what i think of n w topic, i just feel like its not handled well by current planet.
i dont know if i should write my opinion on this topic of what i think of this topic:
i feel like this topic is really unpredictable right now and of high risk unfortunately.
i think its much worse than historical crisis in world right now risks.
and i dont find enough experience in planet world to stop this escalation of this specific risk of planet.
hmm i wish aliens come and stop/protect world from n w.
there is an escalation thats going worse. and people react to that with trying to say its impossible.
whilst what i said observed that its quite unpredictable topic.
i find current situation of planet earth grim due to this crisis. and lack of world planets correct governance to solve it without risking the planet.
techonlogically protecting planet people from n w being right now impossible is the most grim fact. if there were any way to protect world, it would have been awesome.
so i wish someone invents something to protect from n w conflicts. i mean some kind of physics to prtct planet from n w blasts.
i just find its imperative in science to try to search soutions to protect planet from this horrific topic.
which i think is not handled mitigated well enough.
i just find world version lacking capability to handle crisis with respect to history and conflicts are much more dangerous not only this conflict but all conflicts in world.
i just cant stop thinking that people whom can find shelters against n w topic dont care dont take this topic seriously unlike we millions whom dont have shelter against n w.
its like there always been a divide among economic classes in world, but this lack of handling risks of n w just boldened this divide of value of life on this planet.
when n w happens we would die. millions of people we would die.
and its it feels kind of crazy people whom dont care n w whom has shelters dont seem to give enough importance.
it feels like value of life on planet earth has not became this much cheap in world's history excluding world wars .
its just feels like if this world topics is a ship it feels like its like titanic. we are on the same ship at all but feels like ship is going in grim directions regarding n w topic and its not even enough talked.
never been the human life value been valued well in planet earth. like racial religion discriminations happening in history / or now.
but feels like during this crisis, i observe its at lowest levels and feels like there is no skill in planet world to solve world's problems/crisis.
so topics from planet earth looks quite grim.
cause the other side whom does such threatenings are quite unpredictable.
i just dont understand why any rational handing of the risk of trying to reduce the risk but without dangering sovereignity and not badly affecting the right to Ukraine to defend it self is not hppngn
this not talking of the huge risk feels very crazy right now.
and its that people who have shelters decide these decisions. not the millions of people we that would die in n w.
and it feels very crazy in that also.
how could anyone normalize n w topic i just dont understand:S
i dont any not to be misunderstood i dont condemn people with shelters. they dont decide decisions of this war. its nice that they would be safe. at least some people would survive.
i just mean decisive powers and their lack of priotizing this topic.
either i am dumb to think that there is an unpredictable risk.
but either dumb or not, i think there is a really unpredictability in this topic.
its just the people whom threaten with n w says their threat and then world replies as it bravado?
i just think its crazy world right now:S
i mean how could any one not priotize the huge risk of death of millions of poeple and say bravado. i just cant understand with my illiteral mind in terms of politics topics and or geopolitics or the n w threats in history etc. i might be thinking wrong.
but i feel a very huge degree of unpredictability in the threat doers side in this.
i think under the silent diplomacy some people should tackle this risk, with silent diplomacy even without knowledge of we people.
i think topics of peace are to be handled with silent diplomacy maybe or at least i dont know i just feel as planet is unsafe to n w risk right now.
and current planet shows its uncapable to solve this crisis repeatedly.
i am not doing any populism here. even if it sounds so. its just the other side is very unpredictable. and i saw no concrete reduction of such risks of n w topics in world in recent very recent last days time frame that i read news of today.
its just i see lack of handling of unpredictability right now.
what is the meaning of wars if n w happens. i mean we are not any suicidal people we rest of world i mean millions of people unlike people whom dont care the risks of crisis. i mean its like some people dont care the risks. people whom has shelters might not care the risk or even find it as adventure if they are crazy, or else people mikght be so much giving importance to war that forgetting value of peace,
its just we rest of world, we dont want to see n w happens. we are not any suicidal. nor we have any shelters to hide from n w or fallout after.
world should accomplish some form of silent diplomacy that reduces this n w risk.
not without even we knowing of.
this loud stuff happening in world of threatenings/or sentences of war etc etc all are very dangerous.
its like a populism done or suicidal attributes or lack of care to human life on planet etc all these stuff looks as.
its like ideologies fixation that does not care even about n w risks.
its like people fixated to ideologies or alike and they dont care anything else even if the planet burns out.
i am sorry if people dont like my ideas on this topic. but its how i thnik.
i feel the huge degree of unpredictability factor in this topic. e,g, when all world reacted an invasion attempt happent.
so why would now people think n w risk is just bravado. i just mean its been a routine observation of not working mechanisms to reduce threats. for instance economic sanctions had not worked to stop war.
so i find the management capability of planet to solve this crisis as also unpredictable.
cause solutioins devised thouoght by planet had not solved war and war happent/happens still :S
so same planet whom thought economic sanctions would work, now tells n w threats are just bravado.
i just find it hard to believe to planet's assessment skills in their resolutions/strategies/ideas in these anymore.
and i find it that its a very grim situation underlyingly. i mean n w risk.
i just see no solution from this planet either to solve this crisis.
i mean silent solutison to solve this crisis.
and i dont trust to solutions devised by current planet.
i just find n w very severe risk after hearing threats from other side of the conflict.
i think silent diplomacy should happen to reduce the risks.
and if its not done, it means planet has no capability to go on and decides to go extinct by just lack of capability of solving a geopolitical crisis.
its just so sad for rest we people wohom are not suicidal nor interested to any n w.
its just my observation is that planet earth lacks skills. to solve crisis. and this crisis is going very grim situation in terms of n w risk.
and underestimating that risk is means you dont care lives of people but ideologies or alike.
this is a severe existential riks as i read other side's threats.
cause that other side is as i think not predictable.
i think its time to do some silent diplomacy of planet to reduce risks. we people dont have to know even. if people would think their credibility is under threat for behaving unrelated to their position in this war etc, they could do silent solutions with we rest of world not knowikng to solve this urgent crisis which lacks predictablity factor plus includes very huge risk.
world seems to be high in testesterone rihgt now.
but the topic under risk of recent discussions i saw, it risks entire planet.
its just this testesterone filled ideologies discussions, i wish a silent form of it gets happens with protecting world, no matter hard it is to solve such crisis.
did we came to an end of world? i mean this attitude? does this means end of world? it shouldnt be like that.
why this much such attitude happens in this topic.
if n w happens we all lose as everyone says.
but decision makers of planet should solve this n w risk silently even if its hard to solve this crisis.
i just dont understand this much important topic being this much loudly discussed in world.
i mean thinking of risks.
maybe reframing topic would make it look more important.
e.g. if there were an alien invasion happening to world, would people discuss topics loudly with aliens? i dont think so. nor would they think aliens wont do create n w? i dont think so.
so why do you think its not severe situation like that right this moment?
why when its intra-humans crisis, its just people think of the usual narratives without covering all risks. but only thinking with more perspectives only in aliens invasions?
i just dont understand how planet earth does not solve this crisis or lacks to solve this crisis.
its like people afre always thinking along with past/history, that history for a long period had not had nuclear conflicts. but present has no boundedness to history . and being bounded to history and taking it as a bravado seems illogical specifically when the stakes are this much high.
its just world changes but people in previous thinking modes dont handle risks effectively.
currently seems as world has gone a rogue place alot. and historical thinking modes dont work. and risk management should be done better imho.
this is not a poker game. and shouldnt be like a poker game.
you are bluffing! I think you are bluffing? and if not--> bom! then world war?
what the ***?
n w like serious topics should not be any poker game like bluffing topics.
if an alien species came to world and threatened with n w, (lets reframe the topic again) you wuold had taken it serious right? why does intra-humans conflicts threats does not get even attention that aliens topics receives then.
it seems to me, human mind is bound to hsitorical thinking mode, a bayesian sided thinking device. so its not easy to let it understand risks. to get away from the limitations of bayesian thinking device mode. to think much more perspective to reduce risks with such approach.
so i think this topic could be thought of aliens invasion and their threats to break that bayesian thinking mode in people that creates thoughts as if threats are bravados.
its just usual bayesian thinking biases i think to think current threats are bravados. but me not knowing geopolitics or history, i tend to take the threats seriously.
i think bayesian thinking is not the correct mode in very risky topics like n w.
bayesian thinking mode is limited in assessing dangers/risks.
i think reframing topic as if its an alien invasion might help reduce the bayesian thi nking mode to think iwhti much more perspective.
this under this circumstances had not happent in history so not would happen now --> is not a correct thinking mode for serious topics. for anyone not knowing what bayesian thinking mode means, i wanted to clarify like that what it means to think bayesian wise in this topic.
its very risky to count on history.
again existentialism. happenstances has no underlying goals nor essence. its just thinking as history as an organic conceptual entity which iterates the happenstances in war topics, is not the correct thinking mode in this severe serious topics.
how you think might not be shared by the other side in war topics
how history is even perceived, or how history lives or when history becomes history or present paradigms happens to exist as present is does never follow any linear path. it could be also not similar in other regions of world also.
so i find bayesian thinking in such serious topics or if its like a poker game, very dangerous
what you think as impossible might be considered in the other side in the war.
what you think as it never happent in history so would not also happen now, might also happen.
there is no intentional course of happenstances in world universe. existentialism.
and the rate paradigms becomes history or new paradigms happens or also existing paradigms hugely getting diverged on war topics for instance is not that much predictable topic imho.
so that i as a result, thinkign to the course of events in this war i read from internet, it feels to me its definitely very unpredictable topic. and very very risky for planet earth.
its just i also thikn that a country's invasion should be stopped. but you can not let n w eithr. i mean ideological wise, it might be incorrect to do silent diplomacy to stop planet being destructed? ideologies? we shouldnt enable this that. we dont care world to burn? why this much fixation to ideologies? current era's built ideologies are very modern/nice but they were very unsimilar 300 years ago maybe. I mean does ideologies matter that much? before 100 years wars, even nationalism did not existed as i know in world. or i due to being illiteral might be not knowing correct. what i mean is, fixation to current paradigms of world with letting the world burn for these ideologies/paradigms of current times, is not the very correct attitude imho. i believe unloud diplomacy could needs to get in work to solve the n w risk. or else letting world burn with n w, it shouldnt be the correct attitude imho.
we can not enable this to happen. like sentences. but what about n w risk reduction? i mean why this much fixation to ideologies of current times which is not equally shared in entire world either.
its just because other side does not share the paradigms of yours side, does mean no right to create legiticmacy to n w risks in planet earth.
its like not all places people world share same paradigms in world. and of course countries must be protected from invasion. but beside that, there could be some silent diplomacy to reduce n w risks imho.
its instead a testesterone filled topic looking from outside.
- we wouold win!
- no! we weould win!
- we wont enable this and that to happen!
- we threat with n w if we dont win!
- we dont care n w and take it as a bravado cause only winning this war matters!
?? what the heck?
i mean all these looks very crazy to me.
i mean fixation to legitimacy of your own paradigms whilst the world is risked with burning or nihiliating other paradigms and or threatening world with n w or taking such threats as not important.
it all feels very crazy planet.
i observed how much crazy it could be when i confronted unrelatedly character assasintion/stalk slandering.
but looking to this war, it feels much more crazy. even crazier than my character assaisntion confrontation honestly. at least my character assasintion confrontation does not risk planet earth with n w :)
world is a quite not that highly civilized place imho.
that Sumerians whom invented writing 5000 years ago, we had not got even a mile civilized wtr to them imho. maybe science tech or such stuff get better, but civilization seems as hadnt any stepped any good place yet.
if we get extinct due to this geopolitical conflict, i think its because we lack capability to protect planet from extinction and ourselves as entire humanity.
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