how do you create such new nazi maniacs culturally sociologically? i think its simple: just assimilate all non intellects all less evolveds to communes and then create a maniac like culture of cliques/communes that are well nonaware of their nazi behavior online? :D
(no its not related to historical Nazi topic/its not related to Germany's such historical nazi concept any. these less evolveds are not from any Germany). its they are from a different continent not any relatedto Europe.
i think their problem is they assimilate too many low intellects that they result in creating having maniac lkike nonintellect cultures having communes/cliques not all people are there like that but there also happens such cliques such groups from there imho.
I think they have a sociological problem there honestly. this much hatred i think roots down to assimilation of batch of nonintellects to their developing culture which regressed their cultural sociological development imho.
i think also being isolated from intellectual cultural centers of world creates such side effect plus assimilatiopn of nonintellects without providing enough adequate intellectual education imho.
Its just they really have maniac like cliques there having nazi behaviors imho. on online i mean.
its like theya re also not aware of their issues/problematic behaviors. weird. i think this is related to assimilation of nonintellects degrading their cultural sociological development time line. immigration is good but you also need to kind of intellectually educate people to not behave like new nazis imho. i mean sociological cultural development is very important topics in immigration topics imho to give chance to educate people sociologically texture wise to not have cliques having hatred diseases online.
this is exactly new nazi/genocidal behavior and they are also contempt with that due to regress in ccultural sociological development. i think they assimilated too many nonintellects and being distant from cultural centers of world created such a maniac texture of fiber of cutlure/socioplogical regress situation in cliques communes there.
hmm want to read assimilation topic sociology books to have an idea how such fibers/textures of maniacness having sociological groups can happen to created through intellectually unsupported immigration. of creating such severe maniac level of hatred disease having people stereotypes and hatred online.
these people of such cliques/communities are like relics from antique times where human rights were not existing imho. they have no capability to see their own error either in their arrested sociological develoipment situation either. unfortunate.
its always nice to be in vicinity of cultural sociological intellectual centers of world whislt distance creates risk of maniac fibers/textures in social fabric of communities/groups/cliques whatever.
imho is my idea.
i if i have time want to read more about assimilation to understand this hatred diseases roots. i think its all roots to intellectual deficiencies resulting from lack of proper environment/education from environment of intellectual inspirations/some thing other to do then hatred i mean.
i just cant stop thinking they are like relics from antique times where human rights did not existed in world such maniac people with hatred disease.
they seem to have fun in hatred activity. its wondering do they immigrate alot of psychopathic minded communities to their sociological/cultural texture? or is psychopathic behaviors is a cultural pattern of such communities?
of doign allegedly doing nazi behaviors to people and making them ill with nazi behaviors and not only that. (from not europe visibly these are from).
i just cant stop thinking they are like relics from antique times where human rights did not existed in world such maniac people with hatred disease. they are like archeological artifacts in cultural evolution. huge regress in humanity's cultural evolution due to distance from cultural centers of world. and plus maybe due to assimilation without education from envionrment. some kind of urbanization analogy goes here. to create sick social fabric in communities/groups to have psychopathic nazi behavior outputs.
i just think its also analogically isomorphic to epigenetic concepts. i mean their texture is not genetically ill. its just a process trhere similar to urbanization analogies regress their texture and makes it a pathethic texture is my humble opinion imho.
i think assimilation should be done with care/with sociological/ethnomethodological insights not just leaving people get urbanized in cultural cliques that results with people with hatred disease/hatred activity nazi activity but nothing else to do other in life.
i think this all roots down this their nazi behaviors imho roots down to them being physically distant to intellectual cultuyral centers of world. and no immigrating people does nto change that. they have some ingredient problem imho to their advance their sociological/cultural texture/fiber to create nonnazi nonmaniac people.
In some time they would also evolve and have nonsick textures/fibers in their sociological constructs communes imho most possibly but until then they would be like people to be ignored when they do less evolved behaviors imho. such category. to be always nihiliated type until evolves to some intellectual stage type people i mean. i mean letting them to evolve and not caring when they do less evolved behaviors and giving space time them to evolve to better people.
whislt we evolved people would do trained by our parents or surropundings to draw to do sculpt to sing to play musical instrument to learn science to read philosophy to read sociology etc to learn science or to do something good for world these less evolved pathethics only hobbies seems as doing hatred acts with nazi level imho on online. they are not from Europe to restate its an online "new type nazis" targeting to blog.
its all intellectual deficiency to behave like relics from antiquate dtimes where human rights did not existed.
they are like relics imho. like a real time observation of dusted relics behaving as relics from very old times.
its like as I always postpone reading Foucault to do a concrete analyze of this pathethic texture of regress in such communites/cliques is something always a burden to do.
whenever these online new nazius do yet amnother severe hatred act, its like observing some sediments in archeological history of humanity that they seem to stucked in some sediment in cultural evolution adn deny any positive iteration towards being better people as humanity's some part. i mean such communities that are analogically resemble urbanized people and illiterate and nonintellectual. whenever they do a severe hatred pathethic hatred acitivity, we analyze with like going back to past of these relics pathehtic behaviors that resembles humanity's antique times. its like a live feed archeology these people's never ending nonintellectual hatred disease rooted maniac online hatred activities imho.
ok we seen "new nazis" on online not being distant from intellectual capitals of world either i mean its not all because these type "new nazis" are from distanced to world's cultural intellectual capitals. its all root down to intellectual capacity imho that whether you stagnated in cultural evolution path in antiquated periods that lacks global huyman rights concepts and not to behave genocidal behaviors to others not from your communities/cliques/cults/groups also.
to the hatred acts doer to this blog including genocidal acts to my blog --->
are you still stucked with doing severe even genocidal level hatred activity to this blog? when would you stop being this much savage?
you wont because you dont have capacity to be better people imho unfortunately.. i think instead you are a victim of a process that is like analogous to urbanization process that creates savage minded people like you. you are a victim of not being surrounded by an intellectual community which favors art/science/doing something good instead of hatred/pathethic acts even genocidal level. you are a victim of some analogous process of urbanization of not having enough intellectual inspirations from your surrounding community but instead being always inspired to do hatred/to excel in hatred. problem is not you you are a victim of such process imhow which urbanizes you/your community to turn out like archeological relics in cultural evolution sediments of humanity. i mean culurally you are not understandable and as if from historical periods. this much hatred maniacness to people not from your groups/communities/cults i mean is not understandable in current new cultural evolution period imho. you and your communities are like relics from cultural evolution of humanity imho to behave this much nonintellectual this much maniac imho. we would always uncare when you do another genocidal activity to my blog you maniac type blog readers/archeological relics from cultural evolution of humanity.
no wonder aliens dont communicate to archeological relics of other periods of cultural evolution of humanity that also lives in same time frame with us.
no wonder aliens communicate to people that are from contemporary cultural/sociological evolution times e..g me but not with relics of cultural evolution. ah its so unnice to live in a world where cultural sociological evolutions is not uniformly distributed and we have to always uncare the less evolveds less evolved behaviors whenever happens. but that be the how development is its not expect to go like a unform distribution of course it would regress some where excel somewhere. dont anticipate to have a standard world.
world wide web is like a curse that happent to world. i wish internet were separated along according to boundaries set by cultural evolution level. but that would never happen. and then relics would create some pain to more culturally evolveds always as always. but it would have been awesome if internet were segregated and safe from cultuyrally/intellectually less evolved communities.
world wide web is one like huge curse to intellectual parts of world. since now we see how much horrific situation clearly is in cultural evolution sociological evolution status in globe. ignorance wre bliss to not have seen/observe how much bad situation/conditions cultural evolution can stagnate in.
i wish internet have had countries but not geological. set according to intellectual cultural evolution level.
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