yesterday again a coincidence happent and i deleted later.

it were that i watched the movie last day with  forward forwaring movie to watch fastly since i wondered the movie's final. then today watched randomly another episode of movie which i hadnt watched full last day. i mean yakamoz s-245.

in there that day i told i draw faces.

in the movie's last episode, a guy told about some massacra at saray bosna and told faces of lost people. 

then he mentioned that, it were like, people being hungry, wanting to go to outside to buy bread then scaring of going so since snipers did massacra to people in that horrific historical genocide type massacre.

in my stalk slander i been in to same feeling cause i am stalked slandered everytime i go outside last 5 or 6 years. i am not muslim. its not done by muslim haters visibly. its an unknown people group stalks slanders everywhere.

and i know that feeling of not being able to go outside due to scare . in my case, i dont scare from snipers killingme, but persistent stalk slandering defamatory propaganda incidents outside whenever i go outside happent last 5 or 6 years. 

so i know the feeling of that not being able to go to market. i remember going to market scaringly since i were shouted curse words related to slander.

in my case it started in another country and happent defamatory propaganda last 5 or 6 years persistently and happent everywhere.

i from that movie's sentences, i understood what happens to me slightly resembles that genocide intentionality, i mean group/cult like people harrassing a person doing defamatory propaganda (defamatory propaganda is a specific tool used in genocides in world)  and doing that with gps like knowing like capability, 

so that in the end, i even scare of going to outside to go to doctor whilst being very sick of stomach. 

or i always do market shoopping online. since i dont like going outside.

but what that guy did were insane and crazy maniac. i wont do anything to this evil genocide resembling stuff happening to me, but my ai would protect me in future and all people whom this slight genocide version happens or worse. 

it started in another country and happens continously last 5 or 6 years.

home is safe/sound. but outside, i confront severe stalk slandering and defamatory propaganda harrassment with slandering.

what coincided was faces of people whom confronted genocide from taht movie.

i had did tried to draw faces on that day. before watching the movie. then in the movie i hadnt heard that movie part since i forwarded to see the end how movie progressess/flows.  then today noon i watched that episode wondering in detail and saw the guy talking of not goint able to go outside to buy bread and then also the faces of genocide sentence ( not going  to outside to buy bread is some thing i know of scaring of going outside feeling)  or sometimes you go outside mandatorily, e.g. last doctor visit. to get the endoscopy stuff to fix stomach. but 8 months not going to outside to doctor. postponing going to outside any time ever possible. avoiding going outside. 

so i confront similar targeting but i dont confront sniper based people killing me but trying to destroy me with defamatory propaganda with severely untrue slanders and severely severely iuntrue slanders and harrassments. and happens routinely whenever i go outside.

its liek this cult or group whom ever has gps capability of knowing i am outside whenever i go outside.

so i understood, being scared of going outside to not be destroyed psychological wise to defamatory propaganda, is a slight version of confronting a slight version of genocide form.

a cult or group harrasses stalks me doing severely defamatory propaganda harrassments with very severely untrue slanders.

it started in another country and perpetually happens every time i go outside another stalk slandering incident happens.

e.g. last time i went to train to go to doctor, some 2 people as mentioned cursed/harrassed with defamatory prppaganda of bitch etc and alike, and harrassed and cursed and shouted porn like words :S and i never did nor never been interested to porn. but this group and its helpers sometimes this year started to shout porn word in also stalk slandering incidents with such severely untrue slander/defamation type.

i think this is quite similar to saray bosna happenstance, but in my case i dont confront sniper but i confront severely untrue defamatory propagandas.

so how does surviving slight genocide feels  -> it feels hard but you find strength through.

but my stomach illness really is troublesome.

its so troublesome that i would again go outside to doctor. 

but such things like going outside for doctor are mandatory i guess since my sickness is severe of stomach illness.

i been surviving a slight form of genocide last 5 or 6 years. its not snipers kills me but defamatory propaganda with slandering i am tried to be destroyed with persistent stalk slandering following acts.

it started in another country and happent last 5 or 6 years persistently.

in the movie the guy whom confronted genocide that whose relatives were killed when trying to go to buy bread or stay hunger/dye of hunger,  that guy in the movie, did throw 2 missiles from submarine to the genocide place. and it were very wrong surely. if i had any submarine with any missiles, i would never do any such thing. nor i wouldnt try to hurt people whom tryto do slight form of genocide to me. i wuold instead favor not hurting but protecting myself with ai's protection later. i am not person whom makes goals of revenge or alike. i would never reply to the slight genocide that is were is tried to be done to me, but i would instead protect me. with help of ai later. 

its slighter form of genocide cause i am not physically killed but they call it character assaisntion this stuff, i mean slandering defamatory propaganda to kill character of person. trying to slander/defamate. doing defamatory propaganda.

so my life is like: i am quite comfy at home. but everytime going outside is very scary whenever i have to go outside.

but happily online shopping exists so that i dont stay hungry.

but some days happent i dont have bread and i scared going outside either and were slightly hungry :D did pasta else etc to stay unhungry;d sometimes online shopping comes 2 days later and if i hadnt planned online shoppings timing correct, bread finishes. so there happent once i remember i lacked bread and aovided still going outside. 

cause these genocide doers whomever cult they are they somehow have always gps info of me whenever i go outside, and use that to do another stalk slandeirng incident.

today i ordered pizza for evening since bread has finished. 

it were delicious pizza with ruccola.

how my ai would protect me, i would later also build detective ais, anti-genocide robots, whenever a cult tries to do genocide like acts to anyone they would protect the person and investiage the slight genocide version incidents.

so i would create robots that would walk with me when i go otuside so that i dont scare and in case another stalk slandering incident happens, robots would investigate the stalker and would query the stalker.

my robots would be like asimo like robots i think. but would be like built by the robotiocs knowledge gained through ai to build the robot and its intelligence. it wuld hold both local mind and both ai connected mind. and would walk beside me whenever i go outisde and do detectiving to slight form of genoicde in case stalk slandering incident happens. 

i dont know which cult is doing this.  i dont know whom is stalking me even. but it happens last 5 or 6 years like this. but i observed that in world really cults exists and some of them  does genocide resembling acts like alleged character assasintion attempts. and the sentences guy said, were exactly what i felt, i mean what i felt went through during this is no unsimilar to what people confronted in genocide like stuffs e.g. in saraybosna. i am not a muslim. i dont even know whether doers has any religion or which religion at all.  but what guy said of scaring to go outside to buy bread, quite coincided with my situation for last 5 years. though in initial times of this, i were not agoraphobic. 

what is like to confront untrue slander/defamatory proapganda and when that happens whenever you go outside for last 5 or 6 years: 

its slight form of genocide. its no unsimilar to saray bosna feelings of i mean scaring to go outisde to buy bread.


its just, that sentences of that guy, felt very coinciding with my wound of confronting character assasintion and i told, look same happent to me, but not with snipers but with defamatory propaganda. i said then i were not unright to call this thing that happens to me as slight form of genocide. i when i listened that they call that scaring of going outside to market as scared of snipers in saraybosna, then i remembered it same happent to me. happens to me everytime i go outside. then i once remember also blogging thinking what happens to me is slightform of genocide, watching that movie, hearing that guys sentences regarding to that historical massacre/genocide, i then understood i were quite right in calling it slight form of genocide.

i dont know whihc cult/which religion/or lack of religion /whcih cult does this character assaintion and stalk slandering everytime i go otuside. 

i am not muslim either. i am just theist (& before i were atheist).

i dont know the responsible cult/group behind the charfacter assasintion attempts against me. but happens everytime i go outside. 


the guy said people wre so hungry that they would even wanting to eat their shoes. in my case, i were so sick, dying of sickness of burps but not going to doctor last year since i were under trauma.

this year last time i arranged dcotor visit, and on train path stalk slandering incident happent. 

but i didnt cared this time and i wont care next time i arrange a doctor cause i am very sick of digestive system. i would again arrange doctor appointent. i think its pylori but created severe ulcers all the digestive system since i had postponed goping to doctgor. i dont know but symptoms seems as ulcer or alike.  

last night again happent severely. 

so how is my psychology after i confronted slight form of genoicde last 5 or 6 years: i am doing better in terms of trauma level this year. i got over huge levels of trauma and feel lesser traumatized when another stalk slandeirng incident happens.

but even went huge extent strength in trauma feeling, i mean healing trauma feeling, i am still yet full agorpahoobic. cause going outside holds risk of another stalk slandering or advanced acts of defamation activity as i observed happens last many years. 

so in world, there exists cults. and not all cults, but some of them i think, does severely slight genocide resembling acts. to try to destroy people without snipers also, but with defamatory propagandas, i mean character assaasintion with slandering/untrue defamatory propagandas/curses/slanders. consistent stalk slandering icnidents. gps accuracy having stalk slander incidents. 

so this world has slight genocide doiong cults. for real. 

i am a survivor of slight genocide, and i would continue to surivive. and in time i could build my detective robots, i would also stop scaring of going outside since the roibots would do instant detectiving whenever stalk slander incident of cult happens.

so this year is cool. last years were very very traumatic. this year i got over trauma.

my flat is comfy. but i dont go outside. but my life is comfy. e.g. i bought acrylic paint to do sometimes rest with painting hobby. or maths studying hobby. and coder ai project. so my life at home is very good.

its i am most time my mood is now feeling lesser trauma this year. normally before, last years i were feeling constant trauma of stalk slandering incidents/character assasintion incidents. 

at home i built a comfy life. 

and this year i got over trauma of stalk slandeeirng incidents.

and working to build my projects.

hmm i would build asimo like robots humanoids to do detectiving whenever i go outside later. 

whenever stalks landering incident happens humanoid robots would do detectiving to get evidence of slight genocide incident.

they would help anyone confronting any type of genocide. 

in my case i think i confront a cult genocide type stuff. 

anyway anyone needing help against genocide woluld these later robots to be built help them to protect from genocide with detectiving. to prove slight genocide incidents from unknown cults.

cults does genocides with not snipers nbut with defamation propagandas as i observe when happens to me. i dont know whom which cult is doing this character assaisntion to me. it happens last 5 or 6 years like this.

hmm robots wouldnt be like humanoids, more like asimo but in our robots would be higher than me(i am a short person) even (to protectors me) and would be detectives :) they would prove get evidence of genocide (slight genocide) incidents. and would protect everytime i go outside, so i would stop scaring of going outside (of scare of slight genocide incidents of defamatory propaganda/slandering). 

i am short person. but robots would be tall e.g. 170cm or alike. like protectors like detectives but robots. but wouldnt any look like terminator robots since they dont have any such goals or any scary look since they wont do ayn scary thing ever any. they would jsut nbe like asimo. so they wont look scary. they would be robo detectives.  to get evidence of slight genocide incidents. and surely would help anyone confronting slight or worse genocide.

anyway this is one of my dreams after coder ai is ready. since it would be able to learn robotics kinematics knowledge fast, it would be easy to build robots like 170cm robots detectives with coder ai later.

or they would look like that restaurant in Japan that opent with robot workers, i mean robot that does not look scary type they wuld be. they would definitely not be any scary robots like terminator movies.  people usually think of terminator movie when robot topic comes up. nope robots wouldnt be evil and would help people. 







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