yayyy weekend full weekend to spare time to math grammar maths fun of --> studying abstract (revising) algebra and then topology topics 

and some antlr fun if i could finish studying above topics to play with some antlr fun.

then i might buy or find measure theory book of Terrence Tao that which i had but had not studied to yet.  other measure theory such books are also in another city I think i had lots of such math books of phd/msc maths science.

all because curious to generative maths or actually just topics even like Dedekind/Cantor's theorems be much very curiosity creating to my mind.

so its so much fun to study with no goals of ai project's scheduling. i moved to this no schedule having study apporach in this projects since its better to make it a fun activity/hobby instead of some project schedule.

so as mentioned i would spare some suhc fun time of revisiting and rechecking knowledge of existing knowledge regarding these topics recent weekend to be able to start playing with some initial grammars in antlr for specific ontologies to construct. 

its much more fun if there is no strict goals like finish ai maths grammar layer in 2 months. nope. now i dont have a schedule for ai project after that i had given rest time to math studying time for last year (normally before i were sparing rest time to maths usually i last year spared it to watching tv(e.g. Star Trek) ). 

its so much fun to have a project with no schedule, something i discovered now. i mean putting constraints on learning period when phd/msc math topics were studied created an overwhelming load of tasks to me that I started to become bored of constantly studying to maths for a while.

luckily after last year rested, this boredom passed and could resume math studies in available free time (e.g. evenings/weekends or holidays).  but would definitely make it entirely with no scheduule type proejct otherwise if this side project that is studied on evenings/holidays becomes some kind of schedule having project it becomes overwhelming at some point. because i spare every evening to studying maths in such case and at some point it becomes boring. its better to have no schedule to this side project which is having time allocation of: evenings/weekends/holidays.  other wise it becomes too overwhelming to do this phd/msc in maths study. its better to do arrange it as fun activity aligned with topics i wonder eg.. my grammar version with no compactness like severely fun activity, instead of having static goals like this topology book should be finished in a month like strict goals. nope. i could study to other books also awhile. no strcit planning. no strict scheudle to ai prject's math grammar. no kind of strict plannign at all since otherwise this side project which is attained in evenings or weekends or holidays beciomes overwhelming or stressing at some point since i mean there is no enough time to do phd/msc at home with a strict schedule. it needs to have a relaxed nonstressed out schedule. i mean if i did outside phd/msc it might be all i would have been studying would be maths. but then in this case, its a side project and studied on evenibngs and weekedns and holidays so thereby i understand that it needs to have a kind of relaxed schedule not eveyr strict scheduling like e.g. this phd topologybook would be finished in a month like goals? nope. now fun dominates my study scheduling. 

e.g. revising abstract algebra is very fun(related to ontology design) and I do it vfirst check the fundamentals  and for instance trying to write a noncompactness based grammar is severely fun in overall and that goal of such grammar design is very fun activity iunstead of strict focus of planning to write grammar layer for ai project I follow my wonder of whether how such noncompact grammar ontology would be.  of course that would be just the first ontology not the singleton one. but i mean nowadays its not like before like a year ago where i would force myself with strict goals to ai project focusing on finishin ai project earliest: like --> finish this book in a month. nope. not any more setting such goals in this study. having the most relaxed schedule a very slight version of planning to this siode projects I have. e.g. noncompact grammar design ontology design and other ontologies designs and eventually constructing the layers math grammar layers of ai system etc etc.  not any more having strict scheduling anymore otherwise it becomes stressing/overwhelming. since as mentioned there is not enough time to study to phd topics effectively in evenings or weekends. there is time but i mean if i set strict goals it becomes stressing. its better to set goals like: study to this phd topology book (no duration) instead of study to this topology book and finish it in a month. cause there i not enough focus capability in side project at times and it becoimes stressing if i fail in goals or so. so better to make such less planned schedule and have some fun e..g noncompact grammar design fun instead of priotizing ai maths layer. ai maths layer would eventually be built but no need to priotize and stress out. lets priotize fun -> fun of buildnig the noncompact grammar version. its severely fun. even topics to be revised for that is evry fun to revise. i mean building a grammar/language/ontology is so fun. severely fun. 

i decided to move to such less scheduled apporaches since i lack  focus and setting strict goals like finish this phd book in a month really stress outs when not having accomplishing those goals. better to priotize fun. fun of e.g. revising some topics to build first noncompact grammar version and i could read that phd topology books some chapters either awhile for that. but i could study to other phd topology books and not finish that specific one. so no strict goals ever type project schedling mood this projects moves to. yuppp.

ayyyy its so much fun :D

i mean this fun project of building a noncompact ontology :D

eager to revise msc topology topics and maybe might buy another topology book or I actually hgave one other topology book i had not ever read might read some algebraic topology knowledge/geometric topology knowledge from there. 

in trauma mode i always priotized finishing of ai project asap. 

now that i healed of trauma(not fully but mostly alot very much healed from trauma), i dont priotize finishing of ai project urgently

there is no more urgency mood in set up such side projects at home nonwork time (Evenings/weekends side projects) 

this new mode of nonurgent project building (at evenings/at weekedns) its so new to me cause i usually have had some attach some urgency to the project building process which i remove now. and as from now, keep it the least planned project plan version with no fixed durations like finishing a book study in 4 weeks like fixed durations are not any set. no more such planning to project tasks. yuppp.

its new to me. i mean this urgency detached mode of project building of side projects at home time (at evenings weekends) I would usually have attached an urgency a fixed duration to finish. its very new to me this experience of side project concept with no fixed duration. I mean before i would have set goals like finishing a book in 4 weeks or so now there is no 4 weeks set. and i might study a chapter from there  but might study from another book also. there is no strict planning any more. its all fun priotized side project now. e.g. fun of building the first noncompact ontology.  and initiallty passes some fun of studying to abstract algebra and some topology restudyings. severely fun. the fun only knowledge engineer/ontology engineering likers would understand or people who likes abstract maths would understand this fun of ontology design in maths. its really severely fun :)  (if you like knowledge engineering or abstract maths/topology topics you would also find it very fun.  I guess topics i find fun as a nerd/geek might not align with all blog readers fun concept. to me ontology building knowledge engineering is severely fun or abstract maths topics /topology topics either. so this first ontology buulding for a noncompact math study is like really severe levels of fun :) ) 




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