hmm day continued with karaoke along with a very cool voice since this song's vocal has amazing voice and music is amazing. hmm had some karaoke time but not with karaoke device either but just headphones and some music.
this vocal has really so good voice wov not able to karaoke to actually.
some audios you can karaoke but some audio's just the vocal's song is just too good and karaoke looks very poor sound quality truly :D
i today also lack voice but truly lack any capability to do karaoke to this audio. of this vocal really really had very cool voice.
so had some just time spared to myself. to rest.
and oh but today is not good for karaoke time since coughing either. i guess i got cold or bronchitis i guess. since cough repeated. i think something like bronchitis it is. anyway later would go to doctor.
so tonight is slightly passing resting with listening to music fun. and tried even karaoke :D though karaoke not possible since vocal has really cool sound/auido and karaoke beside looks like just very bad quality sound :DDD normally some audios you can have time of karaokeing but this songs seems as not possible to karaoke to.
so spared some time to resting to relax. and i think karaoke is really funny and liked it. though i need to buy karaoke device later to do it more. though i wanted to learn playing piano or violin first to try to compose songs since i like listening to music alot. but my songs would be like dj compilations or game soundtracks alike. but have no time to learning those either. hmm also playing songs from my best pianist seems as a very interesting idea last years (my best pianist is a guy and i wont tell whom he is, i want to also play songs like he plays but of course i cant i wont be able to :D but at least resemblence to melodies of song would be also enough. he really plays pianoe very good i think with my even crude musical understanding i can understand that. ) and 5 years ago tried again but always paused since hadnt had time.
but i figure out karaoke is a cool resting time activity:D and very funny actually :D
hmm i dont know if i lack energy tonight because i cough some (i think i have bronchitis or it might be related to stomach illness even i dont know. anyway later would go to doctor for both. but drinking lots of h2o helped stomach illness up to some level)
so today passed with some resting time.
hmm now would open my textbook to check my some axioms for topology study then continue with some manifolds study later. or actually first would review some spaces type e.g. paracompact spaces or metrizable spaces either. i need to revise them before going further to manifolds chapters. finally at differentiable manifolds chapter or just some pages before it. hmm differeomorphism finally i would be able to learn about.
but before i needed some rest.
and yayyy i saw the web site i played lotteries also lost my lottery i played to here. so i switched the site i played lottery to another one. this one seems as wont lose the lottery tickets i played :DDDD
ok lets see first lottery is on tomorrow i think. hmm this one is like 14 millions euros or so. lets see :D
whether if aliens or this simulation's coders want me to win or lose :D
lets see :D ione had 12 card that you fill 12 cards and costs like 14.4 euro or so. i in one of them used my senses of how it feels to select the lottery slots, lets see :D other ones were truly just geometrical randomness:D
most possibly i wont win but who knows lets see :D (causes chances are low. i could only win if aliens or coders of simulation (i mean gods of the universe) intervenes :D)
i see that they can even read minds of people these beings of aliens or coders of simualtion. since that donkey were very funny coincidence :D
not missing the other stuff that i wished a wish when i were very upset and exactly happent. but i wont tell it. exactly it happent. :D (it were very unrelated topic. veyr very very very unrelated topic)
guh the sabrina like coder. that coders of universe did some funny donkey coincidence taking donkey from a curse :D
not that i am any sabrina but the coders of universe whom can even read our minds and this time curses in that as i see :D
i sworn with donkey curse (i sworn as stupid donkey) and later a donkey coincidence happent :D
hmm would revise some take aways from the topology chapters i really liked group topology spaces that groups are themselves as topological spaces topics as mentioned.
hm but i need to review seqeunces based topological space topics again and some topics like metrizable spaces and paracompact spaces again before moving further to differentiable manifolds topics.
hmm wondering alot about fibre bundles in detail and also the other chapters. plus some topics i saw in the commutative algebra either.
hmm if aliens or coders of the universe are doing these for me later inventing a tech, they should know that i can invent it faster if i work full time to the hobby project instead of evenings. so if i win the lottery, they would make me invent faster :D
so quest to aliens to make me win the lottery so that i can spare full time to the coder ai project. to build the coder ai and also later the detective robots and also that medical device inventions etc. and a particla physics labs with robots later. yupp.
hey aliens my quest request is to you make me win the lottery if you can code the universe and travel in time and space, so that i can invest full time to coder ai project with full focus. other else my study is spread to evenings and weekends.
guh kindly requests from aliens to alter space time in her favor :D to be able to go faster in coder ai project :D
cause i work full time as dataengineer in a cool job. but then in evenings i work to this coder ai project. though it would be faster if i worked all time to the coder ai project :D
so please aliens do like that donkey magic, again a magic that i win the lottery :D
i dont know if aliens does these type of coincidences :D
they can travel in time, in space, and also did netflix tv show coincidences, and i understood they can even read our minds, then why not also make me win the lottery so that i finish the coder ai project earliest :)
i guess aliens might be interacting with me since i would invent some stuff in following time. or coders of the universe or aliens i dont know whom they are. but i understood they are very high tech. that they have time travel capability to even alter netflix tv shows content casted in very past or read our minds (and a curse cursed whilst :D) (or even bad wish once :D) wov. how they can read our minds. i guess they deciphered how our brains works and can even read our minds. ok beings that can travel in time can also surely accomplish that surely. if they hadnt invented it yet, they can go to future to get the invention from there. :D
i guess this interactions happent to me is because i would later invent some thing. i am already on path to some coder ai related project that could create some inventions later. yupp. hmm.
so again as to restate my wish to aliens, can you make me win the lottery so that i can invest full time of my days to coder ai project please? :D
so the inventions you expect from me would be invented soon not late :D
all is possibilities. maybe it were just coincidences i mean netflix tv show coincidences :D from star trek movie casted maybe 30 years ago, one other star trek movie casted i think at least 10 years ago, various coincidences happent with those movies for real. as if aliens went to past and allegedly altered the movie's script in past to have created me a coincidence in future :)
so i thought this is because i might be inventing something in future. i guess. that aliens interactions happens because of that i guess.
so if it wont be too much, i want them such a universe coding activity to have me win lottery so that i can invent faster not be bound to evenings to study to coder ai project but instead sparing my all day capability to building that project i mean.
but i dont know if aliens exist or not. its just possibilities. and in case they exist, i ask such request from them. if they exist, its not known also either whether they would be interested to such act :D
but lets request :D i request such favor from aliens :D
:D (that whom can really travel in time even or read minds even)
what i think of this lottery topic, if i win, then i think i would be forbidden to enter other lotteries :D
since aliens help with altering universe :D
ok once win would have been cool would have enabled me allocating full time to finish coder ai project.
but it might not be working like this, i mean aliens might not be getting any requests:D
they might attend communication as they wish:D
or they might even not be existing and that i confused usual randomness as aliens :D
so who could know:D
lets await tomorrow to see:D
that if i won lottery or not :D
not alot would had changed in my life except that i would buy a house in some city then allocate full time to build coder ai project. :D
how does time paradoxes work.
if time travel is possible than past would go to future to converge time line to a uniform distribution.
then but the linkage of probabilities that future and current time's probabilities map would have to get off since future and current time would diverge. i mean the future's inventions be created in future, than if past goes to future to get it to past, then the inventions would be already existing before the future invents it. so how this i once thought time is entropy direction and but how then this altered system rebalances its new configuration that future moment just does not fit to such past where such invention already had been invented.
paradoxes. but does not have to be like that, maybe then future people would be shocked to change of universe to see that invention they work on to create already is invented by past. hmm then paradox might be a slightly nonusuual universe result but not a restriction of the universe to be programmed like that. i mean like for instance if past gets altered and a person does not even get born, then in future the person would have an instant change of universe momenbt where he or she sees she has no family at all. but that might not be a restrictive system constraint to have that future exist either. universe does not have to follow causality. it could be without cause/effect principles. the linearity of time makes think causality is a rule, but when time travel happens, causality breakes. and it could stay also broken. i mean its not a universal concept that does stays constant when time travel happens.
i think reason we think paradoxes limit the time travel topic is thinking as topics as zero sum topics. that paradoxes can not happen type mindset. but they can happen and because causality or causes and effect sequence is just a linear time concept. i mean entropy direction time having universe concept. when time travel happens that concept does not become any constant any more.
so when time travel happens and if aliens did never made mom and dad met in life, it could create such a universe where you have really no parents :D so just it does not confirms to causality does not mean it can not happen. cause causality is a relativistic wise high topic i mean its quite lacking any universal truth value. it just is a concept limited to linear time universe versions. i mean singular entropy direction type universe concept it is. but it has no axiomatic wise truth value. in a modified recoded universe, it definitely wont be constant and paradoxes that people think can not happen could happen. (e.g. a person with no truly no mom or dad since mom and dad married to others due to aliens altering universe). (or learning i died 10 years ago and but right now alive type thought experiments usually entertained in thinking of time travel topic) etc etc. causality is a relativistic wise very high topic. it has no axiomatical type existence. its just a concept of singular entropy direction type universes i guess.
so in such explanation, future already exists, so why would aliens come back to now to interact to us.
and but changes be done might alter future so it might be due to that.
hmm i think it might even serve some purpose like energy creation of the altered state space from time line wher ealiens come, they want to alter their entropies/state space maybe for some purpose. like excess energy creation? or it could be as well for entertaintment purposes. that they want to change their universe like that and see it as adventure to do it since it would be quite olt changes in their universe version. so their maybe games might be like that, i mean altering universe might be their games/adventures. kind of an entertaintment concept from aliens times frames. universe programming and adding random changes to theirs universe through alteration of past (e.g. trying to make some inventions faster in past)
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