ok then reading this, i think I found Everett's definition/model complete and possibly correct.

Everett’s Relative-State Formulation of Quantum Mechanics (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

I also suspected this, that and I also determined time as a direction of change of eigenstates but then tghis means its like a perception is like a sailing on a flow of time with no definite past eigen state but a relative eigenstate at current there with a parallel world which has similar to this world with other eigen state. 

hmm so its I came investigating these topics again after this last day's coincidence. where I thought a single thought pattern since the image on the wall were colorful (clay reddish wall colors, lapis lazuri ground color with stones, and the resting place having also lapis lazuri color) and it made me thought a thought pattern of sleeping place is like ground of temple /continuation of temple, right? 

having this macro (non quantum mechanical) configuration in mind at time t, 

then some hours later on phone, mom told, one relative were very tired and felt asleep in the ground in the living room or so and they did were talking with toher family members with whatsapp, and then, they told me he must be very tired to not have slept in couch or bed but just on ground. 

then this makes me think: 

that thought pattern of nary literals correlation like famous software algorithm, this brain configuration when then happening in some hours laters, sleeping on ground thought configuration pattern, coinciding with my past universe even ontologically completely unrelated other than the sleeping on ground concept coinciding, so how such two very unrelated ontological layers coincide with past(me looking to that flat and thinking that resting place has same color as the temple's ground) coinciding with future phone call, 

as in this Everett theory of multiple worlds (or universes) at one instant:

I think then maybe brain circuitory that thought that thought pattern might be still active some level with some residues of activity after many hours, then it might be that, in grand course of universe, maybe there is a tendency to have overlapping states that something happens that triggers that neural confgiguration from this time very unrelated ontology layers, 

that reality is an infinity of other universes, and there is nothing like unexplored eigenstate all exists at once. that there is an edge of future but an infinite past, the future is built on the edge but past is by no means a single dimension of time, or maybe a probabilistically more probabile universe versions cluster along a time lines that are similar,  but in overall actually there is no randomness at all, all other random choices are followed in another universe, in such view, there is actually no randomness at all, what is random result is not followed in the other universes. 

so that brain configuration of thought of look this resting place has same color as ground, looks like resting on ground or if resting place is continuum of temple's ground like idea and the such thought configuration pattern: if brain were highly adapted to quantum environment, i mean were having physical mechanisms adapted to quantum mechanics in overall, it might in an entangled state, of defined thought pattern thought and its cause effect residues in brain circuitory of remaining neurotransmitters in that thought configuration, how it creates a reversal of cause effect, of making that universe version to happen more frequently to its current state? this is puzzling, one idea how that it could be : if the entanglement is easier to accomplish with such universe version among inifnite universe versions, and along with the physical framework laws that defines specific entropy directions,  maybe entanglement has a a tendency to continue or favor following attaching to future universe versions with which conitnues entanglement.

so this then makes thoughts we think also entering quantum entanglement topics.

so macro world also in quantum configurations of mind behaves also like quantum mechanics. like de broglie's theorem either but this time being related to entanglement. 

so what is the limits of this: 

hmm me, when a stalk slandering incident happens, me wishing an asteroid falling to stalker, is it possible in this physical explanation? 

it seems not possible. because: in such case, the asteroid should already be there. but asterloids are known much in advance. so its not feasible to stop unknown cult via pshychjich such means.


there is still some methods that could be accomplished with such skill. of some type of omnipotence power, maybe everyone holds it, of you think an idea and it happens in future, 

might be like thinking a very specific idea and placing thoughts related to what unknown cult says ins talk slandering black propaganda incidents, to think a specific thought pattern and associating it with some outcome, but also placing a relatedness  to the unknown cult's black propaganda incidents so that in such an incident moment, to alter universe to make a universe version where unknown cult stalker is stopped from doing black propaganda incident.  it wont be possible to use asteroid to do that either :D

maybe there are no aliens. maybe that pain pain pain and waiting for card, or all other coincidences to star trek tv show were not any aliens made (or they are, we can not know) but is rather this phenomena related. 

hmm to learn this slight omnipotence power would require some time since it would be very funny to apply against this unknown cult stalkers :D

lets finish todays blog as guh the sabrina alike :D

its so funny :D to have such omnipotence skill not similar to Q either but still slightly a very less powerful form of omnipotence power :D 

guh the Q descendent :D  nope I dont have strong omnipotence alike Qs if Qs existed in our and alternative universes, i think i am not descendent of since i dont have strong omnipotence skills. but still have a very slight degree of it. maybe everyone has most possibly. this must not be unique to me. brain must be such quantum entanglement capability having device of its state/configurations imho. 

this is so funny:D

lets improvise a psychic stuff against the unknown cult. would be severe fun to try to. but not easy, since i dont have info of the cult to design psychic or omnipotence tools against cult. but lets try. even idea of it is very fun after having confronted persistent black propaganda torture type/stalk/slandering/character assasintion with slandering torture for very long time. its very fun to think using omnipotence stuff against this unknown cult.

oh how much i wished i had Q like omnipotence skills :D then i might had done something like converting them to rodents or alike when the stalkers of cult whenever  stalk slandering happens :D it would had been very funny :D but unfortunately i dont have that much omnipotence skills :D just a bit of. but not much:D

but I definitely dont have that much Q alike omnipotence skills. but I think I might encompass some level omnipotence skills. 


one other weitrd coincidence, a wishful thinking this time, in an episode that i had not watched yet, i saw images  of, where Q comes to world for another Q a woman whom wears pink. this images I last day saw. she were actually descendent of Qs whom stayed as human in world. and had extra mom/dad whom were not her original parents of Qs. last days I wore a pink shirt that eventually got stinked since I liked its comfiness and its color is pink. and then i over wore it for 3 days or so.  last day when reading about Q, saw about that startrek episode, where the Q in world were also wearing pink cloth. it were True Q episode that I had not watched yet.  In such hypothethical star trek's script universe, I would had if it if I had Q ancestors, I would be happy :) referencing pink coincidence :) that if in the all alternate universe versions a Q alien race is overseeing me taking care of being from them. type reality is just wishful thinking of course, since my mom and dad my real mom and dad, I resemble my dad facially alot. but still if there were overseeing Q aliens that would wished me to be Q i would have been happy to be a Q :) referencing my pink cloth coincidence :) but this be a fantasy of wish of existence of Q aliens to be real for real but I would be happy to go to them if they really existed. I think Q are the most awesome aliens in that star trek universe, they are awesome/amazing:)

could it be a universe version that Q really exist and alters star trek scripts? why not in a relativist mind set of course it could be like that also. but its not a fact but a possibility of other possible explanations to all star trek coincidences happent. so there might be no aliens interference but just this quantum brain situations imho might be also responsible for coincidences. but it would have been more awesome if Q really existed, in this whimsical thinking mode to think these topics :) cause they are really awesome :D


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