Yayyy I slightly remembered how to skate and skating in kitchen since it's surface is not rough and easier to skate ⛸️🙂
But I hadn't remembered how to brake without getting support from wallor desk. I skate around huge kitchen desk to instantly take support of desk chairs if lose balance. It's so fun to skate when there is constant support around that in case I lose balance I would take support from chair. This kitchen is a gigantic kitchen and nice place to remember skating
⛸️😊😊😊😊 Skating is so fun. Roller blading but seems as it would take more time to become capable of urban skating. First goal learning how to brake. Second how to situp from ground with no support. I already skate otherwise nothing to learn from that. But eg skating with slight inclination on ground that also need to be learnt along time. Yayy in initially I tried outside and seemed as I entirely forgot skating. Now tried inside with around desk chairs and seems much easier since I can instantly get support from chairs in case of loss of balance.
I guess relearning how to brake is very important and then I could later skate even in street. And commute that 800metersf some with skating (rollerblading) fun.
It's much easier than snowboarding which I tried only once myself and couldnt learn in my 2 or 3 hours trying to learn snow boarding stuff. Skating is easier requires less muscle power. But needing to learn specific braking techniques. To be able to skate also outdoors.
I would feel much better with knee pads or wristle pads for to skate outside because I intend to brake with falling in case I can't brake. Learning how to fall correctly were nice learning from my ice-skating experience (that is notmych I ice skatedmaybe at most 3 times or4) so knowing how to fall correct is very important in skating. Specifically not falling backwards. I don't know if I would remember that ice-skating exlerience but hopeful to be ready for outside skating as soon as I develop braking techniques which currently hadn't worked/couldbt yet learnt to brake in kitchen but I skate but stop with support from chairs. There is a gigantic kitchen desk here with lots of chairs.
So my new year starts with skating fun⛸️🙂
Hey slightly learnt a style of braking (of course with no fast skating) so if I repeat exercises on tomorrow and Saturday maybe I can try urban skating on Sunday Yupp. Knee wrist pads are coming on tomorrow
I think I won't be a fast skater since I hadn't mastered skills and plus I m fat it's better to skate slow for me.
Cool that I would arrange activity of skating in outside later on tomorrow and following days that might help me get over agoraphobia and help alleviate autism symptoms( agoraphobia is not any related to autism as mentioned before) in following days
Maybe I with knee wrist pads even might start skating in outside on Friday. Seems I might try ok until Monday I think i might learn how to be an urban skater but not fast any since I m fat and fast skating is unnecessarily much adrenalin for me even if I were thin.
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