( just a funny moment right now: => sun being caught up smiling when i said i wished aliens lifted up me to another solar sytem :D sun have issues with me kind of funny interpretation i had or aliens being funny:D ) (ok sun does not is not happy of me being in this solar system ) (the day i mentioned i wished aliens lifted me up to another solar system, sun utterly smiles :DDDD)  :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD what kind of a funny sun this is :D or is it aliens humour:DDDD  :D ayy this is utterly funny :DDDD (it must be just a coincidence but still very very very funny:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

If aliens exist i rerequest being lifted up to another solar system just look sun does not like me or is a funny sun :DDDD)  (slightly doing humour to alien friends and to sun :) if aliens exists, i would be so happy to adapt live toa nother new planet in another solar system :D) (this were utterly funniy :D never seen the sun smiling before! :D )(i think this needs to get a photography  award, we never seen sun smiling before) 


i mean come on, that day i investigated the solar systems in vicinity and then i see an image of sun smiling utterly :DDDDD one can't help to think that sun does not like me :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

ayy this is the most funniest coincidence i ever seen for a very lot while :DDDDDDDDDDDD (if aliens did it if its not coincidence they must know that they made me laugh alot:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD their humour is totally utterly funny DDDDDDDD)

(most possibly its only a coincidence but still a very funny one :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD) 

same humour happens through coincidence of resembling me to a very heavy rock in terms of weight afterwards :DDDDD if that not being coincidence :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

aliens are utterly severely funny :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

ah my very severely funny friends :D 

i 💜 you my alien friends :) you are so amazing/so cool! :)

(it must be a coincidence but i would perceive it as if aliens did it since i searched proxima centauri and other suns/solar systems the day before :D ) 


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