wov another black propaganda incident might had happent.

i remember some stalk slander incidents black propaganda incidents where stalker & maniac & psycho cult's articulated proxies shout such black propagasnda sentence in stalk incidents:  zam. it means salary increase. so whomever these people are, they try to defamate/slander like with such sociopathic black propaganda incident where they shout something like trying to depict you from them from those proxies they articulate in black propaganda incidents. 

this unknown cult is totally unknown whom they are. its like psychopathy. i dont think its any government articulated cult etc. cause this is pure psychopathy.  i mean to forever happening character assasination that happens in severe such black propaganda incidents.

these black propaganda incidents usually happen with:  this unknown psycho maniacs articulate proxies and these proxies shout sentences like if you are from them. a 100% black propaganda in its uttermost sense of these propaganda literature imho. a perfect deception attempt. and they do 100% black propaganda during that. like they shout some sentence trying to depict you as a slander type and some sentence that tries to show as if you are from that sentence shouting person like people. its horrific black propaganda incident.

i truly wonder which cult is behind this and articulating thse proxies to do black proapganda incidents?

i dont think its a country.

cause countries are not psychopath. this is pure psychopathy sociopathy. 

but i observe  proxies usage in this character assasintion incidents. And very sociopathic black propaganda incidents. I remember once going to shopping center and then 2 people passed beside hsouting zam trying to defamate you as if you do something with the that zam literal shouters. 

its a full fledge black propaganda /slandering/character assaisntion attempts. and has been happening like maybe last 6 years.  or last 5 years i dont know. 

its so interesting that the day i write about my talents such incident happens. i just cant stop thinking the articulators is a cult that has envious people whom are jealous of talented people from other races or religions or lack of religions. 

this does not any look like a country based character assasintion. because its psychopathic. i mean has no goal other than character assainstion. and it endlessly happent. i think the incident might had been again such incident.

its really weird. cause like they used tan literal in stalk slandering character assaisntion incidents, they used another literal from close of that family,  dilara literal in defamation/stalk slandering character assaintion attempts. 

but i dont think that powerful family in some software industry,  has orchestrated this character assaisntion any. cause i think this started even before. i mean even before but definitely there are weirdities like some member of that family shouted a dehumanization term very before. and its very weird that for a lot while stalker proxies used that dehumanization literal in stalk slandering incidents also. its totally like a puzzle. i mean trying to understand whom is articulating proxies to try to character assaisnte me with slandering me/harrassing me. or sometimes dehumanization literal based heavy stalk incidents also happent alot like 5 years ago. 

you know, some powerful software person that is not my type any, said, do you believe in love? than i said please change topci since he is not any kind of any my type. then i think by those times it started this stalk slandering incidents aggregevated. and then, they also used nms of some people from close of that family also in stalk slanderin incidents alot. and a persistent character assaisntion effort happent. and from that family someone shouted me like 6 years ago a dehumanization term, then i told that to my friends, then that year a heavy stalk slandering incidents happent with that term alot very traumatic. 

someone is trying to murder my life with character assainstion last 6 years. and i dont know whom .they hire proxies to use in black propaganda incidents, whom shouts things to try to defamate you with black propaganda like trying to show you as of them, with such black propaganda slandering methods, of shouting sentences to try to slander like that. 

my opinion, i have no idea whom is crazy level jealous maniac psychopath sociopath that is trying to murder this talented software engineer person with even using proxies that are sent to harrass/character assainte.

the unknown enemy's imho features: definitely crazy level jealous. borderline maybe. most possibly. maniac. sociopath.  psychopath. 

i have an unknown enemy whom is trying to murder my life with character assaintion. and is really a psytchopath sociopath cause tried this last 6 years. i mean obsessed maniac. \

i dont think its any that software family person, that whose relative shouted me a dehumanization term and then whom after like it were 5 or 6 years ago, then as i came to istanbul i remember maybe many such severe incidents where that dehumanization term were shouted. 

behaviors of this unknown enemy: tries to kill people with character assainstion. with severely sociopathic black propaganda. 

i think it must be a cult. because this unknown enemy,  has insurmountabe stalk following skills. it does not look like a person but a group/an organization/a cult. 

have been persistently tried to be character assainted with similar black propaganda incidents.

this unknown enemy's sociopathy/black propaganda behaviors:  this pscyho creates names to the victims it tries to kill. and stalks like that. its not possible to perceive even this i understood this aspect of stalk only after 1.5 year stalk period passed that there is no serdar nor tan etc and that the psycho creates man and woman names to the victim it tries to murder with character assaisntion and does afterwards endless sociopathic black propaganda incidents. 

i dont think this is any country based stuff. i mean i dont think a government is behind this.

cause its psychopathic in severe extent. countries are not psychopathic.

this is pure psychopathy behavior. of selecting a victim and trying to murder. and then persistent endless sociopathic character assasintion incidents happens with severe black propaganda.

if a country would want to murder a person, would do. this is not any country made imho. this is something other. this is psychopathy. i have a psychopath maniac trying to murder my life with character assaisntion.

i think this is pure severe mental illness situation of psychopathy illness. i mean this fixation and this trying to murder people's life with sociopathy black proipaganda behavior, or sending proxies that shouts things that would be shouted to a slander type, to try to character assaisnte a person like that, i mean this is not any normal behavior in normal non sick people's behaviors scala. this is pure psychopathy. 

the psycho cult does do persistent conspiracy and persistent slandering attempts last 6 years imho. 

these psycho cult started this violence with first shouting a dehumanization term that mentioned in stalk incidents heavily. then stalk slandeiring incidents started that i had not even perceived the slandering side. causes i thought i have a serdar or tan or hande or ela or sedat or oguz like stalkers. the stalker would harrass mainly using a man's name. sometimes also woman;s name. but it were impossible to understand that behavior and i would perceive by then that as if there is such people stalking me. i as always nihiliated and never replied. and but it happens endlessly. i think its due to sickness of the unknown cult. i mean this is mental sickness imho. i mean this psychopathy sociopathy behaivors. and its being endless also i think is due to mental illness imho. this unknosn cult is definitely mentally sick. 

i dont know if any one got targeted by a psychopath borderline sociopath cult that does try to character assaisnte with slandering. but it when happens it never stops until the psychopath reachs its target of character assaisntion i mean even its not a reasonable goal, though psychopaths dont are not rationals. i mean even its visible the psycho cant do bent reality to create untrue slanders forcefully like that, with force of deception/black propaganda sociopathies, at the same time this psycho cult show cases definitely irrationality of mental sickness behavior of obsessive such behavior pattern and irrationality of persisting the sociopathy behavior with reaching no goal. but persisytentyly for 6 years last 6 years this been happening persistently. 

i think they are kind of a  organization or cult that targets civilians to try to character assainstethem. and do genocidal things like shouting to the tried to be character assainsted person dehumanization term. 

whom ever this unknown cult is, they show cased genocidal behavior patterns. i mean in also genocides, to try to reduce emphaty to the targeteds, people first dehumanize whom they want to apply genoicde to. so this unknown cult is targeting people and they do show case genocide behavior patterns.

i mean dehumanization is first milestone in genocide behavior.

and they did shouted a dehumanization term severely in i think 5 or 6 years ago. and then persistent stalk slandering following harrasment incidents persistently happent.

whom this cult is completely unknown. it started in another country and happent evyerwhere i went. and they might be also from another place either. cause its a global cult visibly. since they send their proxies members to everywhere to persist character assaisntion incidents. 

any way i am survivor of an unknown cult's such charac ter assasintion torture. 

now i dont enter to trauma like before when a black propaganda incident happens.  i got over trqauma mostly and dont enter to trauma. but before my days all passed with trauma feeling alot. 

hmm. they are like mixture of worst stuff. e.g. trying to slander and then they also shout "forgivement" alot in stalk slander incident. for a while they shouted forgivement like terms. they shout very irrational stuff because first they attmpt slandering with untrue slanders irrational slanders with persitent black propaganda incidents, then they these irrationals shout forgivement tot he person they know that they try to character assainte with deception/with slandering/black propaganda.

complete irrational behavior in uttermost sense. 


i think i started to demystify this unknown cult that does showcase genocidal behavior patterns. 

first of all, i think this cult has an unknonw member that is severely psychopathic sociopathic level jealous of me. cause there is a correlation of:  whenever i talk of my skills talents, that day a severe black prop[aganda incident happens, as if unknown cult gets jealous of. i just cant stop thinking that there is an envious cult  that uses his cult's power to try to kill people character assainte people.  to the people that are jealous of. cause there is really a correlation of me talking of my talents, and a black propaganda incident timing. 

i think this unknown enemy/psychopath is defintiely jealous, like as expected from psychopathy sociopathy mental disordered people of unbounded jealousy.

i sometimes think that maybe aliens communicated with me because i am victim of attempts of character assaintion attempts of an unknown cult that show cased genocidal behavior patterns.  

i wish aliens stopped this genocidal cult.  i wish aliens sent them to another world coordinate when they try to do black proapganda deceptions/character assaintion incidents or anhy such sociopathy/harrasment.

i think genocidal behaviors require exceptional response. i think if aliens stopped this unknown cult either i wont have issues how they stop. but i wish they dont harm either but stop this unknown maniacs/psychopaths/sociopaths.

i liked to listen song of Robbie Williams, e.g. some concert Mack the knife etc or such concert's all; songs. then i think by that year 6 years ago "baba" stalk slandeirng incidents started. they started to try to defamate me conspire me as a mafia lead:S its so irrational. i dislike groups. i dislike any groups. i mean its such an irrational lie. i am a talented coder. i would have no interest to such stuff like that as any income nor occupation since i am a talented coder, beside my family always supported me i mean i think such people whom does such stuff might lack family even maybe i mean its such an irrational impossible slander and very severely untrue/deception/severely untrue conspiracy/severely lie/impossible. but such stalk slandering attempt and doing that in a horrific sociopathic black propaganda incidents persistently happent.  and not only that, they also shouted very unnice requests in stalk slandering incidents. i always nihiliated and didnt even looked to them nor cared. i always nihiliated. 

i am a  victim of an unknown cult that is showcasing genocidal behaivor patterns. not any genocidal behavior pattern part they lacked to show, they also do started this heavy stalk with dehumanization also. in 5 years ago or so, severe such stalk incidents would happent with a dehumanization term. then afterwards stalk slandering incidents staerted to start.

it never stops. cause everthing happening in world is either related to conditions of world or people's mental illnesses. i mean whomever this cult is is mentally sick/psychopath. 

and i think psychopaths never stop. i mean its i got over trauma of. but this is like a fact, psychopaths never stop. i mean lack of reply or lack of protection becomes a means to the psychopaths to persist psychopathy sociopathy. i mean that i always nihiliate, never reply, then this gives space to this unknown psychopaths to persist their psychopathy endlessly since they never get stopped of doing psychopathy sociopathy. 

it never stops because i think i am an easy character assaintion target. i mean i lvie alone, noone protects me, i dont have cpaability to hire detectives etc. so i think this lack of protecting my outer life's space from this unknown psychopath cult's character assaintion becomes a means of them to persist continue their psychopathic sociopathic effort.

cause as i observe in this case, psychopaths never stops until being stopped.

hmm but at least i got over trauma. but i still scare of going outside whenever i go outside. since this unknown cult has had gps like stalking skill. they have huge people power also that everytime you go outsiude they send a cult member or a proxy to do another black proipaganda incidentr. 

anyway at least now stalk incidents happens less frequently. i live in a village like place. or town i dont know. so i dont think they can easily do their nasty character assasintion black propaganda incidents this much here. since its not that populated place and they might easily be visible to detection of doing black propaganda whilst doing black propaganda incidents. its much safer than city life imho regarding this aspect. its now i think harder to do character assainte incidents here. since its not a huge place and it would be easily to detect this unknow cult's members or proxies they send's members whenever a black propafganda incident happen.

they do first dehuminaize like they are attempting genocide, then they do try to do character assainte with trying to slander with very irrational slander (of mafia slanders and they also shout very ugely requests during the black propaganda incidents which i always nihikliate nor i dont any look nor any reply any time) then they also do showcased behavior of shouting "hunt". this genocidal unknown cult try to hunt people. e.g. people they try to character assainte. they summon their people everywhere to do harrass/they summon proxies they use to do sociopathic black propaganda incidents to try to slander/defamate with irrational slanders/unreasonable slanders. and then they first slander/try to defamate, then they also do used alot "hunt" word in stalk slandering incidents.  and i think even hunt literal were not the most horrific thing of this genocide resembling stuff of character assntn happenstance to me,  i think most horrific part is always black propaganda incidents, i mean where they use proxies of they send proxies to the stalk person's vicinity, and proxy shouts someting like trying to depict the person as if having any relatedness with the proxy or like even they did this once i remember ---> i were like in  a cafe, then stalk slandering incident happent, maybe it were 4 years ago i think, then in outside whilst going to my car to go to my home back, a person with phone passed and in phone loudly told, "stop working withguher. i can work better". and i got insurmountable amount of agitated since due to the lie/sociopathic slandering attempt, i think that time i shouted psycho maniac or such stuff. but i always except that i always never replied and always nihliated. but this black propaganda incidents are the most horrific. they do create craft untrue narratives to people and do try to depict person like that with thousandfs of such black proapganda incidents. e.g. shouting with zam keyword which tries to depict person doing any business with the stalker.  e.g. shouting of zam keyword is an absolute black propaganda example.  its that they persistentlyt try to defamate slander the person they create false irrational severely untrue narratives and play out endlessly such black proapganda incidents. its truly genocidal. every genoicde starts with dehumanization. and this also started heavily with dehumanization term shoutings either. this unknown cult is doing genocidal behaviors for real. 

its not known which cult they are. its totatlly obscure. it started in another country. but they might not be from there either. cause its a global cult visibly. and its not known why i am tried to be character assainted with severely irrational untrue slanders. but somehow it started to look like jealousy is one opssible root cause. since everytime i mention of my polymath talents, that day a deifnite character assainstion black proapganda incident surely happens. so seems as this cult is envious of poeple they try to character assinte with slandering attempts.

hmm i dont know if its which cult. is it a religious cult that target atheists/theists? is it a anti-religion far leftist cult? or is it a far rightist cult/ its totally unknown obscure whom they are. 

its totally unknown obscure 

known topics: there is a correlation of anytime i talk of my polymath talents e.g. drawing or so, they do a black propaganda incident on that day surely. a psychopath sociopath unknown cult that also has jealousy mental illness.  its like this unknown cult is i think like a mixture of various mental disorders. jealousy sickness/obsession and psychopathy of torture of character assaintion with slandering/then severe extreme level sociopathy iof black propaganda incidents of slandering attempts with sociopathically created untrue narratives/lies/slanders.  

this unknown cult is not known any whom they arewhich cult they are. but they are like a mixture of various mental disorders imho. 


if aliens are on my side, i wish they stop this unknown cult (without harming) To stop their genocidal behaivor. this unknown cult truly really has show cases genocidal behavior. they do allegedly try to characgter assainte with slanderin with impossible irrational lies, then they also start that with dehumnization i mean i dont know what else this is but i think this is really like a genocidal behaviors showcasing cult. i mean i dont think dehumanization/targeting of atheists or theist people to try to character assainte with black porpaoganda incidents with severely irrational sedverely untrue slander type, its i think something like gneoicde imho. of an unknown cult. its totally obscure whom they are. 

its also genocide when you dont target an entire community but target only selectively oinly some members of. i mean if atheists or theists are targeted, that is also genocide even if not all atheists or theists are targeted. thats my opnion. i mean trying to murder people's life's with persistent character assaintion/black p[ropaganda with untrue slander is some domain that belongs to genocidal behavior patterns imho. its when you make you dont live your life but you try to survive such stalk, (Which i felt alot like that in trauma times)  it is then i think definite genocide. an unknown cult. a global cult that sends its members to every country every city.  

though this city it is much less frequent happening. but no matter what, this unknown cult has gps like stalk slandering skills. so everytime i went outside it were happening. since i hadnt went outside for a while i dont know if would happen or not. 

cults of maniac types kill. i have some illness in my stomach and couldnt go to doctor routinely due to scaring of going outside. and now could go to doctor. but maybe it were cancer and it became worse. or maybe just ulcer i dont know. so not being able to go outside without being scared of harrasment of this unknown cult whom visibly has gps like stalking skills (its not people of here either, they are not from here, they dont talk language of here, its a global cult, and they send their stalkers to every city/every country, stalk started in another country then happent everywhere, and though they might not be also from there either, its unknown whom they are whom this cult is)  i might die of cancer if my illness is cancerdue to this unknown cult's persistent stalk incidents. since i scarted of going outside and didnt went to doctor timely. 

but even if i would hate going outside, i would go to doctor this month. 


though as mentioned the irrationality factor of entgier universe of also observing irrationality in humanity like this unknown cult, of various mental sickness like behaviors that exemplified, its just i think existentialism gives inner strength alot.  i mean accepting outside world is in defacto have no obligation to be rational and observing irrationality at extreme factors when confronting character assaintion with irrational/impossible slander types. and irrationality has no process of ending. its this unknown psychopath sociopath cult never stopped incidents but happens less frequently nowadays.

i got over trauma in some level.  ok i hadnt got over agoraphobia fully. but truly got over trauma in huge extents. before i would feel much more sedverely terrified in black propaganda incidents. as I know i reported  the process of charactedr assasintion and black propaganda incidents in blog, that i made everyone aware of that an unknown cult is doing persistent black propaganda incidents, now it feels lesser scary when a sociopathic such black propaganda incident happens. since everyone I had succeed to convey the process and tactics and black propaganda incidents of that unknown cult so that when a black propaganda incident happens it feels less scary now wtr to before. before i would feel much more terrified/scared due to socioapthy of slandering attempt with heavy sociopathy. its something like, before i would feel very traumaitzed now as in blog i made it very transparent of the black propaganda methods of this unknown cult, it feels less scary when black propaganda incident happens since everyone reading blog is aware of the unknown cult's black propaganda incidents/methods so they wont deceive to conspiracy/deception of black propaganda icnidents which target to try to slander as end goal with very sociopathic black propaganda incidents. now that everyone reading blog is aware that, it feels lesser scary though still very disturbing.

but i really heal of trauma alot.

except that i became physically ill my psychology of trauma ptsd healed  but i have developed a serious stomach illness and even also below stomach parts also sometimes locationally hurt slightly momentarily. and has nasty side effects. either its a cancer that throws blood clots since momentarily some circulation of blood in my body lessens during before burping. i wish i hope its not a cancer that is sending blood clots. but lets see.

my stomach my bowels got ill last year. i dont know why. maybe i think maybe due to overload stress due to having confronted genocide like character assasination for last 5 last 6 years.they really truly have genocidal behaviors not joke. really for real. they do everything belonging to genocide excluding killing allegedly behavior. but they do try to do that with sociopathical killings with trying to kill people's life with slandering stalking character assaintion/black propaganda. 

if you read about genocide topic, you would see that one milestone to that passes through dehumanization and that also happent in my case, a loud shoutings with dehumanization term would it started like that 5 or 6 years ago. 

its not known which cult they are. it could be a religious cult that targets theists/atheists, or a far leftist cult or anti relgiious far leftist or far rightist cult. its completely absence of any information to me, i have no idea whom they are.

anyway as mentioned they are not from here either. since theyt dont talk languag eo f here.  its not known where they are from. this started in another country this stalk following and persistent character assainton attempts. but they might not be from there either. its unknow which cult they are. maybe it happens because i were atheist and reflected my atheist beliefs. or i dont know i reallydont know which cult it is. 


ok wishfully my illness is not cancer. and its only because of stomach impacting blood flow duye to impacting that region there. with excess weight of me. 

yuppp today learnt someperson died from cancer. it were vcery scary so i searched asap doctor to go to. 

at least i know that my dad for instance even lung cancer has had quite alot strength and is surviving so if its cancer, i have higher chance of survival just looking to dad's surviving from stage 4 lung cancer. though i might not be healthy as dad either i dont know. dad's treatment going well. he is surviving the chemothreaphy and went very effective and now taking radioheraphy to target tumor in lung. his condigtion is good and is surviving wishfully. 

ok today learnt someone died from cancer from blood clot tumor generated. i meant last day and i instantly started searching stomach ddoctors again. since my syumptom might also be blood clot or else maybe excess weight does impact blood flow or so. i dont know in any case, i saw that cancer is a treatable illness from dad's stage 4 lung cancer's being treated, so feels lesser scary illness though chemothreapy dad took were very high dose i think since even mom would take dad's even color would change. its really very hard process i guess. but even lung 4 cancer is survivable. yuppp. 

i dont know yet my own sickness. i have very severe sickness that blood flow does not flow somewhere at times. momentarily. sometimes i wake up with no breath. taking no breath. i heard in stomach illness this side effect can also occure. if stomach does do load on diaghram of lung it disables breathing they say. so this might be due to that. or else it could be one possibility other came to my mind is blood clot like stuff maybe i dont know. unknown. 

so as my psychology healed in huge degree from trauma of genocide alike character assaisntion confrontation, (it were really like genoicde everything of genocide happent, even dehumanization it started with dehumanization then also hunt shoutings then also slandering/ stalk /persistent slandering attempt like mafia etc. it were very similar to genocide topics but only without physical killing part, but psychologically trying to kill people, e.g. character assaisntion, creating very illogical irrational untrue narratives and doing endless persistent black propaganda incidents, i think what happent to me is very similar to genoicde, by an unknown cult, i dont know if it happent because i were an atheist, or is it something like relgiious people targeting atheists or is it sometimg like anti-religiouys far leftists people targeting nonleftist people? or is it something like far rightist people targetning nonrightist people?  i ahve noidea which type of cult did genocide resembling character assatinon attempts to me and i think its very possible it hadnt yet stopped imho).

its that as i got healed of trauma of having confronted genocide alike character assasintion, though not fully healed because the unknown cult should be stopped to have me healed of trauma. to not scare of going outside for scaring of yet another black propaganda sociopathy incident happenstance. they this unknown c ult is really global imho and it started in another country and they send their genocide mentality having stalkers and proxies to do black propaganda incidents to every town, since ti happent every time i went outside. they really like have gps like stalking skills whilst they do genocide resembling character assasintion attempts. with creating untrue severely irrational narratives to people and to kill otuside life of people like that with persistent harrasments with black propaganda incidents. its truly genocide attempts. of an unknown cult.

i remember 5 years aog stalk incident. with tan literal being used from next flat in slandering sentences which i would perceive as a tan named stalker is there. or serdar. then also in outside aga named stalk following which later turned out there is no aga stalking me but stalkers tries to defamate as a mafia an aga that does bad things/conspiracy like that, a very illogical impossible conspiracy becayuse i am a talented engineer and i did worked my life with hard coding work and never been interested nor have any reason to be interested to do such stuff. since i had also strong supportive family beside being a very talented coder engineer. so its a very impossible lie. its a slander. genocide it is. to create such untrue slanders to people and then harrass like that. its truly genocide to craft conspiracy to people and harrass and do alleged black propaganda sociopathy incidents to try to defamate like that. 

its truly genocide. to target community members that are from other communities (e.g. theists/atheists or nonleftists or non rightists) and do heavy conspiracy with severely impossible illogical lies then do dehumanization shoutings loudly then do stalk shoutings of unnice requests sentences shoutings then do slandering shoutings. then do black propaganda incidents with severe sociopathy. this is entirely genocide. i just dont know where to ask help from for the genocide that happent to me. i wish some good institutions in world exists that protect people from genocide. cause targeting of other community people (e.g. theists/atheists) and doing crafting untrue conspiracies about them and doing alleged black propaganda incidents to try to slander like that sociopathically, is a form of genocide. a 100% genocide even if not done to an entire community, even if a community's only one member is still targeted like this, its still genocide. 

what i wish to happen, that i would find some legal institutions help to report this thing that happens happent to me, to mandate the doers with some sort of punishment, e.g. mandatory social service like punishment, e.g. mandatory social service to autist communities since i am also autist.  and also i would also sue monetarily if the doer cult is rich, to do invest that money to have them invest to another again social purpose like that. 

i dont know but having confronted a lone genocide version were horrific. and i still dont know where to ask help from.  i tried amnesty but i might not been definitive enough or that its because a country does not do this, i couldnt find help there. it turns out amnesty hlpes in cases when countries are doing human right abuses. 

but noone there is no institution that helps when unknown cults does severe genocide like human rights abuses of character assaisntion attempts. /gps like stalk following. 

i think my case is a slightly bit off slightly bit less horrific then genocide confrontation maybe. i think nothign could be worse as being phsyically killed either. i mean i think character assasintion attempts endlessly is still sligtly less horfific wtr to genocide.

but still its something like genocide what happent to me. and it's lone version. since i live alone. and so i do fought against the unknown cult's genocide all alone.

its a global cult. it started in another country. and happent everywhere i went. and its not known whether if they are from there either. since it seems as a global cult. and they use gps like tech imho to do genocide incidents of black propaganda incidents where they do try to do slandering deceptions/slandering attempts sociopathically. they this unknown cult is global. and does genocide alike acts and is unknown whonm they are nor their motive. e.g. whether if they target atheist/theists (e.g. me) or whether if they are anti-religious far leftists that target nonleftists or whether if they are extremist far rightists that target nonright sided people? its not any known whom they are.

they do their genocide activity using their gps tools imho. cause black propaganda incident happent every time i went outside for real. its like they use tech to support their genocidal activities of character assasintions to comumnities that are not from them. and this unknown cult's whom they are where they are from is unknown. its unrelated to here since it started ni another country. but might also be unrelated to there either. since visibly its a global cult and its not known where they are from and what their motive is in genocidal activities. (e.g. are they atheist haters? or do they have some nationalistic racism or else i have no idea whom they are where they are from and why they do genocidal behaviors like conspiracy with very severely irrational slanders and genocide like black propaganda incidents to allegedly try to slander attempt like that, and just like this happening endlessly. )



but as told, i got over trauma in huge extents i mean trauma level i feel is much less since i got healed of trauma of this in huge extents. now i feel less traumitized and do less stress overload with less stress when black propaganda incidents happens with severe sociopathy. 

yayyy i bought this one and would start colorful quantum entanglement tries on tomorrow :D yayy :D

GAOMON PD1161 11.6-inch Pen Display with 8 Quick Keys and 8192-step Battery-free Stylus: Amazon.de: Computer & Accessories

or maybe all weird stuff happenbt due to aliens interference :) maybe i dont have any omnipotence power. i have no idea :D

but i very strongly believe that the Everett is righhtm, and alternative universes exists which Q alike super cool aliens exists :D or Star Trek like super cool aliens and Star Fleet like super cool organizations exists :D

i storngly believe to Everett's hypothesis, I without even reading that I were also thinking like that due to my specific observations of repeated observations of coincidences due to that. 

or else, maybe that interpretation is also incorrect but maybe another interpretation is correct, but i strongly believe in truth value of many worlds hypothesis of infinitiatic existence. and surely super cool Q like aliens or super cool star fleet like organizations exists in alternative universes that might had attached to also our specific universe which i am in. among infinite other universe versions which i am also in :) its all infinity :)  only future has edge. but other wise whatever is all exists at once. :) and in all possible universe configurations of all eigenstate chance possibilities of course Q like aliens eixstingt universes also exists. and I strobngly suspect that such universe got attached to my universe version which si totally euphoira/awesome/amazing/undefineable level cheerful :D


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