yayyy tomorrow is a happy day(called happy day event) in workplace -> meaning you select a topic or project and spare it to yourself.
so i selected topic of molecular engineering and revising chemistry right now. i would try to investigate generation of fructose molecules via advanced computation like trying to charge atoms then bond them and try to bond them iteratively yet again in a generative approach.
hmm so goal is to try to create molecular factories using electron energizers to energize the electrons of the atom and or change its charge and investigate first blindly with generative methods, but then later i would try to investigate its' maths groups behaviors to investigate better building blocks rather than dumber generative modeling approaches. hmm so but in hackathon in tomorrow, i would try to generate fructose or so.
hmm so that we could with electron microscobe or spectometry investigate atomic molecular content of every food and generate them artificially via such factories.
one other such topic would had been such generation for nanobots to later use in cancer treatment research along with the medical device to invent with particle physics to view dna of every cell to be able to detect mutated noncorrect dna parts that creates cancer result.
but that be postponed to after coder ai is ready such project is postponed to.
so on hackathon tomorrow, i mainly want to study such molecular engineering projects, like generatively either creating some nanobot with backing with some molecular simulator or else, creating food with such molecule factories to create food and make it similar tasted. e.g. so that we dont have to fill oceans with waste of farm production that we create adverse environment to planktons that which might create very adverse effects since plantons are one major carbon capturers mechanism in planet. also food printer concept might be also beneficial in space ships i guess or other places in space, that we wouldnt have chance to do usual farming in possible extreme environments in other corners of space. so food printing with quality of taste very similar to the plants etc is very nice idea i think. so we need to get to know exact molecular structure compibination of the farming outputs to recreate them with this molecular factories in other words food printers.
hmm so i selected such topic for hackathon to study molecular structure and if possible using existing simulators to create a demo of such unit.
but such mathematical underlying mappings/group mappings relations needs to be analyzed to be able to do this more intelligently without any blind generative design but a more intellgient generative design version.
though initially reinforcement learning like blind design opetions would be might be followed since mathematical structures of such groups are not analyzed yet. and that also be postponed to time when coder ai would be ready.
so tomorrow's approach would be just a blind approach not intelligent approach since i right now have no time to do investigate mathematical group there. nor i have still lots to learn in maths yet so its impossible to do investigate mathemtatically to devise something much better than reinforcement learning or genetic programming algorithms to devise molecular structures etc.
so i would by the end of tomorrow, if could had do accomplished machine learning backing with baked with a molecular simulator to do generative design study, it would be goal of tomorrow's study yupp. tomorrow goal is backing machine learning algorithms with molecular simulator.
i also had other ideas to spare for tomorrow hackathon. e.g. cancer genes analysis to investigate probability distributions there either with prob distribution modeling approaches or else with some multi layered enoder architectures to investigate distributions there, then with later with that checking anomaly detection mechanisms to investigate whether if a gene representation's distance to distributirons or anomality degree might have correlation to cancer outcome.
that were also most interesting second idea i wondered for tomorrow's hackathon like happy day in work place.
hmm but i think i am going to go with molecular engineering to do bind machine learning algos with simulator software there. to for instance investigate how we could construct fructose with such molecular factory units to create covalent bonds and the intra- molecular bonds to do figure out crystallization structures but i think initially managing to create covalent bonds would be enough for tomorrow's achievement imho in generatively designing food or food printing in other words. i mean software wise.
this might have halped fouvht with famine situations in world very easily i guess. but also would be helpful in space exploration to create food from elements that are available in a corner of space for instance whislt farming might be impossible there somehow.
this topic is quite complex cause the schrodinger equation is very complex to solve as far as i remember though even having been handled in 1920s.
i today evening saw its n ary versions which are not supporting antisymmetry but are useful. hmm so right away i investigate software to use in the project.
meanwhile some imbecile low iqqued nonintellects might had done a stalk slandering incident as expected from nonintellect racist cult helper. this unknown cult never stops harrassment and i would never stop making fun of how moron racist this unknown cult is. basical imbeciles, that harrasses people conspires about people with lies to create defamatory propagandas (E.g. mafia). basical low iqqued moron type racist cult beings. it never stops less fun to make fun ot their harrasment efforts with slandering. less than humans i think this unknown cult is i could summarize as. due to their racist behavior, they deserve to be called something less than humans. or lowest form of human character i think. could be else called as this unknown cult, its members/helpers in stalk slandering incidnets. these people lack something related to being human, they lack something about intelligence that makes them slightly or more less than humans i think. i mean this unknown klu klux klan like cult that conspires about people with lies and stalks slanders endlessly. they lack something about being human. they lack some evolutionary wise intellectual capability imho to become racist maniacs. nevertheless it never gets less fun to nihiliate their harrasments with bullshit slanders and make fun of their lack of intellect in yet another stalk slandering incidnet harrassment. i never reply. except that i make huge fun at my corner of their less than human type situation to do racism behavior. an unknown klu klux klan like cult that is visibly global and has members everywhere. it started in istanbul and harrassment happent every where. and it never becomes any less fun to make fun of these low iqqued less than human type racists during the stalk slandering propaganda as mafia incidents. they did horrendous black propaganda in mafia slandering incidents as i reported before. and they never stop it. it happens like this last 6 years and this year i got over trauma of. and even make fun of this less than humans when another stalk slandering incident happens. i think its legit and ok to say less than humans to racists or racist cults which does persecution right? i think cults which does, groups which does persecution are well deserving to be called lacking something of humanity, or be simply called less than usual human being, since they lack some intellect related topic to turn to do racist beings doing persecution. this started in another corner of world, happent in every country i went. so i believe these unknown cult has members in all globe. they are like a cancerous cult. of course we wouldnt do what we would do toi cancer to them. best reply is nihiliation(meaning lack of reply) or using legal means to fix this unknown cancer in world of this unknown cult and their endless persecution/harrassment activities during persecution. their nationality nor religion or lack of religion, all unknown. as told, it started completely in another country, and happens routinely last 6 years. as i got over trauma of, i really got over trauma of. they do harrasment incidenrs with shouting "baba" word meaning mafia. these neanderhtals tried to do persecution activity with slandering as mafia lie with very irrational slander types that is impossible to my iq/eq level. (mafia type slanders) and sometimes they this unknown community continue to harrass using godfather word meaning mafia in that. these neanderthals i wish best type evolution to them to become humans one day to not do persecution to people. this unknown community is a global community and has memebrs every where. and they seem to have a group mentality where: using their huamn resource of their cult, they harrass the to be persecuted in everypalce. so this neanderthals mentaility mechanisms are freuidan i mean group behavior i mean freud's group behavior analysis of a group trying to do hatred crimes like persecution to others type behavior they do. and they have huge member count in globe visibly this unknown cult. cause i were stalked tried to be slandered everywhere and not only that, they even do sociopathic black propaganda acts whilst doing that many times as reported in blog. like shouting sentences that would be shouted to a slander type to depict deceptfully as such slander type to outside to try to defamate as slander type the tried to be character assainsted person with a very irrational/very impossible slander. so i believe this unknown cult is consisting of some kind of less than human beings. kind of neanderthals i think. to do allegedly try to character assainte with slandering/creating false untrue rumors and plus not only that, they also allegedly do heavy sociopathic psyops type black proapganda in outside as i observed this factor in alot of stalk slandering harrassments. so this unknown cult is global, and its not known if its a religious cult or lack of religion , or political (far leftist? far rightist? ) i have no idea whom they are. it started in a completely different country and happent every country. so its no more traumatic to me when another stalk slandering incident happens and sometimes happens also with black propaganda.
any way enough today had enough fun of humiliating this unknown neanderthals cult (an unknown global cult) that allegedy does tries to do persecution and not only that, psyops style black proapganda heavy black propaganda activity in stalk slandering harrasments.
now its really funny to me. i really dont any enter to trauma mood anymore when this unknown global cult members harrass in another country./in another city. they really have huge organizational skill harrassment skill and also psyops including black propaganda proxies they also have they also do heavy psyops/black propaganda during persecution to try to literally totally character assainste a person with slandering with lies. they dont go cheap in the effort e.g. they dont miss out heavy psyops black propaganda htey do very heavy black propaganda also.
before it were traumatic. now i got used to existence and targeting of such unknown neanderthals cult to try to persecute me with irrational impossible slanders and psyops like bvlack propagandas also in variouys harrassment incidents(stalk slandering incidents). i got used to being targeted by such a neanderthals cult and it even i mean i really dont care/ ireally nihiliate every single stalk slandering incidnet and also make a hell of a fun of intellectually deficient or not like that: less than human these neanderthals must be type fun i do at my corner when another persecution stalk slandering incidetn happens as happent last 6 years like this repeatedy. its really not any more traumatic to me anyn single incident of persecution incident of this unknown cult.
its just evolution. some unevolveds type people does attend racist either religious or nonreliugious or nationalist or far leftist or far rightist cults to do persecute people since they cant handle their non evolved brains chaoses other than doing hatred crimes in intricate and severe hatred degrees, of persection and conspirign false very unture rumors slanders about poeple and doing it with also psyops type black propaganda incidents.
not any traumatic any more. i really really dont care and even make fun of these moron neanderthals cult whenever another stalk slandering incident happens.
yayyy i got over trauma really :) and even pity to the fact that intelligence wiwse evolutionary sitatuion or cultural evolution's intelligent status is not equally shared in world and there happens as a cultturally less evolved (whic also relates something biological process wise evolutionary deficience i think i mean something is missing in intellectual evolution status i think of such persecution doing cult members, something is deficient that a trait whic makes people human, some intellectual spark or thinking capability, is missing in such cult members whom does alleged hatred crimes of persecution/conspiring false impossible slanders about people and persecution with that. so i when another stalk slander incident happens, i make fun of their less than human condition which results in suych behaviors of this unknown cult of persecution behaviors and psyops with black propaganda activities to do literally allegedly persecute entirely/character assasinate.
as visible from my blog, i really got over trauma of this topic. before i would had blogged thousand sentences every day of how much horrific it felt when a stalk slandering incident happent etc when a black proapganda incident happent a psyops type black propaganda incident. they really do black proapganda. anyway. i reported thousand pages thousand sentences in blog all the time this happens. and last year i started to get over trauma of. i really dontn care anymore: ) and make huge fun of these unknown cult of neanderthals and their dedicated persecution activity to me with very irrational impossible slander type.
i understood that cultural evolution as in new times told as a concept not separable than biological evolution, that its intertwined with biological evolution actually so this persecution doing cult concept is directly related to evolutionary status of the cult members. so this unknown cult i like to tell as neanderthals due to that, since they seem to be lesser evolved than standard human in cultural evolution wise, due to their group behavior and organized group behavior of persecution activity and not only that, also heavy black proapganda were done with very sociopathic psyops like heavy black proapaganda.
it is not known which cult this that teis to character assaisnte me. but its surely a global cult. started in a compeltely differnet country and happent every city i went to.this unknown cult has members in every city and they allegedly orchestrate stalk slandering incidents in vicinity of home, or when you go outside they do psyops black propaganda activities with shouting things that would be shouted to the slander type to try to depict slander tyou as such slander type. they repeatedy employ psyops like black propagana like that maybe it might had reached to thousand countof such stalk slandering/black proapganda incidents all last 6 years as this character assaintion effort persecution effort happent/happens.
its no more traumatic. i really got over trauma. and try to look to this topic in anthropologic perspective and in such perspective its very visible, these unknown cult is in cultural evolution status, surely definitely less evolved. they lack something wtr to evolved people this unknown cult, to do persecution hatred crime/black ops psyops black proapganda activities to try to persecute completely. they just dont simply persescute with slandering they also do heavy black propaganda when trying to persecute with an impossible irrational slander type.
so i think this they represent a backward regression situation in evolutionary time line of humanity whiebever unknown cult this is. i have no idea of whether is a nationalist or religious or lack of religion or far leftist or far rightist cult. i have no idea whom they are. but they visibly are some phase lagging in cultuyral evolution surely definitely visibly to behave like maniac to show freudian group behaviuor of persecution.
lesser evolveds no longer succeed to create trauma in my mind any more. since after i started to make fun of these less evolveds as less evolveds/neanderthals, the trauma feeling started to lessen i think. or it mightly timely got correlated to such making fun of them as neanderthals correlated with time i started to get over trauma of.
i no longer feel trauma of this topic anymore. i really got over trauma of.
i think in time these unknown neanderthals cult would also evolve and stop doing persecution behaviors.
or they might stagnate in such cultural evolution level. who cares. i dont care them nor their character assaintion. i dont care anything of this unkjnown cult. wishing just good evolution to become more intellectually better people to them whomever this cult is so that they dont do intricaste hatred behaviors to people.
i can only wish good wishes to people. never wishing any bad wish also to bad people. actually bad people are simply unevolved people types in this example. so only wish i could wish is some nice cultural evolution to get better people to this unknown cult to not do try to character assainste people with impossible/irrational slander types.
i dont have bad wishes to anyone even psytcho maniac cult that tried to hurt my life and actually hurt my life since i became agoraphobic due to the endless stalk slander incidents last 6 years.
anynway. no bad wishes in this blog. all good wishes i wish everyone becomes better people even psycho maniac cults, i wish also only such wishes to such manic unevolved people types.
yayyy hey tomorrow is very exciting :) we have a happy day in company :D yayyuy where its like a hackathon :) you select the topic you would work and do work all day.
yayyyyy back to molecular engineering study then for tonight and tomorrow to buiulfd such molecular factoryt product to back machine learning algo with molecular soimulator product yayyy :)
or i might start even from today since it might fit in to a single day.
or could be continued in next happy day in this year.
yayyy this product i envision, should be able to be capable of for instance creating a salad tissue to use in a corner of space to get folic acid or minerals/vitamins when its not possible to do farming in whichever corner of space by then :)
and also it could fight against famines in wolrd. without being depending on usual farming. but should never be deployed in huge levels to not impact farming industry maybe. or should create change industry optionalities to farming industry after such stages so noone loses job in farming industry or change their job to such other job or should such factories pay to farmers tax. like i think that scare of my job being automated by ai systems, as myself i try to build a coder ai solution, but surely by which i would never deploy commercially cause i have no goals to automate coding, but i have same concern of course for other industries. so when this food printing in this type if succeeds and becomes cheap to utilize, i think by then famines would be a history topic in world. and plus this system should pay to farmers not to take their jobs, or farmers should own these factories. or i dont understand of economy and not mhy interest areas, i guess other people would devise solutions how to keep economiy going and occupations be unaffected by technological advances in world.
i think at least taxes might alleviate some issues i mean taxes from such farming method to previously farmers to replace loss of income porportionally same wise with same monetary value they gained from farming might be one way to protect farming industry from suhc technological advance's such ecoenomical side effects.
but as told these topics are other people's interest areas. my interest idea is to build my space ship and travel galaxies and surely would have many food printers in my space ship which would be like star trek enterprise ship. i decided i liked most that series of star trek. i mean star trek enterprise is the best series in star trek i think. its just my humble opinion.
back to exciting molecular engineering study. i might have to give it a rest to continue topology study awhile but theni would prepare some preliminary study maybe rereading topics like van der waal forces or strong forces and other specific direct polarization charge related forces in molecules atoms to understand also the existing molecular modeling tools and the quantum simplications in covalent bonding mechanisms etc. and to learn the lammps simulator that i postponed before. or i could utilize another simulator also. lets see. as mentioned first effort would be a blind sight effort but not a mathemtalical investigation having one, in future the mathematical groups of the underlying equations would be analyzed (in solution of n body schrodinger equation in moleccular configuratipons) but not now. right now its just a happy day (hackathon day tomorrow as mentioned) and its just one day. and i also have other things to learn fast before doing such investigations and plus in free time i have first task of completing building coder ai proejct. which pragmatically is priotized than other such possible hobby tasks etc.
could it be possible to charge an atom then try to create covalent bonds with a magnetic field with other counterpart atoms then later releaseing their extra charges but still keeping them in stable covalent bond condition or using extra unbelonging to the molecule structure materials that enable the entire molecular structure be composed and then keeping the unbelonging stuff away from that molecular structure somehow? hmm needs lots of simulation wise investigations to investigate how to create carbon based energy source of fructose gluctose type and cellulose also and i mean material composition of a salad leaf. and it does could also be assembled in a fashion to look like a usuyal salad leaf. all mathematically devised and arragned organized to build a leaf of salad or flour material either. or fish meat or beef meat or chicken or poultry meat etc. we need very much analysis of the structure fibres of that meats /grains flour components and plant leaves to devise artificially in such solution.
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