so I start to investigate Judaism more since has mysticism/magic. causee i literally observed such mystic magic happening last 7 years. 

the time the hard period of genocide alike things started by an unknown group, the time mystic things started to happen.

so i literally start to believe in mysticism more. I would read ancient Kaballah texts or magic books to investigate this magic topic/magic craft that other people whom were from Kaballah religion also discovered this magical traits of multiverses long before. 

I am not in to things like some Kaballah sects whom take psychedelic substances in rituals or so. Or i am not in to rituals topics. 

 But i am just intereszting to read ancient texts of magic methods cause I think they were quite right about magic.  I think Kaballah religions is true. there is mystic things happening in inner workings of this multiverses for real.  I am more like when reading of, I am more into more strict religion definition there ut not the "Practical Kaballah" sects but more in to ancient magic topics but not into rituals like topic. like learning ancient magic methods that were descbied by the religious texts there alike things i wonder. cause I also observed such things i mean just one thing and its not like those religious text's e.g. snake eating another snake alike magical descriptions of snake fight like story i saw when investigaqting Judaism (e.g. where two nations compare their magic powers creating snakes and one snakes eat another snake alike story i read). 

I would try to investigate learn the ancient texts of magic/mysticism cause I literal observed existence of.

I think religious stories in religious books might really be true after all. I mean if universe innerworkings have mystic stuff, (in terms of multiverses) then maybe even God might be an alien? or so i mean maybe all stories there might be aliens visitations that came happen through this correlation factor maybe. 

And I think I would investigate the amulets topics. and also, some drawings of shapes i seen which they  entitled to magic in sme ancient text I saw whihc i think i also observed in one of card tests.

i mean, in one card test; i observed using triangles in cards patterns thinking such pattern to try to make consecutive  cards happen. 

and in that ancient text i saw many triangles attached/some such shapes. 

so i belive that ancient texts really had a point. i think multiverses really has magic. its not unserious. its true imho. not fully tested since i abruptly stopped card tests after some coincidence as reported in blog, but i tend to think its really real. i mean some mystic elements in multiverse inner workings.

its neither Everettian neither Bell type universe. its multiverses exists as many as Evertett tolds but its also related to each universe of multiverses. its not unrelated like Everett said or its not like a single universe like Bell hypothesized. i think its uncountable infinity of universes alike Everett said but they are also impacting each other. and that part is the mystic/magical part imho.


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