yayyy found a genocide prevention goals having place to report my observed brand new genocide type that accomplished by an unknown cult.
yayyy i would try to detail a brief report of this brand new genocide activities :
e.g. sending proxies to position of person whenevre goes outside to do showcase of genocidal narrative(aga smear) which is untrue very imopssible (conspiracy (to commit genocide)) there which repeated over and over again where they send the proxies to shout sentences that would be shouted to some smear slander type to smear like that. its exactly conspiracy to commit genocide. and they also seems as copying pasting things from genocides e.g. Rwanda genocide.
as said, my one life goal is to expose the genocide by the unknown cult so that they cant do genocide to others. and so that i could myself also find protection against genocide of the unknown cult.
and also maybe might also try to reach out to anti-defamation league like institutions either. since i confronted severe conspiracty to commit genocide. and they would do it with sending proxies everytime i go outside to my location to do another slandering as some smear type whihc always get nihiliated never replied.
its these indicators of this unknown cult the activities they do, is genocidal and should be exposed.
yuppp this guh's one main life goal is to expose genocide doers. after she confronted an unknown cults persistent genocide attempts to her starting from even 2016 or so.
yuppp I think this night I would contact to some genocide prvntion net to start asking initing help for this report of repeated genocidal activities I observed tried to be attempted to my life.
they think they can do appalling heinous genocidal activities with impunity this unknown cult, and they should be shown they can not. and they should be tried of genocide crime for the suffering they cause and killing slow killing of life they cause. at least their genocidal activities should be exposed. i mean its not about me. i guess if they do think they can do this, they would do to others either. so even genocidal activities stopped or not, they should be exposed of their genocide crime. e.g. conspiracy to commit genocide with aga smear/slander. and sending proxies everytime a person goes outside to shows such smear narratives which the tried to be victimized always nihiliates, there but they had repeated this thousand times, causing insurmountable suffering /ptsd. they should tell the officials whom they are provided the gps info of the person they do genocidal attempts to. their genocide supporting gps info support should be also exposed along with their conspriacty to commit genocide crime supported by gps data somehow they are fed by. they dont do just do simple smear, they send peoploe to tried to be victimized persons location everytime person goes outside, and they do shows of narratives (e.g. shouting sentences ior saying sentences to some smear/slander type to attempt to smear like that which person never replies/always nihliates) and they do this gneocidal conspiracy to commit genocide type activity thousand times. not any exagerated number 1000 times is, it has been happening like this starting from 2016 and repeatedly happening.
this unknown cult should be exposed, their tech infrastructure to do planned conspiracy to commit genocide should be exposed, (e.g. whom where is providing the gps data to this unknown cult???) and their genocidal crime should be exposed which creates severe mental and bodily harm (slow death, since person observing this repeated conspiracy to commit genocide with sociopathic stuff iwhenever she goes outside, e.g. people saying sentences to some smea rtype , or people i observed like many other times some person spreading false conspiracies to others whilst i were walking to buy some basic thing like phone card or so,) they blatantly do commit conspiracy to commit genocide activity. and they do it thousand times. tried to be victimized person never replies and always nihiliates, and they continue to do it a thousand times. so this conspiract to commit genocide is something called genocide. because you feel insurmountable level of trauma when you observe it. then it creates bodily and mental harm. since you even scare of going outside to buy your basical needs. (I do always online shopping due to that). you even scare of going outside to go to doctor even. as they repeat their conspiracy to commit genocide activity a thousand times. it creates severe bodily and mental harm. and this unknown cult specific this genocidal activity should be exposed. and the whom of this unknowns should be also exposed. e.g. whom provides gps data to this unknown cult to commit conspiracy to genocide activity and do false flag things like sociopathic things like reported thousand times. where they shout say some sentences to some smear type (e.g. requests to some smear occupation) to try to smear like that. and they do this everytime person goes outside. and they always have location info.
so its not a unserious talk when i do attribute this new thing as brand new genocide type. since its gps data supported conspiracy to commit genocide activity. its kind of a brand new genocide type since utilizes usage of gps tech to easily commit genocidal activity. i believe this is solely a brand new genocide type from horrors of human history of genocide types i mean.
they also seemingly copy paste tactics from other genocides in history e.g. one such tactic i observed copied pasted from Rwanda genocide.
not only that, many times many people believe to untrue conspiracy (e.g. aga smear) then shout in street very angrily curses that is specific to such smear type.
this brand new genocide type intersects with various genocide stages(That i wish to report in detail other topics of this genocide) and should be exposed. to stop this unknown cult doing this to others also.
from ten stages of genocide i observed everything from the stages in this brand new genocide type applied to me.
and i wish to expose this brand new genocide type of an unknown cult, so that they cant do genocidal activities. and to find protection against.
i honestly really observed every stage of the defined genocide stages until now starting from 2016. and it has been really very hard time to live through genocide and i had as a result severe mental and bodily harm to my life. i couldnt go to doctor when i became ill of some severe illness like in stomach region scaring of going outside scaring of another genocidal conspiracy to commit genocide activity to happen with false flag alkie sociopathic incidentws where they send proxies to do say sentences to some smear type trying to attemptoing to smear with alike like that and you never reply and always nihiliate and it happens a thousand times like that endlessly or many times people angrily shout curses believing to untrue conspiracy/smear. so you really avoid going outside afterwards. and its honestly for real genocide. its as i read the genocide stages, every stage of by then has happent until excluding extermination step by this unknown cult but it is like a slow death due to indirect effects of genocide stages that since you scare of going outside and you dont even go to doctor due to that most times and then you indirectly slowly die due to genocide. so even extermination stage has not happent yet (Though all previous genocide stage has happent) its for real genocide. and I wish to expose this unknown cult and its genocide activity which creates insurmountable mental and bodily harm through genocidal activities,
yayyy first action against this unknown cult's genocide: ---> connecting to some genocide institute I newly discovered to connect to such people to ask help/report in detail all the stages that happent until now of the genocide and to init official report of the unknown cult's genocide so that it could be prevented/protected against and so that this unknown cult cant do genocide to others also.
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