The moment I discovered my phone weren't having voice on when trying to init video call with an internal medicine doctor. I have no idea whether if doctor opent call and I had not heard anything and just looked to screen dumbly :S trying to find an house doctor to init the illness sttn which even in some moment of no flowing blood moment my eye gets blurred 
its a severe stomach illness when before burping it might hit sany where in my body like sometimes my one eye gets blurred or sometimes a region in my brain momentarily hurts or sometimes like if a needle hurted like heartburn hrough shoulder heart region. i understand that blood flow momentqarily stops and impacts hits one region sometimes. it could be anything from cancer to any other disease that made blood vessels gone narrow maybe or i dont know.
anyway i think i would try to call arrange another doctor appointment.

its so weird when my one eyes gets blurred during that moment sometimes it happens like that. it could be some particle flowing blood stream or i dont know any other such illness i guess. i think maybe there is a scar in digestive system that throws particles to body to impact momentarily or i doint know maybe stomach is pressing on body region.

only reason i postponed going to doctor were due to agoraphobia resulted from persecution of unknown cult. i have had this illness for 1.5 year ago i think but i postponed then 4 months ago i went to doctor and during in commutting to doctor again persecution incident by unknown cult with horrific persecution incident happent. but i that time went to doctor but couldnt attend endoscopy since it were not full asleep endoscopy whihc i preferred. anyway would try to arrange doctor visit again to find a house doctor to arrange to learn aobut sickness to try to heal it. and i wont scare from going outside as my agoraphobia degree is much less now. still have agoraphoobia but its manageable level agoraphobia i can go outside to doctor now not like before ptsd level whihc in which i completely postponed going outside even while being severely sick. i were even scared of passing street to go to medicine shop to buy ache pill my agoraphjobia were in such level by then those times. becausei remember going outside, and then 2 peopole in there started following shouting persecution sentences. so i w4ere scared of even going to apotheke (medicine buying place) in other part of street by then many times. but now i am less agoraphobic and would go to doctor. 
i dont knwo whihc illness it is. it seems as stopping blood flow momentarily when burping bloating happens. a part of my body momentarily hurts e.g. 10 seconds ago my finger. or sometimes a part in my brain. or my arm or my leg. or sometimes happens as blurring of my one eye. not two. it seems as it randomly  some particle hits some place in body or it seems other else as blood flow reducing to some level that blood does not flow momentarily. i dont know it would be figured out what illness is that and would try to fix now that i have less agoraphobia/ptsd of persecution.  

this were about mafia slandering by unknown cult persecution. of me scaring of going outside for yet another false flag op/black propaganda or cursing harrasment instance.  they were repeatedly unknown cult would follow slalk harrass to persecute everytime i went outside and it felt so much horrific that i had insurmountable level of ptsd by then, whihc i got over some ptsd, now i have less ptsd due to persecution (last 6 years happening persecution of an unknown cult ) 

as told i wish to find a human rights lawyer to init sueing this unknown cult for persecution. but had not managed to find my human rights lawyer yet since i had not phoned but would. 

i confronted severe form of persecution from an unknown cult for last 6 years and last many years i felt like it were like peak of ptsd since they would do severely horrific false flag operations/black propaganda incidents. which felt so much horrific that i even being sick severely from digestive system or so did even scared of going outside to go to doctor to heal my sikcness. persecution is a horrific topic/concetp and anyone whom had not confronted persecution would have no idea how horrific ptsd of persecution is. the unknown cult would follow stalk persecute do black propaganda false flag ops in every city. so i wish to find a human rights lawyer to sue the unknown cult for persecution crime with false flag/black propaganda and harrassments. but i had not managed to find lawyer since i think i need to call. 


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