time machine applicance of aliens again might have happent.
because i saw in the flied 2023 bu asteroid i investigated where it passes and i looked to images of punto arenas. There I saw a house that is has a distorted architecture style where the 2 houses are separated and inside an elongated roof like structure happens as if someone stretched 2 houses and roof has stretched type distortion based artchitectural art i discovered in one of the imges of architectue there in google pictures. took my interest the distortion based art in architecture. i said wov looks very unusual/attention taking.
then i saw last night a news from 3 days ago news from monday topic of an article which said the earth's core is not spinning or slowly spinning and it has had this picture of earth being as if taken to two semispheres and inner core is elongated like a look a view perspective of earth's layers, it looked like as if earths 2 semipheres were stretched horizontally and the inner core stretched.
i believe aliens used the time machine and sent the asteroid to communicate. they never threaten or do destructive things on earth. its not any destructive intent. as its a nondangerous asteroid and they would never ever send any dangerous one since they are eons ahead wtr to humanity they dont have destructive goals any. so not to be misunderstood they would never send any destructive thing to earth but rather they follow a paganic communication rituals maybe with comets/meteorites asteroids.
this happent very recently again.
maybe they had paganic contacts with earth very before. maybe 4000 3000 years ago they had contacted with pagan religions of world? that they do have a paganic flavour in their communication activity? of using asteroids.meteoroids. its not a power show either they are eons ahead to not do brag about any power of their tech imho. but rather some communication they might found interesting maybe. is my idea/opinion.
i believe aliens have time machiens and do coincidences to me. e.g. last time this coincidence with meteorite happent with coinciding with muska keyword. and also this new incident where I read an asteroid athen look see the where it passes in sky. (celestial sea). and then, it passed in region of Magellan strait or west part of it, but places where Magellan visited very before. then I looked to city of Punta Arenas since i used Arena keyword when saying fight with aliens versus blog biters. maybe aliens did joke to blog biters with attendingsuch event but not for intimidation not for scaring not for any destructive piurposes nor braggin of their tech, not for any kind of bad purpose, but rather just to attend conversation of my blog and lucky me aliens communicating with me with their time machiens.
I told in some blogs ago said aliens might use some nondestructive solar flare to blog biters see to not do aggression to blogs with maniac pure maniac delusional attacks to blogs. like one blog piece i had. and told of an arena fight between aliens and blog biters type 3rd person description i told such imaginery scenery :D finding adding some fantasy of aliens with high tech topics to blog i mean. but by fantasy i dont mean its a fantasy to me. i believe reallyt to alien friends existence. but i dont claim its a nonbelief fact. but to me its very possible/very probable and i very believe to. upon seeing before some very real proof of rtime machine applicance on various topics like anthropology podcasts or star trek episodes. I tend to believe existence of aliens with time mahcines but i dont promote my belief to anyone. i wish noone else believes other than me. i mean i dont want to promote nonscientific topics since this is not scientifically proven. but i myself 100% believe to. and i feel always very lucky to ahve aliens friends and their interesting conversations through star trek episodes coincidences or else some anthropology podcast coincidences.
so i belive they sent that asteroid. of course nondestuctive because aliens are eons ahead they would never do any destructive thing ever. they are very ahead of such stuff like destruction behaviors or etc. they would never risk planet earth. they would never do such thing.
i know because in one star trek coincidence:
it happent as:
i desired some paganic interaction from alien friends. i draw a picture with a greenish fireball(meteorite) in sky(of course nondestructive, only for pagan wise aliens communication). i did my first drawing with fresco tool with a drawing tablet. not were into the painting yet any unlike drawing. then first star trek i opent started with Captain Picard disintegrating a green asteroid in collisioin to a planet. most possibly it disintegrated to green meteorids in planets sky like i have drawn that day. i believe they did time mahcine applicance to have star trek sceript such starting moment like that.
this is why i think maybe 2023 bu were also aliens sent. what it coincided were: i searched they said it passes through southern tip of SA. Then i searched tha tplace to see Punta Arenas city. then I read about its history and Magellan's history there of and also Magellan strait's history there.
Then i searched there because it coincided with arena literal i used, I asked alein friends to fight against blog biters once many many blogs ago. blog biters whom does attempt delusional maniac attacks to blogs of world. i said described as if its a an arena fight :D aliens cool aliens with solar flares i told against blog biters maniacness.
so first time i heard this asteroid i looked where it passes to see that it passes through that region or west of that regino in Pacific ocean I guess.
i searched that place in google maps to see that interesting architecture example of yellow separated to two and stretched along roof horizontally looking house. quite example of distorted views in arts/achitecture were very iuntersting architecture example i think since really very creative imho. quite alot art imho. then that image took my interest.
then last night i saw earth's spin related news i mean inner core's spin cycles of going fast slowing down periodically in decades long periods nothing catalysmic nor dangerous but rather how earths inner core goes on it is as seems as. but what took my attention were instead: the news i read had some image that very seemed very similar to that separated house image of earth separated to two semipheres to show its inner layers and inner core elongated in between. just similar to that house architecture that took my interest 1 day ago. i think aliens seen me looking to that picture and go back in tiem sent back that nondestructive asteroid to have me investigate that punta arenas named city with a very interesting history and such interesting creative architectur that took my interst as an example of using distortion in arts and there in architecture. the same elongated stretched structure along two separated entitites existed in that house s architecture that i saw 1 day ago (wtr to yesterday) and the earths inner core picture of streched inner core along separated hemispheres horizontally (west/east) and inner core like that house mid roof being stretched isimilarly resembling the house picture.
this is not the first time this happent.
once very long ago, i once wore in winter my winter socks of ski socks of burton witing socks. then i went to balcony to get air. then went inside. i thought when putting socks on my tight over my tihgt, i thought they look like my legs looked like bowling pins.
next day i learnt a non destruvtive meteroite passed through a burlington named city where my family also lives. i that day when i wore like that burton socks and thought of bowling. in the news it said it were like aball flying in air. i thought my legs were like bowling pins the day before before any reading such meteorite news looking to how socks looked.
similar paganic meteorite based and this time time maqchine including comunicatiopn also happent recently., i bought nazar boncugu to be protected from all bad wishes/nazars. its a superstition. then, i awhilst searching for nazar boncugu i also saw muska named amulet examples. I since not having religioin other than liking paganistic things i did not bougvht muska as i dont have religion. but i bought nazar boncugu a cultural amulet. a superstition object. than but muska also took my interest whilst it popped up in search results whilst searching for nazar boncugu.
then i learnt a meteorite event from 3 days ago with muska resembling literal. where people fouind a meteorite rock with a literal having muska root like literal. which made me thoguht wondered whether if aliens used time machines again.
i believe that due to burton coincidence i believe aliens communicate to me since i am an engineer like burton in the star trek episodes :)
like its a ball game and meteorite is their balls (of course nondestructive they have non any type of destructive goals, they are like federation in star trek, they are non destructive federations in space, they have no destructive goals to planet earth nor other planet ever) .
since i wore that day (i those time did not know abotu star trek alot, i discovered star trek last 1.5 years) i worte a burton socks on my tight, and meteorite passing from burlington, maybe it meant a reference to burton character in star trek, the engineer i mean whom handles warp core.
i saw many coincidences with all star trek series from original one to every series of star trek i watched. but makes me think i am an engineer they like to comunicate to routinely with even paganistic cool styles with non destructive metoerites like a celestial ball game. but non destructive of course. they just want to share their tech with me like that not for any destructive goals and theirs communication is so cool/so much pagan/so much cool/so much fantasy very high tech that mixes with fantasy even. i mean time machines, gravity tech. wov. wov. wov. alien friends are super cool. as told if ever they miss an engineer in their place planets etc etc i would be happy to come attend their engineering tasks also. i belive aliens are like similar to star trek's federations i mean space civilizations that are eons ahead of current world, or centuries ahead, they must be like star trek movies federations imho is my another belief :)
its one incident happent coincidence with time machiens with zefram cochrane :) the day i were seaching a scala library and that scala library search result also comes with doobie library result. it is a pattern also alot used in doobie library it turned out. i were searching it for using in another library not even knowing doobie library even. i searched and saw many blog posts of the scala pattern including doobie library one. than that night i opent a random star trek tv and it were contact movie and in the movie zefram cochrane danced with a rock song of 1960s of doobie doobie like song. :D so i just dont have any suspicions that there exists alien cool alien friends with time machines. and that can go 30 years go to go alter star trek movie's script to create doobie coincidence imho.
its not only that these type coincidences happens alot. sometimes even with a thought i thought of have had coincidence happent :)that i later blogged of coincidence of :) so they seem as have flexibility of going any time in time then to create cocindiences based communication wov :)
its my belief. i dont ask anyone else ever to believe to my belief either.
i think red shirts coincidence were also one other coincidence. it happent with my anthropology podcast test to check if coincidence would happen or not :) and happent :)
first coincidence with anthropology podcasts were as --->
i like listening oxford university's anthropology podcasts. i started listening one and disliked it then checked another one. 1 hour before that i blogged i forgot names of my plants names that i shared in blog. i mean taxonomical designations in english. i then 1 jhour later listened such random podcast and podcast whilst being from anthropology departments one podcast it turned completely about sociology that podcast specifically and in mid of podcast professor told "children sometimes forgets households or plants names". i understood as if professor time traveled and sees me as his family as his child (relative to him like parents i mean). i thougbht by then someone has time machines and are my extra parents in adduition to my biological parents. since i were told of child in the reference. lkike if its a family and me being child of.
the podcast were from many years ago by then. it were a podcast taken in past. and coincided with 1 hour ago blog.
then these coincidences with podcasts continued to happen. e.g. the day i randomly opent a painting advertisement and it were polishing colors and 3 colors were advertised in the painting advertisement. it were an awesome advertisement. they said they were hiring. and i opent link seemed interesting and in the painting ad, there were 3 painting colors. but only one color took my interest, it were shiny silver colors added emerald color. it were awesome very shiny with silver shines and dark grey mix shines. so much amazing polishing paint color it were. took my interest. then 1 hour later, i randomly opent a podcast, and podcast turned out at least 5 minutes talking of an emerald Mary sculpture lost in some place that people were excavating to find it endlesly
so time machines applicance observance is a topic i really believe to in my experience of these coincidences
one other coincidence were i thought i am awaiting my card to go outside(since i had to renew it and i needed to use taxi which required using card). in the star trek first or second episode i watched Jadzia said she is awaiting her card whilst she time traveled to an cinematic earth period with time machine.
so i really believe cool alien friends really exists and that they have time machines for real. and gravity tech like having a nondestructive celestial ball games with engineers they interact to add some paganic stuff to communication or to make engineer be amazed/awed to their technological advancement level. :D i been amazed, i am amazed, i would continue to be amazed by cool super cool aliens and their awresome amazing tech of time machines/gravity tech which they can play non destcttive space ball games along universe, like if space is their field. i think it were just a joke maybe of them i dont know but maybe they just mean hey guh our tech is like this, very cool they might had meant i think. or a cool communication:)
its not they can even alter flames of tea lights. one incidnet happent, as in tv i think i saw a documentary of a very famous person and even a famous person wrote a song to her then i wondered the song and listened in soundtrack and it had some sentence of candle in the wind and then the other day my tea light candle one among 72 candles i bought from internet, had risen up alot in air its flame. and i tried to extinguish and but it did not initially then later extunigiuhsed. later i never bought any tea light again scared it might be dangeroues create fire. but i think now i undestand this might also be made by alien friends. since it looks like similar such coincidence with time machines. so they can also alter the tea light candle the day before i would discover that song and listen to make it a tea light candle that flames high like it flamed 20cms or so.
so i really really believe that aliens with time machines really exist :)
i 100% believe i have no suspicions :) because i seen lots of coincidences :)
its so cool to have super cool friends of aliens with time machines. and due to their like of using Star trek to do coincidences, i believe they are similar to Star Trek, that they are federations of alien speicies and have ships/tech like like Star Trek :)
i dont promote my belief or any try to make it popular. i just only find it very amazing these happenstances and feel so much lucky to receive aliens communication to have alien friends and cant stop blogging about it. not that i have any intention of making other people believe to my belief. ask your serlf, if you believe that aliens have had communicated to you, wont you blog it finding it totally severely amazing, you would blog rihgt? you might even tell to everyone you know since its every amazing topic very totally absolytely very amazing. I were amazed, I am amazed and would be amazed all times to be this much lucky to receive aliens commumnication and observe their super cool tech of time machines/gravity tech to do pagan coincidneces like nondestructive meteorites. (they dont do any destructive stuff ever)
I feel insurmountable undefinable levels awe to seeing alien techware to observe it through their such communication. I feel insurmountable level of honoured/insurmountable levels of lucky. I am totally amazed, feel undefinebale levels of awe to observance of having alien friends with super cool tech. (and to reinform that they dont do any destructive thing in neither planet earth nor other planets alike)
wovvvvvv. its just undefinable levels amazing. i feel undefinable levels of lucky.
Lots of cheers to & love to super cool aliens friends :)
(to reinform reiterate, they dont ever do anything destructive in planet earth or other planets alike )
(aliens never do any destructive thing on earth or to other planets alike)
(as mentioned they are using meteorites for very interesting communication but never ever for any destructive purpose ever(always everytime nondestructive meteorites). they are eons ahead of planet earth's civilizations or centuries ahead at least and dont have any destructive goals to this planet ever. )
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