(And also knot coincided(knot in stomach) with one quantum gravity interpretation. Hmm. aliens might meant I think that interpretation might meant that knot interpretation might not be their warp like mechanisms but only belonging to idioms of theirs. Hmm it might meant knot theory is not correct or alien friends reference to acknowledging my quantum gravity interest with but saying in such field knot theory is like a knot in stomach. with meaning knot interpretation of quantum mechanics is incorrect. (maybe) Yepp 🙂)
My one quantum gravity book has knot on its cover its a commonly discussed theorem in quantum gravity topic🙂 but I didn't studied it yet and I m not also advocate for strings based universe definitions cosmology topics any. So I were already myself also uninterested to knot theory of quantum gravity and found it cool to have aliens using knot in a negative idiom like knot in stomach. Which makes me think they also don't /aren't advocates of knot interpretation of quantum gravity and they also like me disliked string theory based universe definition. Is my interpretation of such coincidence on a day before I told of quantum gravity topic. Yayyy then we both dislike string theory and knot theory based quantum gravity interpretation 😀 (I mean by we me and alien friends) yayyy😊
Or maybe it were only a coincidence but interesting cause mentioned quantum gravity yesterday and also have a book about quantum gravity with knot picture on its cover page. Makes me think alien friends communicated with saying knot interpretatiom of quantum gravity is incorrect. 🤔
Lots of cheers to aliens🙂😃 aliens are my superheroes🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
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