aliens again communicated with time machine imho :)
this time they told again ESP does not exist and they have tijme machines :)
in this coincidence:
I saw today about a meteorite and read news of to see it were expected to fell to Lake Michigan.
Then i decided to watch tv then in the tv show they were doing sculptures welding art and in the episode there were a grill with fish design and guy said he were from Lake Michigan or like it.
I before read about ESP and read aboiut projects named grill to get bits pieces of information on these topics.
Its now clear there is time machines for real :D that aliens communicated with Lake Michigan with a tv show casted in past that I watched in future (hours later) after I read about meteorite.
it just meant aliens just meant they have time machines and they love to communicate of course nondestructively with meteorites imho with no destruction ever.
they meant what perceived of ESP is instead time machines. and that they can use time like as if its ESP concepts.
this coincided with a stone having ring of fish named person in a movie where coincidence happent wiht the amethyst look alike stone having ring wearing guy whom fought against a comet. aha now thinking this coincidence, aliens might meant our world's tech is something they make grill of:S or i wish they had not any meant like such coincidences. i wish they had not any meant something scary intent (I mean scaryto me) like if they literally grill our planet like meanings:S I wish it were just an analogy for meaning; hah we eat your space tech as breakfast kinda meaning i think aliens meant. or instead it might not any meant such satire/nefarius satire but instead it might also meant: we have time meachines and we eat ESP concept in breakfast cause we actually have technology for time machiens they might meant conveyed to me maybe. Or nothing like that maybe.
or they had not meant any thing like that at all.
it just coincided with paganic meteorite coincidence.
i investigate every meteorite incident to check whether if its a paganic aliens communication. of course they dont ever do destructive things to planet nor they wont. its just a colorful communique in skies but not destructive, they like to create colorful sky shows to people they communicate but not any destructive.
e.g. i think Rio De Grande coincided with that runabout space ship in Star Trek.
or also Reoun city meteorite coincided with Star Trek's captain's captains being falsely tried as withch and Reoun city city being Joan D'Arc being trialed like witch trials.
I do think also Matera city coincided with pin concept cause I resembled previous one coincidence saying one day I wore Burton socks then, I thought my socks resembled pins (bowling pins) then I read that same day also a meteorite (of course nondestructive, its just a colorful paganic communication with no destructive intent, they are at least centuries ahead so they dont have destructive intents to our planet) meteorite incident from Burlington.
This is my opinion. that aliens really exist and they really have time machines.
cause I mentioned of amethyst ring and then ring with stone coinciding with movie i watched that later day with a Fish named guy wearing a ring with some amethyst like stone that is piloting a ship against a comet. I that day had before watching that movie had bought myself an amethyst ring. and looked to rings that similar to that pilot guy wore. of huge amethyst stone.
Ok so in todays coincidence, I observed a sculpture of fish being turned to a grill in welding coentest and the guyu said he were from vicinity of Michigan lake meaning he likes to grill fish alot then the meteorite incident i read about were expected to fell to Michigan lake.
The coincidence is I as to restate, I before hours before, read meteorite news. then I discovered this tv show and fast forwarded episodes and this fish i think it were 3rd episode or so i guess.
I mean coincidence being me wandering a lot of tv shows, even opening a one and then finding it not that interesting and searching other tv shows and traveling many tv shoows in menu and selecting that tv show to coincide with todays news. i mean i did not have to watch tv show today either. last night i had not for instance. i were just tired and wanted to watch tv. and this coincidence happent which makes me think:
aliens coincded did coincidece to a fish grill., i think they conveyed they reiterated that they have time machines to me .
its so surreal, these coincidences. even the first coincidence happent and this very last that happent, its all very surreal to observe to have a chance to observe time machine applicance, its totally awe / cause and effect being separated, not that i had studied the book of relativity yet that has mention of relativity in terms of geometry but I without knowing the roots of the relativity theory, i know i observe time machines exists through this experience.
Aliens are super cool and they have time machines wov!
just imagine this happens to you, wont you feel awe to have the order of cause effect become irrelevant that time becomes a nondirectional flow? its just too awesome :)
I wish to state many cheers to cool aliens friends :) Lots of love & cheers! :)
so my interpretation is: aliens meant what we call as ESP in planet earth is actually something depending on resembling functionaing of time machines.
i mean i think they meant, time machines are real. they wanted to strongly reiterate reconvey this mesgae to me. with showing such reordering of sequence of events;
e.g. a meteorite news from many hours ago. then I read that news. then later i open tv and watch a tv show i never watched before. and its like i could had selected other tv shows also actually selected a movie then got bored of it and searched another thing to watch. then came up went over many tv shows to watch that tv show. and I some hours ago before i started to watch tv, I searched Lake Michigan. investigating where meteorite fell to investigate if any coincidence any paganic communication happent. then as it happent they did coincidence to a tv show episode where guy were casting a fish grill sculpture (welding metal sheets/such metal sculpture) and he told as to restate again retell again, he told hwere from vicinity of Lake Michigan.
I just concretly understand that, aliens wanted to convey very carefully to me that they really have time machiens and that time is such a thing that time machines could be built of. and that the grill ESP concept like concepts are actually even related to that trait of time mechanistics.
I mean they I understood as that if any I have any suspicion that aliens with time machines dont exist nor do communicate, they wanted to assure me they really exist. and they really have time machines.
and they doing coincidence to ESP like topics is imho: I many times read news using extraordinary literal. so they did i think coincidence to ESP concept due to that. and they also coincided with previous coincidence of Fish nicknamed pilot whom piloted to a comet. which I understand this repeated reversal of time concept (e.g. comet news happening in past time of time point i watch tv show) means a desire to convey to me that they communicate really with time machines. I mean i think this repeated reversal opf time is intending to convey me to make me assure that knowledge of that they really have time mahcines in case if ever i got suspected. Nope i dont suspect, I really believe cause I seen many coincidences related to star trek episodes.
And people would think could it be the reocommendation algorithms of software of tv shows (no other coincidences had not hat any such factor) ITs actually I couold had watched from many alternatives many other tv shows and even started with another movie that i got bored. then switched to other tv shows and selected this one. so it werent about the software recommandetion systems gathering a tv show that is related to me searching Lake Michigan in search engine. (to investigate if aliens had accomplished a paganic communication, of course nondestructive, its just communication, no kind of destruction intent nor they would ever have any destructive intent to planet earth, cause they are centuries ahead of this planet, they dont need this planet, they jusrt like to communicate to :) )
to restate this is just a belief, not that i have any scientific proof that aliens exist. I just believe to aliens existence. cause I seen more than enough coincidneces to believe to my belief of aliens with time machines and those coikncidences shown me they really also have time machines to create time order sequence reverted incidents like todays coincidence where a meteorite incidents happens in past to future tv show watching moment.
but again this is a belief. and i have no intentions to make my belief be believed by others. its an intrinsic belief of mine and not intending to popularize my belief. its just I write this because when such thikngs happens that you believe aliens might be communcating, its jhust so much awesome that, you want to write it telll it that every one knows aliens communicate to thsi world :) its just so awesome! alienbs have time machines even. wov! I mean they do comumnicate with creating coincidences in either past or future. its mind blowing. wov. its totally absolutely alienware tehcnology that does not exist in planet earth yet.
I wish to state lots of cheers and love to super cool alien friends :) Hello from planet earth you super cool aliens friends :)
guh 💚aliens friends :)
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