some idea of mine:
i think i might came across the person whom is responsible for doing the volcano disasters in world maybe. not sure. i have idea that there are good aliens and also bad aliens and bad aliens does volcano disasters on world.
but i understood its not bad aliens but its people maybe behind volcano disasters.
maybne i mean.
last day not today, whilst biking, whilst returning to home, a guy passed beside my bike with his bike, maybe a guy in 60ies or 68s or more i dont know. whilst right passing beside me he shouted/screamed. i thought wondered if there happent something like accidentaly my bike he hit but no i am sure its not like that since i would know if my bike were hit or so. then i thought maybe he had some either bite from a bee or heart attack somehow. anyway i returned home. then commented myself at home gosh thayt guy screamed were scary moment. sinc ehe screamed so loud. like if someone having a bad heart attack type.
then i saw this sakurajima volcano disasterish stuff, there i searched information of there, and turned out in the info page of there, it mentions a sculpture of a screaming metal music playing guitar screaming sculpture in a concert named sakurajima.
Sakurajima's All Night Concert - Portrait of a Scream! (
hmm maybe i just passed beside the people whom creates volcano disasters in world. a secret people set like dr evil.
maybe that person whom passed beside my bike yesterday and scared me with screaming right instant passing beside me, were from that unknown people set whom creates volcano disasters in world.
or its just coincidence.
it were kind of disturbing moment when a person just passes beside me at that moment screams like if having a very painful heart attack.
i think that person really were having heart attack or some such situation. or somehow my bike's some part hit? but not were that near. it were kind of creepy moment. i just thought like why that person screamed.
and when i came home i still kind of felt it creepy disturbing and again recalled and what were a weird unnice moment why that guy screamed like if having a very bad heart attack. it were some very loud scream of someone having a very bad pain type.
now that i investigated the sakurajima volcano and saw in its wikipedia page that there is also such a concert named sakurajima where even a sculpture that screams is created for.
then it came up to me that that guy might be from the people whom creates artificial volcano disasters in world.
but it could be as well just coincidence.
i were thinking most possibly aliens are doing volcano disasters in world. but bad aliens not good aliens. there also exists good aliens whom talks from star trek that has time machines kind of theory i had.
then seeing this link screaming guy (creepy person whom screamed whilst just biking passing right beside me moment, it were a disturbing and creepy moment) and next day seeing screaming sculpture from whilst reading sakurajima volcano page, i had setup such theoretical idea that whether if is it people that creates volcano disasters in world and whether that guy whom very creepily screamed with pain whilst right away passing beside my bike were from them.
i have no idea. it could be as well coincidence.
or maybe there is some people unknown people in world that are like dr evil that does volcano disasters in world. and that guy were from them. it were totally creepy moment even not knowing the dr evil like link of the guy.
its that, if someone 1 meter or more passing beside you whilst you are biking screams whilst at the moment they pass right beside you its very disturbing and creepy.
the time i came home, i were still at a moment told myself how creepy it wree, why that guy screamed. it were creepy.
i just cant stop thinking the possibility of existence of an unknown people set in world that creates volcano disasters. (due to coincidence of caribbeans volcano and goma volcano. ) and that they focus me since i once told here the leia sculpture incident. that the day after i did leia sculpture i learnt the awesome talented amazing leia actress has had passed away. i think it were retrospection or just coincidence. i dont know. i werent any doing leia sculpture either. i just did sculpture and at some moment played with hair of then hair resembled leia's hair i told. as she had weird hair style in that star wars movies.
anyway is it possible that there is a evil like people set in world that does the volcano disasters in world and that i took their attention due to my mention of retrospection like leia incident? its very creepy to have taken attention of an unknown evil like people whom does volcano disasters in world :S
they see me as a jedi to do their evilish stuff in world? i am not interested in any evil stuff:S
its very scary and creepy to take attention of such evil people whom does volcano disasters in world:S
i am not a jedi, i dont have power to create any impact in surroiunding. to the maniac whom shouted me as jedi last day :S
ok some glass sounds were happening some time but its not sure maybe it were something other and i confuse as if i created sound in glass. it were happening but maybe it were just glass crackling due to heat change and before i burp. were weird. but unsure if it were related to me.
plus i am not any jedi nor have anyn jedi skills. only skill i could have glass crackling sounds. but that is unsure.
for making a sculpture and learnign passing away of someoine you mentioned whislt doing sculpture the other day, since hair resembled of, its just coincidence. though i take care not to do any sculpture of any living person i surely do care for that. never do any person's sculpture is rule 1 that i never cross of.
except: i think cult members stalkers i also used once sculpting psychic stuff against ->
but once i did sculpture of the stalkers used one name thinking its a stalker from them. so i only use my psychic skills against the unknown cult. since they try to psychologically murder people with smearing with severely untrue impossible illogical lies irrational lies like and also doing beside black propaganda stalk incidents which were the most traumatic stalk incidnets.
so there has been many moments i tried to use my psychic skills against the unknown cult. i even tried to do sculpture of. with doing sculpture of one ofg the names i hear in stalk incidnets thinking its a stalker from the stalkers.
other than this unknown cult whom viisbly are very awful people/very bad people that does horrible things of character assasintions attempts with smearing attempts with sociopathy violence of severe sociopatyh/black propaganda stalk incidents which were very traumatic. now that i got over trauma ad dont cry when mentioning this horrible unknown cult's stalk smearing character assasintion attempts. normally i woiuld even cry whilst mentioning this whilst writing it. i really got over trauma of but still of course have ptsd.
so only time i did sculpting intentionally (after having observed leia incident whihc were retrospection imho) were against this unknown cult. i also tried various psychic stuff to do psychoic detectiving to the unknown cult, but my psychic skills were not enabling detectiving, i dont have detectiving type psychic skills. since i really tried using psychic skills against this unknown cult many times but nope i dont have any remote detectiving skills of any type. i tried to learn whom the cult is. but none info returned from remote detectiving try.
i have 0 remote detectiving skills. none at all. i even read books of remote detectiving but figured out i am not i dont have such skills like those people's skills.
my skills are weirder. its like retrospection to people's deaths my psychic skills are like that.
e,g, the day i bought zippo a well known person with a brand that were very resembling had passed away that brand of resembled very much zippo word. i investigated him and turned out he had an accident 2 weeks ago from that time and he were in coma like state in hospital. i investigated and saw that it were again retrospection.
or the day i listen to James Bond song having compilation, i heard Sean Connery passed away. and it were again retrospection.
so my psychic skills is about somehow feeling people's deaths. e.g. Leia's or some coincidnece happens like that.
i to be honest if there is any cause effect in this skill. i mean time has both directions. so i have no idea if my psychic skill makes a universe version happens where such topics coincide. i dont know that.
i tested that with making sculpture of one word i heard alot in stalkers stalk incidents maybe 4 years ago, they were using tom word alot in stalk incidents 5 years ago i thought a tom is stalking me. then they started using tomris word ins talk slandering smearing incidents, and a tiume frame happent where they routinely used tomris word in stalk slandering harrassments. which i never reply nor react btu this cult never stops as mentioned. then i remembered the leia incident. then i bought clay and did a sculpture in which tomris is written. cause this unknownc ult were i think by then using tomris word alot in stalk incidents that i thoyught by then that there is a tomris named stalker. i would never reply nor react as but it persistently never endlessly black propaganda stalk smearing incidnets wre routinely happening everytime i go outside. or even sometimes from honme's vicinity even. it were very traumaitc. i felt every day very huge trauma/ptsd. persistent black propaganda incidents/stalk smearing attempt incidents stalk slandering incidents i mean were happenign which i would never react nor reply and nor care. but it were very traumatic and i would felt severe trauma feeling everyday at my home only feeling i were trauma/ptsd. cause i remember this unknown stalkers come beside vicinity of home. then also they used tom word also alot in home's vicinity stalk slandering incidnets. they would also use sentences like hunt, tom is hunt like etc. i would by then think i have a tom named stalker. they would also use very creepy sentences like "serdar sleep!" i would think there is a serdar named stalker by then. then 1.5 years later i understood this cult unknown cult sees me as a prostitute and shouts very ugly sentences to me:S i never replied. infirst year of the stalk slandering incidents, its like those type of cults whom sees other people e.g. maybe theists as prostitutes. i mean such type of psychoc cult i think. i dont know whom they are but the narrative the stalkers did were mafia/prostitute type very ugly sentences. i felt frozen with trauma. i felt severe trauma every day for a very long period. they were following stalking every time i go outside. but for first 1.5 years i understood nothing and thought i have a serdar named stalker. then 1.5 years later, after many stalk slandering incidents, look again i started to cry, it were like i usually cry when talking this, when writing this in blog, since this unknown cult is a maniac cult that which whom sees other races or other religions as prostitutesi think , since they would also shout things that would be shouted to prostitutes. so when i tell they deserve to be used psychic skills, like being made sculptures (since after leia hair resembling sculpture, i observed leia passed away and i never did any sculpture of any living person afterwards except this cult unknown cult) i think thi9s unknown cult deserves my lethal psychic skills like sculpting. so i did but i dont know if it worked or not. since they are people whom sees other people e.g. atheists or theists as prositutiutes. they all the time shouted also such very ugly sentences and many times sexually harrassing sentences also. so i have no remorse when i use psychic skills against this cult. i wish it works also. i have no regret nor remorse whenb i do use my lethal psychic skills ag\inst this cult cause i might possibly have or not lethal psychic skills like voodoo due to leia incident which were very sad since i mean i really love leia character in that movie plus she is an awesome amazing person. i never ever intended that, its just i told wov this suclpture's hair resembled leia and then next day i learnt leia passed away.
do you know that maybe you are unaware but there exists horrible people types in world that sees other races or other religions as prostitutes. i observed such people type as this cult tried to do that to me. they shouted things like "serdar sleep!" i would perceive it like there is a serdar named stalker, never could imagine the sociopathy involved of this cult where they create names and mostly man names either. they were the initial time using alot serdar/tom/ege/ada/tan/sedat/oguz/hande names in stalk incidents, in first 1.5 year this stalk started in where i live, i just didnt even perceive, i thought there is some people stalking me and they have people like serdar. or tan named stalk incidents were happening from in vicinity building and there were very much tan wortd having stalk incidents and i felt severely trauma and even i had once heart rhtym going severe rhtym due to overloaded stress level. then i thought its not livable since the stalk incidents are severely disturbing and i went to another city but happent also there, and i remember in the other city, in a flat in 2.d floor, i were living in 3rd floor, a guy told some sentence using tom word. so i think they who thesespeople are rent flats in where i live.
turned out they are depicting me as a prostitute and shout such sentences. it were horrific.
so even in current world, which they call modern, there happesn psyshoc cults which seems other races or religions as prostitutes:S
and they do a heavy black propaganda incidents to try to depict a person like that, that were very traumatic, then also they do also such black propaganda as mafia similarly:S
it were like sleep shoutings or sentences including heavy sexual harrassment they would use such sentences in stalk slandering incidents.
i were shocked to see there exists cults in world that tries to psychologically murder other religions or other races.
i felt severe trauma every day. because every day they would stalk every single day every single time i go outside, they would always come and stalk and try to smear or sexual harrassing setnecens or severe black propaganda.
i were reporting alweays to mom and mom were always saynig dont care any. go outside and dont care the stalker. dont care. then but i just couldnt get over agoraphobia and spend 3 or more years at home mostly and at home all days were passing with severe trauma feeling.
cause the black propaganda incidents were very horrific. they would shout things that would be shouted to slander type as if you are such slander type, to try to deceive people like that, their black propaganda and sociopathy were severe.
so i dont have regret nor remorse when i use possibly lethal psychic skills against this unknown cult. i mean like sculpting (voodoo style psychic stuff) since they really deserve it. they did tort of character assasnation for long period. they are torturers, they try to murder people with smearing them with impossible irrational illogical lies. and they try to get away from that with doing much more sociopathy even. they create names to the target they target and it were impossible to perceive that since i love my name which is guher and never could imagine a psychco would create man names to me cause most names they created were man names. it took 1.5 years of persistent stalk folowing ugly sentences shouting incideytns that i staerted to understyand there is no tom named stalker, the psycho stalkers create man names to me whilst they do the black propaganda incidents, of smearing attempts.
i think among all the horror of trying to be psychologically murdered by an unknown psycho cult like this, by maniacs, that tries to smear other races or other religions people as prostitutes, i think among all this horror, i think most horrorful incidnets were incidents where they do black propaganda where they shout sentences requests that would be shouted to such slander type:S it were very horrific. i felt every day severe horror trauma feelings and ptsd moments of the stalk slandering black propaganda incident playing in mind endlessly for hours i couldnt think but just the black propaganda incident.
so there exists severely barbarian cults that does severe human right abuses like trying to depict other races or religions as prostitute. or mafia. and they allegedly do severe black propaganda incidents also which were the most horrific stalk incidents. i never replied never reacted always nihiliated except the time this stalk started, by the time i reacted wiht psycho stop stalking me but stalk following never stopped.
i got over trauma mostly but i confronted something like crime against humanity type crime from an unknown cult. i mean they do allegedly black propaganda to try to attempt to smear people and they do stalk try to smear and follow and endless sexually harrassing sentences endlessly it happent.
i got over trauma of but i got shocked to see existence of such horror in world, that there exists unknown cults that sees other races or religions as prostitutes and they do even severe black propaganda. their stalk slandering attempts never ends as mentioned maybe because they have commited crime against humanity type crime against me, i mean black propaganda incidents with smearing with illogical irrational impossible bitch/mafia lie were i think something resembles crimes against humanity type stuff, maybe its why they dont stop. since they scare that maybe their crime against humanbity type behaviors would become transparent if they dont character assainste me. so they never stop trying to character assaisnte. i think it must be due to since they commit crimes against humanity type behaviors. like targeting other religions or races members and doibng black propaganda incidents against.
it were shocking truly shocking to see in this modern world there exists unknown cults that sees other races or religions as prostitute.
so when i tell trauma, that its severely trauma, you got to understand that if one confronts crime against humanity type abuse (black propaganda incidents stalk following incidents) from an unknown cult, you gotta understand its trauma is undefineable or not possible to write with sentences either how horrorful it felt to confront character assaisntion attmept of an unknown cult that visibly sees other races or religions as "prostitute".
horrific :S
but i got over trauma of. now my days not passes with trauma feeling. but before, eveyr day passed with severely trauma feeling maybe 3 years passed like that with severe trauma feeling every day.
in first 1.5 years of the character assasintion started, i were unaware of the character assaisntion or smearing, i would perceive it as a serdar named person and such people are stalking me and they are very disturbing stalkers since they say very ugl;y sentences and sometimes even sexually harrassing sentences in stalk incidnets. i by then understood that they call me serdar and there is no serdar named stalker, that they create man names to me mostly, and do say very horrific sentences,
i dont know which kind of cult they are. i dont know whether
i usually cry when talking about this.
but i think trauma really got passed in huge degree i mean i got over trauma of. only today a moment i cried again but then it passed. but before it were like my days were like every day i were feeling severe trauma and ptsd.
cause tried to be character assasinted and confronted severe black propaganda stalk incidnets conssitent for very long period. it were like maybe 3 years og my life passed everyday with huge ptsd/trauma.
this unknown cult i dont know whom they are. i dont know if they are a far leftist or far rightist or religious or anti-religious cult.
ii even read remote detectiving books to learn remote detectiving to learn this cult/detectiving this cult. but i discovered i have 0 remote detectiving skills since i still have no idea whom this cult is. they are unknown cult.
so as mentioned my psychic skills is not about detectiuving, my psychic skills are instead something lethal. that i do never use (except against this cult i use of course or try to use my psychoic skills, i think they very well deserve psychic lethal psychic skills usage since they do tort other races religions with trying to smear/slander them and also severe black propaganda in stalk incidnets. i think any cult that thinks other races or religions people as "prostitute" deserve well lethal psychic skills usage. i mean i dont even know whom this cult is that stalks me but for any people set that does this crime against humanity type behavior, i would have no regrets of using psychic skills against. since i observed myself how horrific it is to confront such process of character assaisntion attempts like that. )
so my psychic skills are never about remote detectiving if it were i could discover which cult its stalking me trying to slander/smear/do black propaganda incidents.
if i had any remote detectiving capability i would had a clue of which cult it is. i dont know which cult is doing this character assainstion attempts to me. if i had any remote detectiving capability i would at least jhave a clue of. i dont have any clue of whom this cult is.
but my psychic skills is about universe alteration imho.
its like specifically sometimes many times about deaths. e.g. the day i listen a song whihc has a james bond music notes part, i later day learn Sean Connery passed away. i dont want these any to happen. i dont ever want any lethal psychic stuff to happen any time (except against cult, i wantedly wishfully try to use psychioc skills against this unknown cult and would have zero remorse, since any unknown cult that sees other races or religions as prostitute well deserve the psychic stuff applicance against imho).
its other day like buying a zippo then the same day a famous person in hospital with a brand named zippo like brand name passes aways, then turns out many weeks ago has had accident of home accident and were like in comatose in hospital all last weeks then the day i bought zippo i read that passing away news. i checked investigated when the accident has happent that seemed as at least 3 weeks ago before i intended to buy any zippo. this one were retrospection. it were someone with zippo word like brand but it were not exactly zippo eithe ri think it were zappo brand or i dont remember.
but time has no direction in psychic topics imho.
lets not mention vodoo topic yupp :) or my vodoo usage intentions against this unknown cult. no need to mention in blog :)
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