with angel wings.   then i  whilst in my room thought myself with angel wings how i would look or thought such religious type image in my mind.   then i later that day watched sci fi tv show again, and on same day, there happent 2 people had psychic skills, in a space ship, they got impacted from some interstellar event and had their skills extended/enhanced, then in the movie, the psychic guy were iterating faster in psychic skills wtr to woman, and then in mid of movie the guy read some poem and the poem included words like:

said some sentences to a love of him,

my love has wings  were part of the poem. 

i that day thought myself with angel wings. 

thjough i am not looking like angels :D  the movie's guys and woman were photogenic people & they were thin also etc, and anyway,  

then they were later killed by other humans since they reached severe level psychic skills at some point.

but that were very weird, to think myself with angel wings, then in the tv show seeing a poem having angel wings like sentence. 

i dont know dont remember if that day i searched in internet drawings of scifi characters with angel wings. to draw such image. i were intersted to draw such image that day. i like such drawing styles, e.g. drawings in deviant art. sci fi characters drawings i mean, i used to try to learn that before, i like those art sites like deviant art. even if i dont hold talent alot, i liked to try to learn those type drawing styles once.

actually my drawing interest has switched from hmm when i were child, i liked to draw clothes. like fashion design i mean, but not creative i guess. 

hmm later like in 18s i were into this deviant art concepts but i couldnt invest time alot and hadnt learnt. 

later i had different drawing interests, sometimes dynamic  drawing a dynamic picture etc. not that i had learnt how to draw, but i sometimes tried to learn but not investing necessary enough effort either.

anyway, if aliens did this angel wings coincidence, it must be: either they have telepathy to read htat from my mind that i thought myself momentarily with angel wings to try to picturize such image to later try to draw such drawings not me either but deviant art style drawings i meant.

 i wonder if i searched such deviant art drawings that day or not. if i searched then they dont have to have telepathy.

i really suspects aliens have this technology for real. 

i mean how this coincides on the same day i mean? i mean i think of myself wuth angel wings (i mean deviant art style drawing  jut for a minute or so) then later in tv show such poem passess.

i mean it could had passed in other day right? but passed on that day.

same like pain pain pain sequence.

i on a day, on mornibgn woke up with pain, and walking in room with saomtimes saying "paikn! pain! pain" sentence. then later night at night i watched the sci fi tv show, and the tv show's aliens said same wise: "pain! pain! pain!" sentence whenever vulcan mind melded to him. 

or the day i blogged " i am awaiting my card" then  the tv show as mentioned tv show alien told she is awaiting her card.

or the day i said in my room in Italy, i said "lets do try this. i select some topic and i expect coincidence with the anthropology department's podcast" i looked to my shirt whiich had stripes on it. then that day i had bought in morning huge red blanket since air got cold and it were summer place residence not that distant to sea that lacked heating of course,  as it were a summer residence type, i then anyway, the podcast i randomly selected had turned out to be about red shirts protests in history. then i initially didnt saw the correlatedness of shirt and red blanket and initially thought the test failed :D since i were expecting stripe having shirt coincidnce instead :D i think i were kind of tired by then to not initially observe that coinicidence actually happent. :D i think i were really really very tired. maybe some software project i were working on i dont know.



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