There are bad aliens whom does bad stuff like quantum tech based volcanoes incidenrs/eq incidents in world. My aliens are not like that my aliens does gravity anomaly just in my room to drop talcid in a day my stomach were ill 😊
So with regards to their gravity alteration/time machines tech I wanted to draw them like gigantic entities 😊
Bad aliens are not my friends my friend aliens don't do volcano incidents nor earthquakes in world. My alien friends just do gravity anomality to knock on my glass (last night happent it were like a stone thrown to my glass door ) or drop talcid with gravity anomaly on a day I needed to take talcid
Of course it could be only randomness and just coincidence instead. Aliens topic is just a belief of mine that I really 100% believe.
Last night aliens again did said hi with like if someone hit my glass with some thing but not exactly stone throwing. I guess again like talcid they like to interact like that some days 🙂 they like to select midnight or dawn like 3am like times to do such gravity anomalies like talcid or last days knock on glass door.
This guhsendsinfinitelt many cheers to aliens 👽👾👽👾👽👾🍺🙂
As told its a belief. i mean there is no sure evidence that aliens exist. i am like people whom believe to aliens existence and i 100% believe to that. and its a belief. due to specific coincidences i 100% believe to aliens existence.
one other coincidence that made me thought beside good aliens, also from their planetary system also bad aliens exist whom does volcano disasters. why? because i discovered in my shopping list one quantum mechanics books were this that i added before some days before Sakurajima volcano incident. i thought that then as similar to good aliens, there in that one bad aliens communicated with sakurajima volcano incident. but bad aliens are no friend. nope. i just last day discovered this that but i dont know when exactly i added the sakurai quantum mechanics books to my shopping list. and when exactly how many days after sakurajima volcano incident happent. of course bad aliens whom does volcano disasters or so in world are not my friends. but like good aliens they also communicate i think that sakurai topic were communication to show me their technology of them to do use to sometimes try to terraform our world like altering volcanoes underlying crusts/systems with no locality having tech but with quantum tech.
i think in that sakurai coincidence they showed the tech they use. i think aliens have quantum gravity tech. i think they whom create volcano stuff or similar topics, are definitely bad aliens from maybe same planetary system. they are no friends of me.
beside that, also good aliens exists, & good aliens time travel tech that good aliens communicate using time travel machines.
that assured me its done by aliens quantum tech, that volcano disasters on world, and those aliens are bad aliens from that planetary system. but there also exists good aliens that only do use quantum tech to drop talcid. or create sound on my glass door. its extraordinary to wake in the middle of the night with in all still room something falling sound or knock on glass door sound. like if someone hit the glass door with something. i think these aliens must have also gravity alteration tech. but friends are not the ones whom does volcanoe disasters or so, friend aliens dont do such stuff ever or i call friends to aliens whom dont try to terraform our world or alter it geographically.
friends aliens are awesome they commumnicate from out of space time, with altering sci fi tv shows in past to present or doing gravity anomalies to drop talcid on night my stomach were severely ill.
to restate this is just a belief system. not axiomatic topic. i am like people types whom believes to aliens. so it has no scientific evidence that aliens actually exist. but due to specific coincidences i 100% believe :) as to restate, its a belief not a scientific topic.
hmm it could had been measured if there were a gravity anomaly measurment mechanism to measure quantum gravity alterations in this coordinate :)
until then its just a belief :)
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