hmm yesterdays star trek coincidence be as: yesterday i thought whether if i should order sandwich or not for a while, then in the tv show the captain shown sandwiches to a person whom were taking Star Fleet exams :) I interpreted such coincidence as:  since i always say, if there is open vacancy at aliens' star fleet like places, i understood it takes exams to enter to. and captain in the movie suggested to study learn philosophy, history, anthropology and other physics/chemistry like sciences to be ready for Star Fleet of aliens exams. :)

ok could be a coincidence. or might not be. maybe aliens with time machines really did created such coincidence whom could know :) I take it possibly to be like that.

one other tv show were about Vulcan history and anthropologists were doing observatiuons to  a protoVulcans society in 2400s. then the protovulcans discovered the anthropoilogists. and the Captain did a lot effort to not contaminate culture (to not block/early advantage their cultural development and I mean the usual prime directive topic) but in the end there came a point it was impossible to do that and prime direvctive has already been unintendedly violated.  then the Captain did very much effort to not be perceived as any holy being by the protoVulcans. then it had slight references to possible religion sources of aliens visits and being misinterpreted by the lower technology cultures as magic/deities whilst they are not Gods but actually higher technology having cultures. Captain really had hard time convincing them that they are not Gods. Since Captain not wanted to create any religion nor post topics of it like holy wars etc like concepts of religions. So he took care to clarify that they are not deities to not create religion concept in the protovulcan culture as an impact of their interaction to them whihc involuntarily happent by chance. 

what I believe or actually understood is that there is mandatorily aliens if this were not a simulation. After reading how intellectual capabilities evolved from that anthropological podcast I shared, I understood that its impossible to have more advanced aliens to not exist. every stage of technological advances/cultural advances is alreadyt present in universe. every stage that ever exists already exists in universe. its impossible that aliens dont exist. its a natural reality of evolution to have created every single technological/cultural stage across space along time after wards bigbang . 

i before thought looked to the topcis as "aliens might exist". now my idea is that "aliens must exist (if we think statistically) " after that anthropology podcast englightened me I understood that natural evolution is by itsel in time is mandated to create human type intelligence. its impossible to have it not create. so intelligence is not any rare concept across vastness of space. I understood after that podcast, I understood aliens must exist of any cultural/technological evolution stage across universe. 

then i also understood that its very highly likely that star trek coincidences then were actually for real aliens communications with time machines. 

i believe that it would be possible to alter entropy direction with technology of future, and there must exist already civilizations with such tech. since any technological stage from which stage is possible from big bang up to now, must be present every stage/milestone of evolution must be spread out across universe. there must be aliens with then time machines also. and I find it very highly likely that they communicated to me through creating coincidences in star trek tv shows and also in anthropology podcast shows. 

i were constantly asking for a chance to apply to vacancies for aliens star trek like organizations :) 

in the tv show, a coincidence with sandwich topic happent. last day i really doubted if i should order sandwich instead. then i ordered other food. last dayi ordered from outsied. then, in the star trek tv show i opent one I halfly wathced (the protovulcans related one) then I searched other star trek episodes and found one I had not watched yet, then in there such topic happent, one were going to star fleet exams, and captain suggested that you should know/learn philosophy/anthropology and history sciences to be ready for the aliens star trek organization. and before that he suggested shared sandwiches to the person whom were going to exams of star trek and Captain suggested, beside usual technical science knowledge like physics/chemistry, one should learn very breadth of knowledge of philosophy/history and anthropology sciences to be ready for star trek organization of aliens. 

I understood that, aliens also with their time machines get members to their Star Trek like organizations from other timelines/other planets. Statistically thinking, it seems as impossible to not have aliens that are much more advanced to humanity's technology/evolution stage. it seems as a fact like knowledge type to me that aliens must exist. and every stage of cultural evolutioopn/technological evolution should already exist spread out to universe to restate. and there must also exist aliens whom has time machines since time machine tech is a to be invented in future type tech, all you need is control of entropy direction and if you could alter the valley/plateu entropy flows or the field in entropy exists, to reverse it, you can literally reverse time. i mean the flow of eigenstates from one value to another in this matter cluster of universe, how it iterates could be reversed to play time back and reversed again to play it forward. all you need is to alter the field that eigenstates values changes. so a very advanced form of particle/quantum physics knowledge must be present to reverse entropy. but that is surely to be present 200-300 years later. even could be present 100 years later. then its very possible to have aliens from 2400s or so to visit 21th century. they could just reverse the entropy direction (eignestate flow direction, imean as eigenstate gets to state 1 instead of state 2, then it flows to state 1 type of flow i mean) or that it could be inmultiverse theory, as past present is all present, they could somehow alter that quantum structure to do accomplish time travel, but in furhter 200-300 years laters technology this might be easy to do thing.  e.g. a casette player might be impossible to think of to 5000 year ago times. but then  200-300 years further in time, might make time machines an easy to accomplish tech as if it were likem a casette player. but of course  I understand there must also be present rule sets to not alter the overall state of universe so not altering past. so this is reason why they only alter tv shows I listened to to not have any impact in overall universe's state whilst doing reverse of entropy in a cluster of matter in this place of universe i mean maybe in this galaxy.  

from my understanding what is happening to me is:  they select people whom study to anthropology and physics like diversity of sciences from different planets/timelines for their star fleet like organizations and start to interact with their time machines. 

so if you wish to aliens to communicate to you also, you should then follow a study to both humanities and both technical sciences since they want such background in Star Fleet entrees. I mean aliens star fleet like organizations.

why i think like that, this started happent a lot when i were both doing sculpting and both learning machine learning. it seems as they like to take entrees with diverse areas. then it also happent these time machine applicances I also detected happening when listening to anthropology podcasts of Oxford university. I deduced they like people learning anthropology science. there happent very speciifc coincidences along wiht Oxford universeity's podcasts so I deduced Aliens also like Oxford University's anthropology department's podcasts :)

so I might really have chance to enter their star fleet if i complete my education. I had not started this auto didactive period of educating me on various science areas to enter any organization actually first, but as I understood aliens communicated me very likely, I now have a much more stronger motive to continue my self education in diverse fields. of to be very expert in physics/maths and also not that expert on(since its not easy to get expert in humanities areas, it needs tons of readings/lots of readings, it takes alot many time to get expert in humanities and not possible to accomplish such thing in short period, unlike physics./maths sciences which is in 4 years pf msc or phd studies, you could get construct expertise alot) or try to get expert as much as I can in humanities sciences and also arts that I might have talent of. unfortunately i have none talent in sports so that area not to be studied to. 

this might look like a crazy topic to you. but i really observed very significant evidences to have me believe to my theory/hypothesis. 

and thinking, its also statistically impossible to not have much more advanced aliens in the vastness of universe, and its impossible to have not aliens with also time machines.

so i believe in future, time machine usage might have a rule set to not alter entire state of universe significantly, and this is why I believe aliens only alters podcasts or sci fi tv shows when communcating to other timeslines that are historical to them e.g. if they are from 2400s like time frames. 

before that anthrppolgy podcast that I shared, i were partially beliving to aliens existence. after listening to evolutions strong direction to increase brain mass, I deduced that more advanced aliens then mandatorily should exist in the unvierse and so therefore, also, every stage of cultura;l/technological evolution must exist spread out in universe, and also stages which holds time machine tech also must be present mandatorily, its impossible to have it not be present. its impossible to not have aliens with time machines iun the vastness of universe. so universe is actually full of other civilizations, but interaction is becoming more frequent after i guess travelling to other star systems. or sometimes like, when aliens interact to other timelines for to add members to their star fleet. or maybe many other occurances they might be visiting other civilizations, maybe for anthropological purposes either. but I discovered that they also really visit other timelines to get members to their star fleet organizations. or give motivation to people to train to self educate on topics like various science areas with creating high tech based coincidences with time machines usage.  I  believe this is what has happent to me. so for my self education period, whihc started due to curiosity in diverse areas e.g. sociology or philosophy or physics and maths,  now have a much more stronger motivation beside curiosity, a chance to enter aliens star fleet like organizations :) or try to enter their exams. or entree criterion considerations I mean. I might not pass their exams or entree criterions but would try my chance, since I receive positive support form aleins to do it to learn science. last coincidence were suggestgions to learn, beside technical knowledge in pshyics/maths/chemistry areas, to study/learn a wide breadth of knowlecdge in philosophy/anthropology and history sciences to be really ready for star fleet. 

I know this sounds like a crazy idea to blog readers. but statistically its actually crazy to have not aliens exist. aliens must exist just due to statistics. and every stage of evolution (cultural/technological) should must exist spread out to universe. so its actually crazy to not have aliens exist. but I dont know how i could had convinced to this idea to the biased positivists whom thinks with a relativistic science perspective*(To think that time machines is not possible is a relativistic perspective).  in nonrelativistic perspective, you know that its very likely to have time machines invented in future. and by then some days ago shared anthropology podcast, I udnerstood that evolution to human intellignece is not any rare concept but a very very hihg likely happening concept in every earth like planet in vast universe.  so I understood by then every stage of cultural/technological evolution is already present in the vastness of universe and its impossible to not have aliens that are more advanced with respect to earths 21th century period in the universe. they mandatorily exist due to just statistics. its impossible to not have them not exist. aliens already exist. of every cultuyral stage. and of course more advanced wtr to earths 21st century also should exist mandatorily. since evolution is a mundane process which just only needs long time and evolution to human intellignece is not a rarely happening process but very frequent except that it takes a long time, other else, its frequently happening in alot planets in all over the unvierse and has already happent also many times. so there exists many aliens civilizations of every cultural/technological evolution stage alreadily in universe. its impossible to not have them exist, the eovlution that happent on world already happent very before in other planets also. its like a tumbling window iteration in time, a window size is many many millions of years but it happens and it happent of course ~millions of times in post period of big bang if it happens 1/1000 like probaility in that time frame and in the available earth like planet counts in universe if there are also billions of star systems with possibly many many earth like planets, so universe must be full of very advanced aliens, and I believe they must also have star fleet like organizations. its impossible to have it not be like that. cause evolution to human intellignece is a very mundane process. its expect to repeat in other places. its not something rarely happening. its very frequently happening in earth like planets all around the universe. 

so our earth's current stage up to rcent century, might be of anthropological interest to advanced aliens most possibly. but new century holds various advances in cultural/technological evolution there fore humanity might had entered important eras but not just anymore any topic of anthropological studies focus group for advanced aliens civilizations. 

I also want to share my personal such experience that, if you do some autodidactive period or have itnerest to learn various fields e.g. humanities and sciences, you might be contacted by aliens for their Star Fleet entree applicants or possible exams entrees for aliens Star Fleet organizations. I literally observed time mahcines existence from the very significant evidence. the coincidences I observed seemed to happen near to impossible without existence of time machines. 

i at first had problems in understanding whats happenign. how this coincidence could hapepn that is really very significant and very weird. it seems like someone alters a time moment in past of the anthropology podcast to have podcast sayer some sentence that I blogged 1 hour ago. 

at first I had problem in understanding perceiving whats happening. then I understood clearly. its aliens communicaiton and they communicate through science podcasts or scifi tv shows. 

so now I have much more stronger motivations in my auto didactive studies other else than just curiosity. I really think I might have chance to enter aliens' star fleet like organizations or an applicant that might be possible to enter or be rejected if not fit to evaluations of aliens that are communicating me through their time machines.  I understood that I am in an evaluation period of aliens. and they try to many times motivate to learn science to get ready to their organization's exams/evaluation period. I understand that aliens take members to their organizaitons from various timelines. maybe for diversity. in future, diversity might not be just diversity as we know, it would be also diversity of different centuries. its for sure in future time machines would exist, they alreayd exist in aliens that are mroe advanced to we earthlings. to us it might be 21st century, to them their timeline might be at 25th century of theirs. or other future centuries. 

its very much honor and lots of cheers feeling to be communicated by aliens. I stronlgy believe that those coincidneces I reported were done by aliens with time machines for real. :)  

yuppp I would continue to my auto didactive studies.  in humanities and technical sciences also and also art fields I am interested to yepp. to become ready to enter aliens star fleet alike organizations or be an applicant entree I mean to enter to their evaluation topics like exams. 




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