weekend started :)

i had to go to pharmacy to buy some stomach medicine since stomach illness got worser last 3 days.  i bought some pantoprazol medicine and talcid. 

wov i might rent a bike and travel to moundtainscane to vine yard. this is like a place that is like a holiday town with its authenticity and beside right beside trees and river and really holiday  cool place. wov.  i might rent a bike this weekend maybe maybe today or tomorrow. 

last evening started to investgate reinforcement learning machine learning libraries but were feeling very sleepy due to stomach illness not able to rest well(it made hard to rest) type side effect for consecutive days  so couldnt as well study well. but today rested more. and definitely went to bought some pantoprazol medicine and talcid.  

this tiome impacted my daily energy level last days and returned sleepiness alot this stomach symptoms that i would rearrange again some appointment but this time in gastroscopy i would try to find an appointment with full anesthesia type operation since last time i couldnt attend gastroscopy op since it weren't fully anesthesia and i had no courage to attend like that. i think i would try to arrange/find full anesthesia type gastroscopy. 

but last time i observed gaviscon werent working very well for my stomach situation and also beside, i didnt very liked taste of gaviscon. so right now very happy that i found talcid again. i thought talcid medicine didnt existed in pharmacies and turned out it exists. i wish talcid is more effective. and beside i never could had get used to gaviscon's taste. talcid tasted quite good as far as i remember. some how the gaviscon werent working well for my stomach illness and i used last time the liquid versuon of it and had very hard time to drink it since i iddnt any liked its taste any. i also bought some pantoprazol medicine and started today. yayyyy so were very happy to have found talcid in pharmacy :) 

yayyy but now alot feeling rested. and would have some breakfast.

hmm so an amazing weekend start happent since i now have talcid. i last 3 dqays were very hard to me since duye to not being able to fall asleep or sleep very less hours than what is needed to rest. last days my stomach situation got worse than usual so impacted my days. e.g. felt very sleepy on mornings or evenings similarly.  

 hmm now that talcid is present i think it would all got better. i never liked gaviscon medicine's taste anyS: such type of tasted medicine i never like. i think gaviscon is berry flavored and i really dont like medicines any in such flavor. i had very hard time both using pills or liquid version of it since i really dont like berry flavored medicines any.

yayyy took talcid and reaffirmed that it tastes ok/better.  since its mentol tasted. (mint)

so its now breakfast time. then would continue developign the possible machine learning algorithms with observing first the forces among molecules with software to have an initial idea of how could nanobots could work.

its just a bunch of forces types either dipole forces (dispersion forces) or coloumb forces or the quantum related forces of hybridization related covalent bonding type related forces, and or rotational movement related momentum like specific configurations but in over all basics of such forces be like this i guess. so how to create nanobot workers that might interact with molecules/elements to do break covalent bonds or similarly create them or so, or similarly also adding charges with energy etc type configurations to make it possible to print every specific molecule with specific functionality, so it would be specific per each task, there could be none universal nanobots in mydesign of  nanobots type configuration, every nanobot task would have a specific configuration. there happens other nanobot projects that are universal as i read before. my nanobots wont be likem that, every specific molecular arrangement task, my nanobots would be specific and there wont be common nanobot types but functional wise there could be such commonalities. but other else every nanobot factory task would require different configuraiton. yuppp.

so this weekend: would resume this machine learning algorithm design part today and also learning about reinforcement learning part, and also reading about architectural details of openmm solution to understand how to utilize, maybe even my  gaming computer would suffice with cuda. or not if like that, e.g. on gcloud to use some mpi based system but not only that every motion force configuration of the system sohuld be streamed and stream should be analyzed with such machine learning algorthm that i work to devise right now. it might even fit on my gaming computer being slower of course with respect to a distributed system. but using cuda on gpu side and spark on streaming side or such solution to apply machine learning on run time to the generated simualtion data, seems it might even fit on my gaming computer for real.

so project is going very cool. i mean i investigate even architectural decisions like spark or how to deploy openmm library etc.

at least i would have a product faster in this project. i of course would continue to the other project. 

this project idea popped up in com[any's hackathon day. of printing a salad i mean for instance. food printer. but not only for that, could maybe might be utilized to pint much more bigger set of molecular configurations. e.g. printing polymers etc or else. a 3d printer like stuff but at moleculer level. and not a 3d printer either actually. 

wov it seems so unusual that i for the first tijme have a product idea that i already started implementing (i started thinking of machine learning algorithms to use to devise) i mean normally i did a very long theoretical study before any project recent times.

it feels awesome to be able to start implementation asap. since coder ai project is like a never ending project, of course it iterates but you shld be patient to develop that proejct if you dont hold maths phd, since you shld get knolwdgeable at phd level in maths & such effort takes a lot time. but of course i am very dedicated to continue that project in tandem. but in meanwhile, were missing such more practical project types either, that i can switch to machine learning algorithm design fastly and start building it. 

it just feels so happy to have diversified my hobby projects. it were just too much theoretical study last 2 years. now some project thatg i can instantly swtich to machine learning algorithms design part missed designing machine learning algorithms also. not that i also dont get bored from that either, i get bored, but still it felt good to diversify the project types and add some machine learning project for a while.

hmm fun of designing the machine learning algo part now in this nanobot factory workers project for molecular factories :)


this computer engineering is very fun at these moments.  i mean some practical work. e.g. machine learning algo design. to assemble some architecture to investigate some idea. e.g. nanobots creation in generative wise and to build factories in molecular world.

sometimes when its very practical project type(e.g. that projects you can start coding without theoretical study)  it becomes very fun. but that project tyeps also bore. in the end theoretical project's final gain is always higher than (in most cases) than practical proejts. but i need to diversify my projects world with adding a singular practical project type like this. but also many times practical projects also bore and i miss theoretical studies or find my self instead wondering theoretical topics instead of practical applications. but right now i find this diversification with this added project very amazing since i really missed a practical project type during constant theoretical studies to get to know phd level knowledgeable in some topics crucial to build coder ai project.

now breakfast time :) 


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