one funny topic, i as mentioned dont any get traumatized any more and every time make sevreely fun of every single time the unknown cult does yet another black propaganda sociopathy:
hey meanwhile the unknown cult persists black propaganda operations that which is very funny to nihiliate every single time. they allegedly innovate very untrue impossible irrational slander to the persons they target to try to destroy the and persistently do black propaganda. its like civil war topics i had read before, that one group would target another groups in civil wars and this unknown cult does try to kill identity of people with thousand of black propaganda incidents where they create severely irrational/impossible slander/irrational/impossible rumors.lies and do thousand many times black propaganda to try to depict person like that. black propaganda sociopathy has happent until now then at least a thousand times that which every single of has been nihiliated and never replied.
this unknwn cults such behaviors resemebling civil war topics, the repetitive nature of this does seem some topic like this of such topics incidents i read from history, if you read such topics, you would see what kind of maniacness happens in civil wars and this is no sort of any less maniacness than civil wars maniacness level to do thousand of black propaganda incidents with insurmountable sociopathy to do hatred crimes of to attempt to kill of idnetity of people with untrue propaganda.
its not just such civil war like behaviors, in first period of this started, also genocidal behaviors also happent, e.g. shoutings of sexual harrassing sentences e.g. shoutings of sleep like trying to depict as a bitch occupation, then also many times sexually harrassing horrific sentences many times be shouted which were quite a lot shock, then also dehumanization side of genocidal behavior scala also happent in stalk slandering incidents and one time like this has been happening maybe last 6 years, i think the frequency of shouting sexual requests like thing has very reduced, they allegedly tried to depict as also bitch and did such shoutings very frequently in first 3 years of the stalk slandering incidents.
so a behavior scala of genocidal and civil war behaviors I literally for real observed from this constantly following unknown cult.
they try to steal dignity of people with doing severe black propaganda sociopathy this unknown cult. and do also show case genocidal behavior patterns since its like when a group of people sees other people not from them as bitch whilst they are not, this is a type of genocidal behavior pattern that repeated in nhistory of world, i saw this genocidal behavior very frequently from this unknown cult in specifically first 3 years of stalk slandering incidents, then black propaganda factor started to be the very major mechanism they use as they understood they cant make people bitch with shouting things alike to bitches occptn , so they more focused to doing black propaganda sociopathy and fell a short of doing such sexually harrassing requests shoutings and allegedly try to depict as a bitch whilst definitely not any.
its if you monitor the latest behaviors of this unknown cult be sure this is theirs very latest behavior set. before the scala fo behaviors were more like concentrated focused on bitch alike shoutings and plus slightly black propaganda started also in tandem.
so I really literally observed genocidal behavior set from an unknown cult that i always never reply and always nihliate. they do try to murder people's life/identity with severe black propaganda and persistent stalk following whilst doing that.
before I felt very traumatized and felt agoraphobia, now I really make fun of this unknown cult as unevolveds after having observed thousand of black propaganda incidents. i really dont any enter to trauma and make fun of how much unevolveds they must be in every single black propaganda incident nowadays, i completely got over truama of having confronted for real genocidal behavior scala from an unknown cult that constantly perpetuates the murdering identity operation to people not from them.
i realy make fun of every single time every time this unknown cult when a black propaganda operation happens as unevolveds nowadays. since i really think there is some backward evolution to do such severely bad behaviors like this.
they only know murdering/black propaganda sociopathy/trying to murder women not from them with slandering whilst we know about physics/maths/chemistry (newly learning)/anthropology/sociology/philosophy. and would also learn about history since star trek reference happent. They only seem to only talented to do black propaganda sociopathy so there really seems to me a backward evolution situation happens. sorry for being very rude in this. but when having tried to be character assasinted with severely impossible irrational lies/slander, and when black propaganda sociopathy has happent a thousand times, it just one cant stop start thinking the unknown cult has a backward evolution problem, not that they lack capacity, but they dont use their existing evolutionary capacity that every one has inherently, but they use it to do severely unevolved behaviors like black priopaganda sociopathy to try to murder people's identity with severely irrational impossible lies.
i still dont have any idea which cult they are. i have no information of. but i feel not any more traumatized whenever a black proapganda incident happens anymore. i instead make fun of every single time inside my mind, how much unevolved this unknown cult is. to do behave this much bad behaviors like civil warish or evend many times genocidal behavior patterns. sorry for having started to think such very rude ideas like backward evolution in my mind, I never had such ideas before and started to think such ideas only after having confronted/observed a thousand times black propaganda sociopathy which every time i had nihiliated.
before this topic were a severely trauma topic, now its really funny, i really make very much fun of the unevolved cults black propaganda sociopathy incidents every single time happens nowadays. before i felt traumatized, now it feels very funny of how they repeatedly do showcase unevolved behavior patterns. its really funny. an unknown cult. which i stared to call unevolveds recent year in my mind and my blog, not that they lack evolutionary capacity, every being holds full capacity of evolution, but they dont use their capacity and do behave backward evolution behaviors funnily. its like observing backward evolution and I even now see even if i observe from very distant, i mean i dont even want to observe, i mean i confront maybe the correct term, of unevolved backwards evolution behavior, its like a chance to do anthropology science imho, i mean now its not any traumatic any more to observe/confront black propaganda sociopathybut rather alot of funny to me to observe unevoled backward evolution behavior patterns. of an unknown cult. its not know which type of cult they are, but one thing I understand, its like observing backwards evolution :D i mean encountering black propaganda sociopathy unvoluntarily, is like unvoluntarily having have achance to see how backwards evolution is. so in that sense its very totally absolutely funny, to observe repetititve unevolved behaviors.
now this topic is totally absolutely funny to me. before i would feel severely trauma now its totally absolutely entirely very funny, i make a very fun of the unknown cult and stalkers every single time in my mind beside nihiliating/never replying as always. so its like an unvoluntarily attained anthropologist sociologist position with observing a black propaganda savageness/sociopathy. from the start, i always nihiliated at first time it were not possible to understand either, in first 1.5 years of the stalk incidents, i udnerstood initially as having very maniac stalkers that stalks everywhere and never replied and always nihiliated, then as i understood black propaganda and horrific requests shouted also in shoutings sexual harrassing shoutings either, i then became agoraphobic for a lot time. and felt severely traumatized. but this year i got over trauma and find it very funny. cause this is exactly backwards evolutions (i mean this genocidal or civil warish behavioral spectra i observe from an unknown cult unvoluntarily observing). its not known which cult they are. but they seem to have members all globe and persist their activities all globe. they send their cult members to every country to perpetuate this unevolved activity.
before it were traumatic, now it is really very funny. i make every single time very much fun of the unevolvedness of this unknown cult :D not that they lack capacity, every human holds full capacity to be evolved, that but they somehow fell short of using their capacity and behave very unevolveds like if its backwards evolution :D so its totally absolutely very funny :D to observe unevolveds unvoluntarily, not that i volunteered to this any. i observe whilst encountering all this very savaga black propaganda/genocidal behavior spectrum set all last 6 years.
its totally absolutely severely funny to osberve backwards evolution even. :D i make severely fun of nowadays every single time a stalk fgololwing with black propaganda sociopathy incident happens :D i mean i make fun inside my mind but never reply as always, always nihiliate.
absolutely severely funny unknown cult :D backward evolution exemplery :D (not that they lack capacity evcery human inherently holds, its not lack of capacity, just they chose to be unevolveds most possibly).
its so funny :D every blackj propaganda sociopathy is now like an unvoluntary anthropological field study alike not that i have incentives to study i just unvoluntarily observe during observing black propaganda sociopathy behavior of this unknown cult. its like unvoluntarily observing backwards evolution and very funny absolutely severely funny :D
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