there hasa been no less condition to deserve son of bitch curse.
i mean attacking to integrity of report of sociopathic genocide type reported in thousand many blog pages.
thousand many incidents reported in blog.
and son of bitch reads the genocide report and decides to attack to my genocide report.
wondering if this son of bitch's pockets are linked to the same genocide doer entity? most possibly yes.
so visibly whom did genocide to me has somehow connections powers to even silence genocide report/or attack integrity of it or so with even having using connections in high places.
totally absoluytely son of bitvches nothing less. dishonesty in undefinable levels imho.
so you write the tortures they do with sociopathic type genocide, the son of bitch takes side in genocide doers side of unknown group with attacking to integrity of report.
it means the genocide doers have even power to have high connections in world to attack to attempt to defame to genocide reports like they attack to our lives with sociopathic genocide type as detailed in report.
e.g, shouting to me "sleep!"
or else when i report the sociopathic things this unknown cult does or things they ask, or their sociopathic methods, one son of a bitch attacks my blog's such report.
i just think the whom did gneocide to me has alot of connections to attempt to silence the genocide report.
You asshole son of bitches whom does endless tortures of genocide and then try to stay clean of it with attacking to reports that depicst every incident of the sociopathic genocide type one by one line by line in blog.
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