hmm reading artticles about evolutionary development of innate brain circuitories or in more correct definition, preorganized connections and that those functional specializations in brain. 

to yet to understand how autism degenerates motor skills motor skill abilities. e.g. even muscle related or coordination of muscles.

hmm important topics I came up to whilst reading:

for coordination of a skill: e.g. walking even 

hmmn first topic I came up is mTor noninhibition resulting in maybe 50% more synapses and spines.

Then this also in mice were measured to be also active synapses not only autist brain has more synapses and also they are active. but this higher density of synapses


my idea why motor skills coordination in we autists might be kind of lesser or in regression:

one possible idea is myelin having finding not enough capacity to surround dendrites in that higher density gray area there by creating maybe efficient local signaling but much less efficient distant signalling. 

so one possibility could be of: that there is not that much enough myelin in much more dense gray matter which severes distance signaling. 

I were trying to understand why motor skills deficiencies can occur in autism and I understand that motor skills coordination might be a multiple brain regions concert and there by myelin not being enough for those distant connections.

and at the same time in autism also soemtimes learning disabilities might happen, which might again be related to over dense brain tissue and not the default learning practice's myelin formation being that much enough for the dense circuitory. As, myelin boxing is one important mechanism of learning. 

hmm so I tend to understand more and more my autism syndrome. and loack of skills in motor skills or with respect to other people. or even that autist trigger of overwhelmed by over connected neurons  signaling feeling, of that is also very direct result of autism thinking at least 50% more synapses. Then also there if we go to usual  Hebbian circuitory perspective, that excess synapses might  even impact learning mechanisms like in lesser count of synapses it might be easier to set up a pathway for circuitory wth respect to a much dense synapses configuration.

so I came up to the idea of: thinking evolution of brain, I came up to this lack of inhibition of mTor might be considered as creating new human branch. we autists I believe can be considered as a new branch. in terms of brain synaptic density. and usually it has side effects that is making it not alike the default homosapiens neurocircuitory. e.g. lesser motor skills. or regression in language. but also sometimes this excess synapses are cause of autist savant topics like faster than others reading like things. 

Thinking that this world is built for nonautist people. 

if it were built for autists: the architecture would be like: walking paths would be just only for one person :)  

I mean this world is homo sapiens world. we autists try to adapt to this world but its actually we are a new branch from homo sapiens I believe. We are a mutation of mTor related gene expressions, ligates that creates a huge change in brain circutory that hgue phenotypical change of 50% more synapses. 

Whether this can be considered in current world as if they usually consider autism as e.g. like regression in motor skills etc, but what it actually in a world if autism started 40k years ago, this branch would have adapted created its own conditions in world:) I mean what i mean is what is said of learning nonefficiencies or language regression etc are actually relativisit topics. if our brain structure started at 40k years ago, then our concepts would be aligned with autist brain e.g. people would not consider it as lack of coordination in motor skills like things but it would have been the basis or so. 

i think autism being considered as a synapse degeneration or i many times saw pathology literal there to autism, its exactly having isomorphism to winners writes history topic that in a nonautist world that has been like this for 40k years, of course autist brain change could be considered like if some synaptic disease that by this version of world.   but if this brain structure happent 50k years ago,  language regression etc mght not be considered as if a disease any. I many times confronted disease tag for autism wqhich always felt sad to read that.

What I think is, we are a new human branch, since we have huge phenotypical divergence in terms of brain matter(gray matter) of more dense circuitory, and this new branch would of course change in time to utilize those excess synapses better maybe maybe with some either brain reorganization of original schema of brain regions of the current evolution defines a creates a default initial schema/connections already which further modules are detailed developed idiosyncratically. but this schema is not that much suited to our autism branch in the sense, in my idea, maybe there is not enough spacing to accomodate enough myelin boxing around dendrites/connections resulting in lesser distant connectivity in brain. so in very long future, we autists might have some change of original schema of initial template of brain regions connectivity to make for instance motor skills coordination place be in vicinity of the region that it interacts. 

I believe we autists are beginning of a new hominin speices that would have been much more intellgient if mutations that would handle myelin topic more efficiently but our speices our branch is also lacking such chance/prospects in long term future because the population is mainly consisting of nonautist people giving less such mutations chance to autists.

so seems as this mutation of higher density brain matter would not be that much having chances to evolve alot with mutations(i mean we autists branch).

so I think we autists people all around world are a new hominid speices. but we dont have chance of developing such adventageous myelin improvment in long period in evoutionary terms like in 10000 years, i mean mutations to handle myelin mechanism more effectively or initial distribution placement  suited for autist brain , those are also needing huge time spans to change surely. but the thing is in a world dominated by nonautists which is the case most of the time, such future adaptations/mutations/changes or drifts in gene expression is not expected to happen  since the world is designed and working in mechanisms for nonautist people (most of the time). I mean there would not be a case where a nonautist would be less advantaged genetically than autist most of the time. Its like I could not find metaphors either to do represent but It just means even this is a huge phenotypical change which would had definitely created a definite new human branch if were effective 10000 or 30000 years ago,  it is not expected to create such change in current time. Since concepts of this world is dominated by nonauitst people concepts, e.g. people with learning disabilities is considered as a disability whilst actually if it were 30k years ago, those people might created a new human speices that is much more intelligent along with 10000 years maybe developing some either initial schema that accomodates enough place for myelin or developing a mutation to accomodate myelin to also we autists efficiently like nonautists has myelin effectively in place unlike us that lacks enough myelin due to over populated gray area. 

. So current evolution is iterating for nonautist people/non autist features in world. (Except aspergers, such lucky autists are very lucky isnce they dont have the side effects of autism severely but also have the advantages of more intelligence). 

I dont understand why we autists are not considered as a new hominin. I mean if someone would had 3 eyes, it would be surely considered as a new human speices right? :D we have at least 50%  more synapses in our gray matter and I dont understand why we dont receive our hominin specialization any as all people with ASD syndrome.

And I initially were getting sad for seeing disease or pathology literals to ASD but I got used to the factthat its a nonautist world and to them ASD is a disease. I believe on the contrary that we are base for a new speicces. if our speices existed 30 k 40k years ago, we might developed some myelin boxing features suited to our brain structure that makes us also capable of having long distance connections efficiently run in our brains alike nonauitst people.

This mammalian synapse density I wonder if its shared by up to which speices along mammalian phylogenetic line. I mean this gray matter density does current nonautist gray level density be also common in previous branches or did this changes of more dense gray matters also happen in other speices?

hmm interesting. 

hmm people also think they can inhibit mTor to fix autism from happening to have usual pruning happening to set up enough space for myelin generating cells (glia? ) and excess synapses. 

i actually I am most of the time happy from extra synapses except using motor skills or except in moments of autist trigger(feeling of overwhelmed with excess synapse firing and feeling connected severe anxiety stress which is caused in due to different inputs in autists, to some people its sounds, to some people its patterns etc etc).  

hmm these be my intrinsic ideas of autism topic i wondered again about my autism and whether how evolutionary for instance virtual cortex is structured or its innate preexisting structures (for doing analogy to motor skills) to have understand why we have less motor skills. or more prone to have dyslexia or regressions in learning skills.  then I understood after reading articles that its related to some genes related to pruning and also most possibly not having enough space for necessary  myelin (glia) also might be other reasons of high local connectivity but less distant connectivity. hmm so I were curious to understand why I lack nice motor skills and understood why. Then I aloso came to my humble conclusion that we autists are actually a new human speices. thinking if a human spoeices with 3 eyes were discovered, would not they create a new designation for such hominin, I dont understand why we autists are not considered a new designation other than sapiens. hmm but does gthat matter? I dont think so. but yepp these be my ideas after reading about genes/autism. not that I am so assertive on this since I mean does it matter to create a new hominin speices to us. we would continue to live in a planet of nonautist world mostly. or I mean it makes no sense to create new taxonomical designations to this actual new speices of us (autism mutation, mTor related expressions and related phenotypical divergence wtr to sapiens). 


so after reading of autism:

(now I understand why I can't understand sometimes some concepts of nonautist people) (I understood this not understanding world of nonautists its because we are not sapiens. we have more synapses even yet we have not enough myelin/glia for that and creating regressions (e.g. in motor skills or learning or social skills or language skills). we are even diverging from mammallians line in that actually.) 

we are not from same speices with the majority dominant speice of this planet. thereby understandable that we sometimes find world very not any understandable any. 



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