hey my skates and knee pads are k2. is it coming from k2 mountain the k2 brand?

I actually had no idea of skating brands and bought whihc one is coming in 1 day and this were like in kind of not that super expensive price range (it were in between 100 and 150 euros) type roller blades. 


yayyyc i am so happy to initiate relearning roller blading sports. and wish to become an urban skater that I go everywhere with always with roller blades whenever there is walkign.

I read that it takes 1 month or so to master roller blading. ok then. i think initial learnings I would learn today and tomorrow might be enough to start roller blading (of course slowly) in outside. but as far as i read from internet, it takes a month or so to become proficient in skating. 

its absolutely very fun :) 

like snowboarding but not without that heavy snowboard carrying or braking in snow boarding seems much harder. ok one day i would definitely learn snowboarding to comment on it. i just tried only 2 or 3 hours learning snowboarding myself thing and had not learnt yet any. but seems as roller blading is far much easier than snowboarding and its alike fun like those snowboarding fun. 

ok i admit snowboarding were also very fun:)

wov why I had not thought of this before. if i am agoraphobic, lets make going outside fun to get over agoraphobia. of becoming an urban skater yupp :)

i think this hobby would really help me to recover from agoraphobia :)

skating is really very fun. much fun than bicycle i think. its near to snowboarding fun but i guess lesser fun than that either but its totally really fun. 

Skating is really very fun and I am so happy of thinking this that woiuld help me get over agoraphobia yayyyy :)

finally figured out something some method to heal recover from agoraphobia. 


skating is so fun (I mean roller blading) and also finding something to heal/recover from agoraphobia is also very happy :)


before i thought bicycling also would help my agoraphobia condition: 

bicycling outside did not any helped my agoraphobia any . 

but i believe this roller blading would really fix heal my agoraphobia. 

so my new year gifts to myself: (as usual I do too much online shopping :) )

some perfume i likde not very expensive but liked very much as i tried now. hmm nice. liked it.

and also couple of rollerblades to do skating and become an urban skater that i go everywhere with my skates. which seems finally I found some method to really get over agoraphobia. yayyy new year is really happy starting for me cause skating is very fun and I finally found out somethign to get over agoraphobia. Some courage against agoraphobia. Some inner energy/strength/courage this skating adds to my agoraphobic status which would i believe definitely would heal my severe agoraphobic condition. It would help my confidence my inner energy/strength and courage and would definitely heal agoraphobia. I would gradually heal from agoraphobia i believe.  Its like I were having severe very severe form of agoraphobia and lacked courage to go outside anytime due to agoraphobia (and i told my agoraphobia reason also its not related to autism). i believe this skating hobby would heal this agoraphobia condition I really think so. 

it feels like amazing, i mean knowing that I would get over agoraphobia. It totally feels amazing. agoraphobia is not any easy condition any. I am so happy now I clearly see I would heal from agoraphobia.

nothing better than this happent in my life recent years. i mean any thing any good news were nothing good as this: I mean finding my inner courage again (for agoraphobia). having outdoors being less scary again. 

it feels so good to be going to be healed from agoraphobia. 

I think I would never have healed from agoraphobia without skating/my roller blades I added to my life. I feel like i would fully recover from agoraphobia and be more courageous person. and get over agoraphobia. 


Wov so from my live experience, one method to fix agoraphobia is skating :) (or roller blading)

nope biking does not help any agoraphobia. neither any other vehicle. only skating helped me. (seems to going to help me)

so if a therapist is reading my blog and if has an agoraphobic person receiving therapy help, I would definitely suggest to therapist to suggest skating to the agoraphobic person. really making going outside fun is a working method to heal/fix agoraphobia.

Since I now feel more courageous to go outside unlike before. this courage only happent after skating. so if any therapist is reading blog, I would suggest this method to any agoraphobic person's therapist to suggest them skating. when you make going outside fun (skating/roller blading) agoraphobia is easier to heal/fix. 



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