whilst having talked of Sumerians, very very proto-sumerians, aka neanderthals against harrassed with stalk slandering incidents in vicinity of my flat. visibly the unknown cult has rented flat inside building i rented a room like kitchenette having flat, cause shouintg with slandering with one literal alot used in stalk slandering incidents hapepnt. and also curse shouting happent that stalkers repeated one curse and also a literal used in stalk slandering incidents. so in brief, the neanderthals (unknown cult which invests alot to my character assasination) has done various stalk slandering incidents today from their neanderthal cults neanderthal minds they shouted slandering literal with severely untrue slander. so neanderthal cult whichever unknown cult it is, behaved exactly alike neanderthals again today as expected from their unknown neanderthals cult. i think its acult and visibly invests a lot effort to my character assasintion.
these neanderthals never going to stop character assaisntion harrassments. though i really dont cafre and make fun of the neanderthals. :D
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