racist maniacs :D i mean one confronted/confronting genocidal level persecution from an unknown cult, and gets tried to be discredited when reporting it from racist maniacs :D
no wonder aliens dont communicate to me and not them. if they were non racist maniacs whom listens to in genocidal persecution where the one whom confronted torture is tried to be also discredited with slander of mafia along through the persecution torture, they would then have then be entitled as nonracist people types. i think neo nazi title really fits some people types nope had not any meant neo nazis wrong usage for in side the war in ukaraine nor any related to historical entitlement e.g holocausts. no neonazis aree not from historical context nor any context it is used in current world. its from another country not here nor countries i lived. definitely hundred percentage neo nazis imho. they definitely deserve such entitlement fully imho.
it never cease to be very interesting to observe neo nazis siding with genocidal persecution doers when you are tortured with mafia slander or so then they assist neo nazis rampage of genocidal persecutions. its totally unbelievable how many racist races nations exist in this maniac world. i think one thing aliens would never do imho is to ever communicate to any racist. and they wont be welcomed in aliens planets cause i would tell all these to aliens either. i would make sure racists never are welcomed in other aliens civilizations.
its so easy to side with genocidal persecutors? due to racism? due to inherent sadist maniacness which outside is called racism? when you report genocidal persecution in blog, did not expected to confront being discredited effort. whilst they did torture of persecution the unknown cult, they also did in tandem slandering as mafia as false flag to attmpt to justify their torture of persecution or capability to persecute. so it were kind of secret hidden persecution i mean not like honest maniacs whom persecute without any lies, but dishonest maniac type that tries to persecute with false flag tryign to justify torture persecution with false flag of smearing/mafia slanders. so you confront twice torture in such case, bnoth persecution and both the doers shameless smearing/slandering attempts to justify their persecution torture with mafia slander. and they do it with thousand times of black propaganda false flag operations to try to smear as mafia.
just dont worry i would tell all these also to aliens to make sure people type whom support genocidal level persecution are never welcomed in civilizations of others.
been confronted thousand times of sociopathic false flag operation now. and when seeing people types siding or helping with the genocidal persecution doers is something uncomprehensible totally absolutely. though reverting back 100 or 200 years ago, these same people were people whom did massive massacres or unfair things all around, not expected to them sociologically get evolved under the artifical cover of civilized outlook which is definitely not any true and artificial as i observe their racist acts.
i think worlds main problem is that people whom did massive human rights abuses in history never got any resolve or resoution of committing their crimes so that they feel likem capable of repeating them to future with racism.
i think there has never been any resolution of past human right abuses in world. and sociological evolution could never had happent in 100 or 200 years.
i believe we live inside a totally racist barbarian world that seems to try to hold an outfit of civilization whilst completely lacks it and is not evolved to be ever civilized just by looking to historical 100 years ago 200 years ago crimes such countries committed.
so we live in a barbarian world where civilization is just very artificial. just due to racism. and holding a blind eye to genocidal persecutions just because the tried to be persecuted is not from your race or your religion or from your favored races or religions or strategic friend races or religions is no excuse nor does not makes it less despicable disgusting attitude.
despicables. disgustiungs.
i believe in space i believe space is more evolved. i belieeve wer eare very all unlucky to live in a barbarian world.
where people takes my persecution confrontation topic to their ugly wars. and where they try to put me on side of theiur enemy sides most possibly because either they are racists or some strategic such attitude since human rights in current world is some strategic topic still and not any universal any.
unrelated to that:
just look to how they slaughtered unknown terrorists slaughtered thousands people in stampede. i mean in a world evolution level whihc creates terrsts whom slaughters barbarian maniac wise despicable disgusting, we dont expect from people to be much more that mjuch more civilized behaviors since its the same evolution that created those maniacs disgustings/despicables. i believe that incident is a terrsm an unknopwn entity tried to do slaughter peoplke with doing coincidence to me having bought sewing utinsils. and its so much disgusting/despicable those whom those unknown trrsts are absolutely.
to live in such a maniac world, actually we dont want to live in a world with in which also despicable terrst maniacs lives nor also, despicable racism maniacs also lives in, is creates the mood of : no we dont actually want to live in such a barbarian uncivilized world.
i believe in space. i believe in existence of much higher cultures whihc overcome racism maniacness or despicable disugsting terrorsm maniacness
i think current world does not hold prospects of a modern life since the sociological evolution level is really very lagging. look to the racist whom attacks my blog with taking a topic from blog like that. good for your unevolved racist attitude yuou unevolved maniac unlike the intellects your nation created which also creates moron imbecile racist maniacs like you.
have fun doing more racism unevolved maniac. sociologically unevolved intentionally doign racism having circutiorry to sadist forms of racism.
in neo nazis context, its not from Germany as nazi concept got happent from Germany 50 years ago or so. but neo nazis are not from Germany. its an unknown cult that started stalking in another country. and seeing other nation siding with neo nazis is really funny they dont stop short of doing racism sadism. its so unbeliveable uncomprehensible.human os' worst functioning mode imho.
i dislike usage of Neo nazis literalthough. since due to Ukraine Russia war since in that one Russia does huge horrific thing of tryign to coerce a country according to its will.all countries left imperialism so such imperialist attitude is very horrific. and war it creates is also very horrific. and also trying to beleive in nationalistic goals and trying to extend territory is not a good thing imho :S its horrific. if there were conflictr between ethnicities there, war is the worst to imho. i mean war kills people:S noone has right to escalate conflicts to wars :S its horrific :S so due to horrific such nature of the attitude of nationalism in severe to believe in nations nationalistic goals and intention to do that no matrter what is a horrific attitude imho. resembles imperialism. or such stuff. nationalism is always scary concept imho.
this is my opinion of war in Ukraine and world.
that its(world is) totally a barbarian maniac place. uncivilized definitely surely.
whilst you confronted stalinisque effort of being smeared with mafia type slanders last 6 years with false flag operations of thousand times, a maniac takes attack to my blog saying siding with the persecution doers whom tried to do false flag to justify their persecution with sociopathy/with false flag endlessly with thousand times of false flag operations aqnd so it were twice the torture of persecution due to that, the racist takes topics from blog and attakcs with taking the stalinisque attitude. how your nation creates such imbeciles like you whilst created very much repsected intellects all around? what is your problem to be racist? what the heck? i just cant comprehnd the nonanticipated persecution helping attacks to my blog :)
various imbeciles everywhere every country :D and we are having have to live in this world of maniacs/imbecviles of any kind :D
just this meme fits very much
anyway as told space is hope. and of course i would tell all these to aliens to not welcome any racist ever to their planets :) surely i would tell all these :) hah :) i just want to say funny things like i am not any revenge liker or so just for fun i would say but its fun to say: "revenge is a cold dish" you would see. your all sadistical maniacness racism would all be reported to higher civilizations whom does not have the stupidity devolvedness racism maniacness i mean.
hmm space is hope. space is everything we depend on. space is what keeps us continue in such a horrific world of various maniacness happening. space is the hope for a cooler future to live in a nonracist planet as being victim of a genocidal level persecution and having confronted thousand times of false flag operations by an unknown cult. space is the ultimate hope to be distant from maniacness. space is everything every thing to us. building spaceships means everything to us. to be able to move away from this very barbarian very maniac planet means everything to us. space is hope. space is unlike this devolved planet. space means everything to us. building quantum mechanics gravity project means a lot of things to me. to be away from this maniac barbarian planet which i confronted thousand times of false flag operations of an unknown cult. space means everything to me. to be distant to this very barbarian maniac planet it means. i am in love with space because its distant to this planet. would definitely go to other solar systems when i build my space ships. cause its a hope to be distant to this barbarian maniac uncivilized planet. space is hope. space is everything. space is everything good. since it would be distant to this barbarian maniac uncivilized world. anything that can distance we citizens of this world from this barbaric maniac planet is good. space is all good. space is hope. space means everything good. space is dream. space is hope. space is everything. everything that is distant to this barbarian uncivilized maniac racist planet is dream. everything that is a lot distant to this maniac planet is a dream. space is dream. space is hope. space is what keeps us going to build projects, with hope of one day being very distant to maniacs/barbarians maniacs of any kind. space is dream of finding a sane planet to live. with no barbarians no maniacs. space is hope. space is everything. space is what keeps us going contonuieing to hope. space is everything. its is hope in all meanings.
lets resume studying today i am late. hmm later i would resume the length 30 chapters of quantum mechanics study later very later with this time coder ai existence to help in renewing or finding new math frameworks.
just need to be patient for a wghile.
time would come to build the space shgips and go away from this very maniac world/barbarian world.
civilization in current world is very artificial imho.
all bad things happens in world?
nope just look to galaxy pictures from space telescopes :) its amazing :)
whilst uncivilizeds doe various uncivilized things e.g. racists or etc any type uncivilized behavior, there also happens awesome topics in world that brightens we world citizens days whom most possibly feel like for having have to live in such a maniac planet as:
this meme really summarizes the fact of having have to live in this maniac world topic:S
various types of maniacs variouys types of maniacness :S a definite very much uncivilized world unfortunately :S
time would come to build the space shgips and go away from this very maniac world/barbarian world.
civilization in current world is very artificial imho.
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