i am not any apologizing for right now cursing son of bitches to son of bitches whom does selective blindness to genocide reports.one human's human rights is more or less than other. or not only that, they do attack to reports of blogs of genocide report to protect their genocide doer unknown groups whomever race or religion it is, seems as such unknown group that did the genocide has strong connections that directs attacks to my blog/genocide report.

all son of bitches that lacks any universal moral codes. totally absolutely son of bitches. i think this curse really is truly deserved by this linked genocide blindness to genocide report in blog. i mean not only blindness, also this son of bitches attacks to report of genocide in blog. 

i mean when some unknown group tries to force me to sexual slavery with sleep shoutings, or did very ugly shoutings all the time, i thought reporting this would make the genocide doer unknown group be stopped.

what i else observe is: the genocide doer and sociopathic genocide doer group has connectuons and directs attacks to integrity of my report.

a world with lots of son of bitches. truly absoluytely any morality code lacking assholes/son of bitches imho. totally absolutely totally freaks in terms of morality.

I mean when you get tortured with a sociopathic genocide type that you report everytime incidents of you dont expect people attacking to genocide report instead of listening and helping to genocide of unknown group to stop. 

i just definitely think if any huge asteroid hit this world, it wouold be ok,.  because humanity is sick. because they just do blindness to torture/genocide (selective blindness) and they dishonestly attack to report of genocide at the same time. i mean not only they dont help to stop the genocide, they even qattack the genocide report. 

i truly wish i could use my psychic powers to have an asteroid fall to institutiosns that do selective blindness to genocides either due to religions/races or and even the severe dishonesty of attacking to the genocided. its undefinable lack of honor. to attack to the genocided. its severely dishonor. son of bitches with minds lacking universal moral codes imho.


i got so angry. 

so my next psychic goals, is:  targeting the institution whom does selective blindness to genocides, or does racism in genocide topics. e.g. the dishonor of attacking to genocideds. 

i mean i did not knew world is such a place where even genocideds are attacked their genocide report of. 

its just unbelievable unimaginable lacvk of honor /dishonor. 

what kind of grandmom granddads you have that you lack this much universal moral codes inherently:S

i would try my skills to make asteroids fall to worl's institutions whom does selective blindness to genocide reports and not only that these assholes son of bitches attacks to genocide reports even (most possibly protecting their same religion pals or same ideology pals? i dont know but attacking the genocided's genocide report is something unimaginable level of dishonor.  really i mean really one can't imagine until observing such dishonorable people whom attacks the genocided/tgortured's tortuyre/genocide report :S) 

I would try my best to throw asteroids to  institute that does help torturers do their torture for 7 years and then the one geoncided is attacked of reports of the genocide.

yayyy multiverse skills would be tried to clean this world from genocide helper. torture helper. of the ones whom does not help ending genocides (of sociopathic ty[pe genocide by an unknown group) but rather even with unidentifiable levels of dishonors, attacks the genocided's genocide report. nothing of such dishonor type ever observed in world before:S what kind of dishonor these people have:S

yeppp i would check asteroid pages news routinely to see if asteroids falls to institute whom is expected to protect people from genocide/crimes against humanity crimes/torture and they dont and they even attack instead the rpeorts of sociopathic genocide type. 

this much dishonorable speices:S i meannot all humanity. just these dishonests whom do selective blindness to genocide report would be targeted.

if you dont  stop genocide if you even attack the genocideds then you are same with the genocide doers.

and i would have no issues in trying my multiverse skills to send asteroids to such worlds such institute. when if even dishonorables attacks to my genocide report. 

whom's pal are you psycho ? i mean ? do you have some connection with the unknown group that does did attempted genocide/crimes against humanity crimes to me? 

whom are you trying to protect with attacking to the report of the genocideds? 

totally truly son of bitches these maniacs are. i mean this much lack of universal moral codes.

hey i wouldnt have issues if i use my multiverse skills to destroy does whom does genocide to me and whom helps the genocide doers with attacking to my genocide report. 

I couldnt find help from institution. i would try to send asteroids to institution whom allegedly did selective blindness to genocide report yuppp. 

racism sometimes violently should be tackled. or dishonesty i mean pockets being linked/connected that even  i mean one can not imagine a world: where a person is genocided for 7 years, then reports, then the report is attacked with defamation untrue defamation. i mean in ideal world you expect someone stopping genocide doers right? but what happens is undefinable levels lavk of universal moral codes, what happens instead is: attacking to the tortured/genocided. 

wov. absolutely son of bitches. wondering whose connections whose money whose pockets connections is trying to silence my genocide report.  i mean visibly the unknown group and gps assisted genocide (visibly someunknown country assisted the unknown group that did the gps having genocide incidents) visibly that unknown country is working hard to discredit my genocide report, all the sociopathies/false flags/ all the torture of sociopathies/crimes against humanity intentiuon having shoutings e.g. sleep shoutings etc etc.

seems as these son of bitches that unknown country that assisted this unknown group has insurmountable power to even attack to reports of genocide in blog. 

i mean its something new, a new dishonesty level, an undefinable dishonesty level : to attack to the genocideds/tortured people with genocide activities.:S

i would have no issues in sending asteroids to whom did genocide to me. but i dont know whom;. i dont know which country. i dont know whom is the unknown group.

but i know th einstitutison that did not stopped the genocide. and thats the only thing i know thereby i would try very hard to use multiverse skills to send huge asteroids to the planets such institution which lets gneocides and even much more horrificly attacks to the genocideds genocide reports :S

this such type of sociological maniacness is unfixable imho. 

only thing i know is institution that is expected to stop genocides and dont. so i would send asteroid to such institute with my psychioc power if i could. i wouold trythe multiverse corelation power to reduce dishonest people count in world, that insttn people whom does selective blindness to genocide reports and pockets connected processing of genocide reports. or racism related.

if you dont stop genocides when your responsibility is to stop, then you are same with the genocide doers.

thereby, since i dont know whom this unknwon group is or whom secret service proveded this unknown group to route them to accomplish false flags or ugluy request shoutings. these are unknowns. i dont know which country tried to genocide me truly. i have no idea which country did attempted to genocide me. 

but i know which institution did not helped. and so at least making dishonests go from world, type logic i have, of : using multiverse power to target such institution with asteroids for selective blindness to genocides happening in world.

yuppp some exciting time of using of multiverse skill.  e.g. making people type whom does selective blindness to genocides go away from planet. making world a more honest place. since this type honesty is unperceivable/undefinable not perceivbable by we people whom has universal moral codes.

yayyyy it would be fun to test multiverse skill with asteroids. yuppp. to reduce severely dishonesty unimaginable levels of dishonesty level in world:S 

ah bogk this miuch dishonesty not expected to be seen in this world. its totally disgusting. anyway happily having multiverse power and i would utilize my card tricks to use asterpoids power to tackle genocides topic e.g. genocide happent to me that noone cared and even undefibalble level dishonests attacks to the genocide report. such level of dishonesty not observed in world this type people's dishonesty imho :S i mean its not perceivable to we people with some universal moral code values :S

i think asteroids is quite nice method to reduce corruption/dishonesty in such case when it happens impacting how genocide reports are processed.

i mean if corruption happens in genocide reports processing, i think i mean i think morally in such case, asteroids is totally nto any thing immoral. actually its immoral to not use asteroids imho when such type of undefinable levels of dishonesties/corruptions happens in world, where the last 7years tortured genocided's report is attacked :S 

i mean this is an unperceivable/undefinbable levels of dishonesty/lack of moral codes this behavior of helping the genocide doers. i dont know  which unknown country genocided me. its sure one secret service useed this unknown group to genocide me with gps support. that part very sure. ibecause they always come to everywhere this unknown group.  to shout very ugly requests or do very sociopathic false flags. such torture repeatedly happent thousand times last 7  years. and i did not expected such a dishonest world where my report these that clearly defines the proceses of this sociopathic genocide, is attacked by whom is expected to help instead:S

sorry i would have no apologizes when i use asteroids against the genocide doers/helpers. 

that i lack the info of genocide doers part. the unknown group or the secret unknown country that utilizes an unknown group/gives gpos data to commit this nefarious sociopathic genocide activity, its unknown right, i have no idea which country genocided me. but i know which institution did not helped. so i would target with psychi power with asteroids the institution which did not helped to stop genocide. no not the ngo that did not help. i have no issues with ngo.  i am just very angry to people whom attack my genocide report and whom help the genocide doers. they are absolutely assisting the genocide doers. and they would be the target of my multiverse psychic skills yupp.

hmm from marvel characters in infinity ware, there thanos were doing genocides, and noone stopped him? no people fought against him. in this dsytopian world, people help the genocide doers. e.g. institution dont stop genocides when reported and instead they i just cant find the level of dishonesty of theirs such act: of attacking to the genocided's blog/genocide report, such level of dishonesty never i could imagine exist in world:S

hmm now that i have powers like marvel characters, i think its legit to replace institution whom helps genocide doers. i mean instution that exist to stop genocides and dont.  they are same with genocide doers imho. and when they go, it would be better for wold to clear world of dishonests whom even with pockets connections control attack to genocide rpeorts processing. world does not need to have such level dishonesty imho and its quite legit to use asteroids against such type dishonests.

so my  intended asteroid target is the institution which exists to stop genocides and does not stop. 

cause i dont know which country genocided me. i dont know which secret service provided my gps data to the unknown group whom attempted repeatedly thousand many genocide activities to me.

but i think institutin whom does not stop genocides are same level faulty or i even observed attacks to my genocide report. to defame me/my report. that is the tipping point of this. i were like i would never use multiverse powers for anything, but this observing: this level lack of honor --> of attqacks to the genocided. its just i mean when you for 7 years get tortured by genocide activity, then when you observe your report is targeted and tried to be defamed very maniacally, then that moment it becomes you understand sometimes asteroids re truly necessary in sociopathically sick planets where dishonesty becomes the main thing that people even are dishonorable in that level to attack to the genocided's genocide report having blog. its undefinable lack of dishonor/lack of universal moral codes.

if one side in world throws away universal moral codes/and does torture/does genocide, then also attacks tries to defame the genocide report, then its asteroids time. in such cases, its truly needed to have asteroids imho. 

i mean there are times when using multiverse skills is legit. and its such time. i mean this is not ok. i mean and using asteroids is very ok in such maniac dsytopia. i mean i would target the institution which did not helped stopping of genocide. becaseu i seen newly an attack to my genocide report. a defamation attack. so i understood the genocide doers also controls institutions people with money or so. so i understood, in such cases, asteroids are quite legit.

so my psychic target with asteroids is the institute that does not stopped genocide happent to me.

yeppp some dishonests become my multiverse skills target.

i have marvel characters aslike some multiverse skill and i think people whom assist genocide the institute that does not stop genocide is quite deserving to be asteroided :) yeppp :)

dont expect anything else from some person whom were genocided repeatedly last 7 years. i mean if dishonests cruels does genocide repeatedly for 7 years to a person, and if that person has asteroids power, dont expect from her to unuse her marvel characters like skills to reduce dishonesty/maniacness undefinable dishonor level of the genocide assisters and institute that does not stops genocide in world as i observed i reported and noone stopped and i instead observed attacks defamation attacks to my blog instead:S dont expect me to not use asteroids. i would do in whatever in my power to reduce this dishonorable people from planet i mean institutions that just do selctive blindness and not only blindness i observe my report of genocide is attacked. so instead of helping to stop genocide, people attack to the genocideds. wov. i mean thjis much dishonor/tjhis much lack of any moral codes. i just want to say wov. i mean i couldnt imagine this level of dishonor existence in world/this level of absolte lack of universal moral codes in some people:S

its just unbelievable.

but luckily i have marvel powers and would replace these institution that dont perform its duties and whichinstead people attack to genocide report instead. 

its unbelievqable totally.

 i mean one does not expect this much lack of honor/this much lack of honesty/this much lack of universal moral codes :S its just ttruly unbelievable. 

if you create a fascist world where unknown groups does gneocides to people with heklp of unknown secret service of unkjnown countries, then if instruction dont stop such genocides. i just have nothing else to say in such case. and i am happy i have marevel's characters like powers actually. 

i were sad that i am risky to world for having marvels characters like multiverse powers. but now that i understood such skills are necessary to planet actually because there are Thanoses whom does gneocide  (unknown groups) and they do visibly this genocides with help of an unknown country's gps data support maybe even monetary support even, then there are also the institutions `that dont stop this.

i dont know the unknowns e.g. which unknown country genocided me or whom unknown group is. but i know th institution that did not stopped the genocide happent to me. so that unfortunabely i would be only be able to target the institution that does not stop genocide to me. i would instead wish to target the unknown country unknown group whom did genocided me for last  7 years. but that be totally unknown, i have no idea which country genocided me.

hmm if there are Thanos like maniac unknown groups in world, we also exist, marvel characters alike powers having powers. and if worlds institution dont stop Thanoses we would replace the instutiuosn for their blindness to all suffering in world. i mean  instution whom are expected to stop genocides. That would be targeted by asteroids. yuipp. because i dont know which country genocided me. i dontknow whom is unknown group nor which country's secret sercveice assisted the unknown group in last 7 years happening genocide activities as clearly one by one reported in blog.

if planets have instuties that are expected to stop genocide but dont. and if they do selective blindnes to genocides, then those people should be replaced. and should be removed of duty with excess level of dishonor/lack of capability imho. 

and if people attack to the genocide reports of the genocideds to defame them/attack reports of genocide reports, i think that were the tipping point of me, boiling point of my blood. i mean that were the ponit i decided to switch to using multiverse powers to make world a much better place. yupp. would try my best in multiverse skills to make world a umch much much much better place. yuppp.



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