lesser evolved unknown cult did attempted another untrue conspiracies planting incident with sociopathic methods as reported before.   their evolution level seems as constraining them in compulsive  genocide activities poor less evolved unknown cult. It all roots down to evolution level imho of whst you contribute to world.  Some(an unknown cult) seems as some only having chance of contributing to world with compulsive genocide activities.

Their genocide type resembles the specific genocide type in which maniacs thrown degrading things to the genocided people degrade their look very badly in this specific genocide they spread false smears with similar purpose with active shows of conspiracy incidents with severe socippathy maybe 1600 or more such incidenrts happent to plant untrue conspiracy incidnets.

For this unknown cult:
i dont understand this evolutionary degraded evolution level. i mean this compulsion to do destroy view of people with smears with such compulsive psyhopathic intentionality its not understandable. the interworkings of such genocidal mindset this lack or regression in evolution is totally not any understandable. 

This cult:
i remember reading some anthropology articles where people do enmity behaviors with sociopathy actions. there is such sociopathic behavior acceptance in some world cultures. e.g. Such maniac culture is having sociopathy widely accepted as a means of handling dissent to such groups/cults. and application of sociopathy is widely accepted in such weird evolutionary wise weird cultures imho i mean morally i believe this behavior of sociopathy is not acceptable. 

This cult:
i think this is extreme form of such cultural trait. i mean creating untrue smears about people. since either they are not from same race or religion. its an excessive form of destruction of outside group people behavior with sociopathy sociopathic methods or a senseless maniac destruction intentionality to people outside their group behaviour. 

we are not here thereby to be psychologists and do psychoanalysis. but this is i think some anthropolgoical analysis requiring maniacness/lack of morality in their culture. whichever this cult is their culture has huge problems imho. i dont know their race or religion but they seem to have huge morality related problems issues or their standards for morality has no standards and they think they can do sociopathy behaviors. i think what they behave is genocidal intent. but that intent is also not understandable i mean why would anyone would want to destroy people not from race or religion. its not understandable. i believe these are hallmarks of low iqqued people type behaviors. i mean low iqqueds of any population group in world is prone to this psychopathic sociopathic genocidal mindset. it belongs to less evolved low iqqued parts of any population with proneness to psychopathy sociopathy.

genocide is not easy to do psychoanalysis to.  it has anthropological aspects. i mean e.g. usage of sociopathy (spreading untrue smears, attempt of planting false untrue conspiracies with very huge effort of sociopatrhy shows as reported) is something anthropologically hgappening in other cultures specifically weirdo cultures. so such smearing tool used in conspiracy planting type genocide types has specific roots in human cultures of weirdo ones with some weirdo morality types that enables uses sociopathy in their unmorality :S its not easy humans cultures some of stuff are really maniacal. e.g. i mean if you read anthropology you see that alot its not linear humans behaviors are sometimes maniac. 

but not only that there is every world populations some part of population has genetic disposition to psychopathic sociopathic behaviors. and if those part sets up cults/groups and follows genocide activities that sucks.

This unknown cult:
its just hallmarks of low iq unfortunately. there is nothing to fix in these people. they have no capacity to behave else then doing attempting genocide. their iq level constrains them insuch psychopathic sociopathic behaviour scala set unfortunately. nothing to do about. just only nihiliation of their existence i mean nihiliating when they do repeat sociopathic genocide activities is the only solution to be psychologically safe from these less evolveds  cult.  every population has less evolveds that are prone to do genocide behaviours or group behavipour with maniacness with psychopathy with sociopathy.

so they continue to attempt to plant untrue conspiracies, but nevertheless i got over trauma of. 
they seem to these less evolved life forms seems to have such compulsion to destructive psychopathic sociopathic behaviors. 
their compulsion to do such behaviors repeatedly is not understandable.

one remembers some psychoanalysis books discussions of whether human mind is focused on talents hobbies does transcend to a new level of consciousness but if stays without is mandated by some less evolved destructive maniac behaviors. I there by think that the abundance of such behaviour from this unknown cult is really related to being less evolved beings or they reflect to world their lesser evolved features maybe its not genetic but analogous to epigenetic concepts that they dont have an environment to develop theior talents in life that results in this compulsive less evolved behaviour scala which becomes their only talent or contribution to their world. 

i thinks such lesser evolved people types happening condition is both tied to cultural evolution and biological proness and mainly environment i mean most possibly their envionrment codes them to be such less evolved people type e.g. they dont have an environment of artists scientists but rather some form of lesser evolved behavior having routine lives having people set which limtis their minds to some stage of consciousness and if they have proneness to sociopathy and psychopathy brain wise, then it turns out as genocidal people doing constructing cults attacking other people not from their groups with psychopathic sociopathic genocidal activities. 

this is not just evolution. this is environmental (analogous to epigenetic) i think they dont have a supportive environment that results in such low level life form type behaviors imho. so maybe i should not call less evolveds. since most possibly they have minds that could had been evolved. its not genetic. its environment. i think they do lack an  environment which flourishes art/science like topics and they turn out maniacs since they never have hobbies in life etc. i mean, these type genocidal portions of world's any population must have such issue such being stucked at less evolved type consciousness levels.  

so it is not a solvable issue. when i say less evolveds i wish its not understood genetic less evolvedness its somekind of lacking opportunities maybe to become behaving the least evolved scala type behaviors sets alike psychopathy sociopathy. 

its not my responsibility to do psychoanalysis to these maniacs. which intends to do genocide with spreading untrue false smears. but i do psychoanalysis at times during observing genocide happenstance to me by this unknown cult. 
i wonder which race or religion they are from. or what kind of cult is. as i never interacted with this cult i have no knowledge of. 

though it does not matter which race or religion this unknown cult is from.  cause every population as mentioned has such maniacs. that are unfortunate people that are dispositioned to have sociopathy psychopathy behavioral patterns due to either environment or mind wise such dispositions.  but i believe its most of the time cultural problems to create such maniac cults. i mean its something sociopathy maniacness type is even happening in some weirdo cultures. sociopathy belongs to humans and that sucks. i hate sociopath people. i hate to observe usage of sociopathy in genocides. i mean this specific type of genocide where sociopathy is applied relentlessly really is horrific/it sucks.  and these less evolved unknown cult would never evolve they would never finish their genocide activity because they lack such consciousness level. they are constrained stucked in such maniac behavior scala due to being less evolveds. unfortunate. detrimental. 

only solution to be safe from these less evolves is space exploration. cause less evolveds wont ever evolve any day. unfortunately iq distribution does not change there always happens maniacs in every population  and safety against maniac cults is space exploration later only solution to such less evolves is distancing position from disturbance less evolveds aka space ecxploration is the only solution of this evolution nrelated problem. 

one day humans might create technologies to provide high iq to everyone so that there wont be such mainacness happening in world anymore. but until then this would happen since i mean every time some maniacs would form groups cults and does genocide behavior from any world population. it happens routinely everytime in world. its related to iq i think. i mean iq distribution being a random curve and these maniacs come from the very left side of that iq curve i guess so since any high iqqued life form would not do any genocidal behaviour using sociopathy/giving effort to do conspriacy planting efforts to plant smear attempts etc. this is definitely not any high iqqued human behavior. 
as long as iq is not distributed fairly there would be always maniacs doing less iqqued behavior everywhere in world. so only solution might be in very long future neural tech that might enhance iq level. otherwise this maniac behaviors would always happen there would be always a very low iqqued part of any population that attains maniac behavior scala (psychopathic/socipathic behavior scala). and its not solvable. 

only solutiuon is building space ships to protect selves from those lesser evolveds. only viable feasible solution. cause they wont ever become any evolved any single day this unknown cult and would continue to repeat genocide activity. 

severe irrationality maniacness. 

i would continue to report whenever i observe another conspiracy planting attempt to record these genocide behavior's specifics. e.g. last day when happent i reported the negative sentence having conspiracy planting attempt method they do have various such sociopathic methods to attempt to plant untrue conspiracies/falsehoods for genocidal purposes. oh unfortunate maniacs that are constrained in such less evolved behaviors of spcyhopathy/sociopathy. so much sad i mean its both disgturbing to observe this and both sad to see such people are they are constrained to such compulsive maniac behaivors they dont have chance to change and become evolved any day their iq limits their behavior scala to be like that, poor less evolveds. anyway its not time to pity but i mean its important to create protection from. i think only solution to be protected from this less evolveds/unknown cult is building spaceships to explore space and be safe from these less evolved's genocide activities. that be the very best solution imho. space travel. yuppp.


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