Solaris Soundtrack Track 9 “Wear Your Seat Belt” Cliff Martinez - YouTube

what a blissful music :)

i mean wearing seatbelt to the journey of aliens interactions.

that its like solaris movie, weird things happens in my life:) i mean the sci fi tv show coincidences?

whom is the solaris planet doing these?
an alien like dr who? 

i took my seat belts on on this mystery journey. and watch with awe all the weird coincidences :)

i think most interesting coincidence were about pain pain pain sequence/card/red shirt etc. and also, i think this rainbow coincidence is quite interesting :D

hey is it dr who? 

cause the tv show coincidences needed time travel to happen :D

 lets add kaleidoscope song even if i dont know its lyrics. 
i usually like most songs without lyrics.

since its like a kaleidoscope either. :D i world of mysteries that started to shine in my universe/world:D

is it a dr who? whom travels galaxies doing it? 

that i wanted to call extra mom/dad :D 


so dr who alien could even spawn double rainbow when i listen a song with rainbow cover ? :)
so its really like my extra mom/dad :D


sumo were the funniest :D

as told i mentioned martial arts and mentioned juijutsi. and then in the sci fi tv show on netflix that night passed sumo talk:D  i think dr who alike aliens made fun of my weight:D

but pain pain pain were very weird, and card also. and also others some others like that.

i think aliens have time machines.

but maybe they got bored of interacting with me cause tv show coincidences stopped.

maybe because i dont watch tv shows alot anymore.

they might had bored. i am a boring person :) 

but pain pain pain were very interesting. and plus waiting card and plus angel /angel wings and plus others.


i would to end of my life times, whenever remember that would smile laugh to sumo related one whenever i remember that :D

it were very funny :D

aliens are funny :D at least time machines having ones:)


hmm i saw mother word in one coincidence, so aliens are my extra mother then? ok :D

i dont know if eq wise commnicating aliens and time machine communicating aliens are same aliens or not.

it might be just randomness instead i dont know but at least friday show me its not at least eq wise communicating aliens exist.

but still that pain pain pain or card or angel wings etc like coincidences makes me think also time machine having aliens might also exist.
i dont know if they are same aliens.

it could be just randomness i dont know :)

but if it were a reply from aliens, then they told its that they are mother. not father. i mean extra mother.

or mom called and i hadnt answered yet and it might be related to that?

i dont know.
it could be just randomness.

i think most interesting ones were pain pain pain/ angel wings/waiting my card/red shirt alike coincidences :) since i actually find eq wise communication kind of creepy.

but thats my idea that aliens uses eq /gravity waves to communicate.
since i observed friday's incident, i thouoght it must be like that.

but i at the same time find eq wise aliens communication very creepy.

i wish they switch to radio bands if possible? are they too distant to let radio waves be possible? maybe its because they switch to gravity waves which might be faster than light? 

i think i find this topic of eqs also at the same time very creepy. 

i wish aliens only comumnicated me from tv shows with time travel :D

i mean pain pain pain like coincidence, or sumo, or angel wings, or double rainbow, or red shirt etc.

eq wise communication is creepy :D
i cant normalize communication with eqs to aliens.
its just so extraordinary :D

i would prefer tv shows time travel wise communication. i mean interaction from tv shows.

i dont know why they communicate to me.

maybe i would in future invent something, thats why they create v show coincidences to me.

hmm i mean those pain pain pain or red shirt or angel wings or waiting card or double rainbow were all very interesting. tv show related ones definitely needed time travel capabiity to happen since coincidences were happening in tv shows casted very very very before. and i were watching from netflix.

it might be i think hgih probably like that.
i think i would invent something very important in future.

that aliens in future whom has time machines did tried to create a kaleidoscope to me to cheer up my world with showing their time machine capabilities (e.g. star trek's pain pain pain or waiting card or alike coincidences)  :D just to cheer up a future inventor with time machine capabilities? with a kaleidoscope like mysterious events.... 

its like a kaleidoscope.

of mysterious events.

i think its because i would invent something important in future.

so i think i need to continue to the projects as i continue already. i continue but i do sometimes rest.
i mean topology study etc etc. to the coder ai project etc etc.

its done by aliens i think. 

these coincidences.

or i say in blog: i am awaiting my card to come. then 1 hour later i open tv show and in tv show a person says an aliens says is waiting her card to come. (in netflix, and show is casted at least 15 years ago)

or on morning i say pain pain pain, then on evening in sci fi tv show aliens says repeatedly many times pain pain pain at instants. like me on morning. i were saying similarly like alien said on morning.(in netflix and show is casted at least 30 -40 years ago) 

or i talk of jujiutsu. then in that maybe couple of hours later, in sci fi tv show, star trek crew instantly starts talking of sumo martial arts :D that were very funny :D cause i told my miind is fast like jijuitsu :D they made fun of my weight with saying sumo sports i think :D

or similar lots of many of these.


i think with this awe of this kaleidoscope i found myself in, of mysteries, i think what they tried to do were motivate me to projects more. since showing advanced tech like time machine capabilits of aliens.

i think maybe aliens does this to people that would invent something in future. i think maybe. 


its a kaleidoscope of mysteries/time machines capabilities/awe creating mysteries

i found myself inside a kaleidescope like mysterious events happenstances created by aliens. i mean its amazing to observe time machine capabilities for instance. these mysteries feels very awesome amazing :D  a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors of amazing art of high technology of time machines i guess. 

so lets not blog that much and continue to proejcts.

i beileive coder ai proejct might be cause these happens to me. maybe i would invent something important in future with coder ai. 
it could be. maybe aliens visits people whom would invent stuff in future. possible.

bye to blogging again for today from my mysterious universe :D


hey again a coincidence happent
about an eq in acheleia vicinity.

it coincides with pain pain pain sequence i told about and leia incident.

leia incident were as: one day i did some sculpture, it didnt resembled any sculpture i tried to sculpt. it were my second ever sculpting tries ever in my life. and then i played with hair and it unintentionally resembled leia's hair and i thought look at least hair looked nice, looks like leia's hair.

then i think i didnt shown my sculpture to anyone. nor blogged in internet i am not sure if i shared it or not but i thinki hadnt shared in internet since scu;pture didnt looked up well except hair srtyle which resembled leia's hair. then following day i learnt leia is lost/passed away horrific news.

then of course i never did anyone's sculpture ever after. in that i werent doing also leia's sculpture. it just i played wiht hair and resembled leia's hair.

i do if i do sculptures never do a sculpture of any living person ever after.

it must be coincidence though.

i dont know how that happent. 

weirdly now i saw an earthquake in vicinity of a acheleia named place. weird.
might be just coincidence though.

but weirder were:
mom called and i hadnt opent since i were busy. then i saw an earth quake in vicinity of mother named place. later again mother place vicinity earthqyake happent.

ok it could be coincidence though.

there are other weirdities.

one day: 
i in my dream or nightmare actually saw my brother's nose bleeding. then in morning they told someone else's nose really bled that night.

or like another one: 
i when were coming to mom dad's home in iskenderun, on  bus i watched movie and in the movie things were falling in house and also birds were falling to house's glasses throwing themselves to glasses. i think i had a non full from iskenderun to ankara and back to iskenderun trip i had due to some paper work related to some application. i think i watched the movie when going to ankara, i think it were not on ankara to iskenderun returning back to mom dad's home path. anyway but i returned to iskenderun nearly on same day i think. or maybe other day. but i hadnt stayed in ankara, returned on same day. since i just went there to some application by then. 

then i came to home. then were very tired since had nonstop bus trip/application etc and returning back on same day. so i fell asleep on the like it were i think early. then in evening, i woke up with a very huge sound coming from home. i scared alot and hadnt got out of my bed. then mom and dad came to room, and told, dont worry,  a glass stuff had fallen from 3rd floor all the 3 stairs of home. they said they washed or moved a carpet there and they told they think it might not be unfortunately balanced and fell over and made a glass stuff fall all 3 stairs in home. it were very loud noise since huge glass stuff shattered all 3 stairs it fell.

then i remembered the movie where things were falling in house.

then i said anyway, since tis resolved i fell back to sleep since were very tired.
then either 1 day later or 2 days later, i were sleep in my room, then mom shouted from other room screamed.  then she came saying relieving dont scare. she said a bird throw itself to the net in the balcony door and fell in to her head and bird passed from a slight opening in the net/very small opening in the net. she said it were like stone said bird hit like stone she were asleep by then. 
then i remembered again the movie where things falling in home and birds throwing themselves to glasses of home.

so aliens like to make fun using the movies i watch sometimes i think. i think they are very satirical aliens. 
or it were just coincidence, i dont know.


but it think recent alien satire(this one not being funny to we humans, i wish they do not communicate with earthquakes but just sci fi tv shows instead)  were when mom called from phone that i couldnt picked up since i were busy. then i saw an eq in a mother named place's vicinity. 

so its aliens phone call be like eqs? i wonder?

or it might be just coincidence either. i dont know. 

but i dont know if eq aliens and time machine aliens are same aliens or not. 

i dont know. maybe they are same aliens. i dont know.

pain pain pain or waiting card or such coincidences were surely done by aliens with time machines if not randomness.  since it were happening in 30 years ago casted shows or 15 years ago casted tv shows and i were watching from netflix.  so one must have a time machine to have that happen. 

i called that kaleidoscope created by time machine having aliens. 

i mean mysterious events are metaphorically equivalent to a kaleidoscope created by time machine having aliens.

aha turned out eq that happent is not in vicinity of acheleia named place so has not such coincidence. but is again in vicinity of a mother's named place. ok. this might be just randomness or not i dont know. it could  be randomness. because there might be a lot mother's named places in alot of cities. so it is could be raqndomness.
if not its aliens satire. of ringing their earthling through earthquakes.

as earthling asked aliens to be earthling's mom/dad, the eq ringing happens in a place called mother's i think. 


hey satire levels of humans aliens are not equivalent.

we wont find earthquake ringing funny satire. 

its though expected to have nonsimilarity in satire of humans/aliens.

or maybe its not satire. its just they meant mother of me ? i dont know.

nbtu other satire of aliens were very funny. i think if they communicate with either tv shows or not serious eqs (eqs not over than 3.0 in richter scale) it is ok.  

it becomes creepy if they do eqs more than 3.0 scale. 
i wish they reduce their eq's strength to keep up at most 3 level at richter scale.

but their satire were very very very funny in sumo topic. i mean in that topic which requires time travel capability, i mean me talking of jujiutsu then aliens alterng 20 years ago tv show's content to include sumo martial arts topics :D  it happent again whislt watching from netflix.

i think i find those topics very funny :D

i mean sumo is very very very funny their such satire is very very very funny :D

or else making thing fell in home as satire that day i blogged about recently, is also very funny :D since i watched such movie and scared, they did such satire that day to make fun of my scared from the movie i watched on the bus. i were so bored that i watched that movie by then :D cause i dont like any watching scary movies, i avoid most times :D

they have a funny satire but not covering mother place vicinity eqs in that :) if they do that with less than 3.0 richter level eqs rthen ok it would be also funny for we earthlings. 

i wish they alter modify this careless to richter scale attiude wishfully and dont create more than 3.0 level richter scale eqs in earth :)

but it looks like satire of aliens i think,. i mean when phone calls it rings you know. creating eq on a mothers named place twice or third time today is i thnk aliens satire, since my phone were called by mom first and i didnt answered. then i saw an eq in vicinity of mothers' place in world. twice in same place. then later newly in another place again in vicinity in a place in vicinity of mothers named place.
i think this is definitely aliens satire. 

 & i wish/pray to them that they dont do eqs that are higher than 3.0 scale.  


i really liked the aliensthose satire of making fun of me being scared froma  movie i watched :)
or sumo were very funny:D their those satire is very very very very insurmountable levels funny :D
its just as i written my mind is like jijuitsu and talked using martial arts words either, in the star trek movie in the ships main control place, they were doing night shift and they started instantly talking of martial arts and then later told sumo martial arts saying had you watched today's sumo show? :D i burst in to laughes, their that satire were very funny :D i think they made fun of my wight in that :D 

normally one person wouldnt even think aliens with time machines did such coincidence in above topic right? but it has been many such coincidences that i started to think like that.

e.g. on day i sayed pain pain pain many instants on morning. in the evening on sci fi tv show in netflix (star trek some series/some episode) the alien same like me said pain pain pain sequences many instants,.

or the time i blogged i am awaiting my card. then 1 hour later in star trek show i watch in netflix the alien said she is awaiting her card.

alike topics.

eg.. on a day i watched interstellar movie and its that scene of waves hitting the space shuttle entering to space shuttle scene. that water entering the space shuttle scene. 
then later day i watched a news that in hamburg waves hits glass of a ferry and passes through enters to ferry's inside. i watched the video of the news and it kinda looked like waves of that interstellar movies entering the space shuttle.  it were in hamburg. ferry's glass shattered and water entered to ferry.
that were weird coincidence.

but i think sumo were very veyr very funny :D

and also them making fun of me having scared from the movie i watched on bus where things fall in house were also very funny. they did happent 2 things from the movie later as i described.
either it were aliens made or were just randomness.

upon all these previous coincidences happent, i tend to thinkits aliens made. 
aliens that satire of making fun of me were very funny :D

and making fun of my weight were also. i also when writing jujiutsu topic in blog and martial arts topic in blog, had for a moment thought it didnt fit of talking jujiutsu sports since i am not a fit nor agile person :D  and it were very funny in that night maybe hours later, in the netflix tv show the star trek command stuff started talking of "had you watched the sumo show" like sentences and mentioned martial arts words either :D

it were very veyr very funny :D i liked that type of satire of aliens alot :D 



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