there is definitely the genocide's last stage also attempted by this unknown group, they do occasionally do shout some slanders much worse than the usual slanders they did in genocide process in last year in home's vicinity to silence, to discredit. every genocide's last stage is denial. these maniacs even denial activity is very sociopathic with which they switched to saying very much worse slander's in home's vicinity occasionally to attempt to discredit to attempt to silence to silence with discrediting.
look 1 minute ago happent shouting exactly i am talking about this.
they are in severe effort to discredit with even woirse slander type because they are trying to protect their genocide did counterparts.
genocide's last stage is always denial. in this stage they usually kill get rid of genocideds so that they can't report genocide.
in this sociopathic version of genocide denial, they try to silence/do denial with shouting even worse slanders in a last attempt to discredit genocide report.
this one minute ago shouting you know, this started last year, i mean last 6 months i been observing this much more worse slander.
what ever you do you nazis unknown cult of istanbul and its assisters, you would all be sued for committing grave genocide crimes.
you would all be sent to that one celled Hague cells.
you specifically you that woman whom shouted some slander 3 minutes ago. you whom try to assist genocide with trying to silence the genocide report.
as always genocide's last stage is always denial., and this is where things get uglier. i mean they usually kill the genocideds in this stage so that they cant tell genocide.
since this genocide has been done with sociopathy, its denial stage is also using sociopathy.
they try to silence the genocide report with last 6 months shouting even much more worser slanders. to attempt to discredit very badly like that slander (which is very new slander type).
you would eventually go to that one celled holes in Hague e.g. today whom shouted a curtse with using hole word or the woman whom shouted a very degrading literal trying to defamate the genocide report with severe discrediting effort.
that woman whom shouted such even much more worse slander type: ---> this is your reply from me --->
you are sociopathic version of historical nazis.
you try to silence this genocide report with attacking with such even worse slander than slanders of unknown cult/group.
you try to reduce the right of a person with slandering i mean a human has right to be safe from crimes against humanity crimes, you try to take that right away with attacking with such slander literal as shouted 5 minutes ago. you try to eradicate rights human rights you socioipathoic nazis.
you woman, you are a definite sociopathic version of historical nazis.
nothing less you are.
nothing less.
your place to be is that cells in Hague! you whom help genocide of unknown cult! with attqacking to my honme with shoutnig such slander to attempt to silence/discredit the genocide report.
you sociopathic version of historical nazis!
you are no different than the genocide did unknown group, you should also with them go to that single cells in Hague! you are no different than the unknwon group whom attempted genocide! you aere even worse, you are trying to help to silence the genocided. you are even worse than whom did genocide to me.
as usual genocide's last stage is the ugliest. i been observing last stage last 6 months. they switched to even much worse slanders in this last stage.
and that literal you if you heard, they switched to such even worst slander last 6 months.
let me clarify this killing of me slander attempt --->
they switched to shouting slander of Harvey!
even worse slander than the genocide doer cult's aga/baba slander.
Its totally untrue. i have at most in my life 8 or 9 sex and they were all with guys whom were just so much wanting to have sex with me, ti were like guys in 30ies or 40ies or so.
so i mean shouting Harvey to my home's vicinity whilst I have at most 8 or 9 sex in my life is such a i dont know what to call to this? i really dont know.
I mean this is truly denial stage imho. i mean to silence the genocided stage it is. this started last 6 months. they started shouting even worse slanders like Harvey.
befoer it were only aga/baba smear. then last 6 months such very irrational slander started. whilst in my entire life i only have had 8 or 9 sex and they it were with guys whom really were very wanting to have sex with me. actually they inited that sex topic not me. i mean when i have had sex, it were the other side whom wanted sex not me. i mean Harvey slander is really irrational.
this is truly an attempt to silence the genocide report you see?
hey woman, did not you think i would write here and let you silence genocide report?
hey do you think you can silence genocide report with shouting such even worse slander?
the unknown cult/group whom does genocide, their slanders were much worse honestly but still bad but not like this new slander thats shouted last 6 months.
its entirely definitely genocide's last stage.
denial stage.
they in this last stage of genocide, they usually kill genocideds so that they can't sue the genocide.
in this version of sociopathic version of genocide, this killing happens last 6 months like this. with such shoutings in my home's vicinity.
would you think you can escape from genocide responsibility with such silencing method? do you think i wont blog your ugly sociopathic silencing dirtying methods to genocide report? do you think your sociopathic methods would not be exposed? I would expose every sociopathy methods of you one by one as I expose in blog constantly.
do you think you can escape from responsibility of having committed genocide with shouting such new untrue new slanders beside my home? do you think you can silence this genocide report? do you think killing my mom and dad attempt would sielnce my genocide report? nothing would sqave you from being exposed of your grave genocide crime.
the cult's/unknosn group's slanders were aga/baba smear and it were much less horrific than this last 6 months started sjhoutings in home's vicinity.
as visible, the blog exposes all genocide things, and last 6 months such effort started in my home's vicinity.
we would make sure these sociopathic version of historical nazis are sued in Hague. specifically this genocide report silencer effort.
I mean what that women's intent is one wonders? hating atheist people? why i mean why would anyone assist another genocide doer group? why ?
no reason to ask reasons in hatred crimes/genocides in blog. cause maniacness has no rationality/reason to be maniac. bad people are not bad because of any reason. they are inherent;y maniac/bad. i mean i wont do ask why. i mean why would anyone assist another grou[s genocide activity wth trying to assistdenial process?
this last 6 months such process started. such shoutings started in my home's vicinity.
you new nazis whom attempt silencing the genocide report , you would be all sued to Hague. for hating we nonreligious people and assisting genocides of unknown groups genocides done to us.
last stage of genocide is the ugliest stage. last 6 months such stage started such new slander type started. and it were much more worse than before slander type which were aga/baba slander. so slanders got updated in last stage of genocide to even worse slander type.:S
can you imagine the trauma level of last stage of genocide?:S
last stage is always the ugliest stage of genocide. in last stage, they kill the gneocideds so that they cant tell that they confronted genocide. in this my last stage observation, i observe metaphorical killing effort/silencing effort.
so last stage of all genocides is the silencing stage. in this specific one, its done with attempt to discredit with such horrendous new slander type:S its much more worse than the default slander they used in before stages of genocide. in this last 6 months, whilst day by day in blog genocide activities of unknown group is exposed, they switched to such very new slander version. which is very true very distant to my life (cause i have had 8 or 9 sex in my entire life, and it were like always the guy always wanted to have sex with me, not me, i were not the one whom inited sex or so?:S i mean its one again very lie/very irrational slander :S its like so much distant to my life that ionly have had 8 or 9 sex in my life and it were like that, the guy were the one whom were wanting to have sex or start sex i mean. anyway. i hate that i have to explain this since because I am observing last stage of genocide and I jut have to clarigfy too much personal information like my sex life even to protect my blog /my home from last stage of genocide. its so so unnice that i have to tell about very personal details of my life to clarify that its a very very very irrational slander:S )
as told last stage of the genocide is the most horrific stage.
and in another shouting of this last stage slander, it were a woman you know whom did this slander planting effort. I am not even gay I mean :S I always have had sex with guys and it were like guys whom insisted started sex. and bvside i am not any gay. but in 1 week ago incident, i detected a woman in vicinity of home using such slander literals so I think I wish i could depict the irraitonality of these slanders cause i am not even gay:S and plus, I only have had 8 or 9 sex in my entire life. truly. and it were always guys whom wanted sex that timeor inited. so thats truly untrue slander type:S
the last stage of genocide is the ugliest stage.
its truly very disgusting to fight against sociopathic genocide type:S
its very unnice that i have to clarify personal details of my life to fight against genocide silencing stage :S the ugliest stage of genocide. the discrediting genocide report stage :S
disgusting this is really disgusting. i mean last stage of genocide is truly disgusting:S
the really very ugly stage of genocide is the last stage.
canyou imagine the level of violence i see observe in this genocide stages:S
i mean it has been always traumatic to observe genocide. e.g. mafia slander/aga baba slander. :S all very untrue. and the false flags to attempt to plant such slander types. all horrendoues things reported in previous blog page's e.g. mail sent to law institute its briefly reported there the horrors of genocide.
or the all before blog page reports. and but it were really severely traumatic. and than this last stage started this is very horrific.
in this last stage they kill genocideds. that shouting you heard is a metaphorical version of attemptoing to killing/silencing (silencing attempt to genocide report). (I mean attempt to discredit so that no one take gnenocide report serious) (exactly this purpose such slander in home's vicinity is shouted) (its no different than the actual killings in genocide, where they kill the people they did genocided, so that they cant sue the genocide, this is exactly same with that, same goal /silencing the genocide report its goal is)
I would not be silenced with slanders of last stage. i would not be discredited. which is the exact attempt of such shoutings in home vicinity last 6 months. its exactly attempting to discredit so that noone would take genocide report seriously:S its exactly same with in onterh genocides, in this stage, they kill people so that they cant' report genocide. i mean its the silencing genocide stage of genocide. its exactly same with that killings. this has exactly has same very same goal. i mean that this stage of new slander types evn much more worse slander types switching is related to the this stage of genocide where denial is attempted/ where discrediting genocide report silencing genocide report is attempted. so this stage is the ugliest stage of genocides always. where they kill the genocideds so that they cant report. this is exactly same with that.
no matter what noone can stop me to sue the genocide nor no one can silence me with slanders. I would sue the genocide have dones no matter what. whether they attempt to kill my mom and dad through meddling their car, (I strongly suspect that dad's car incident is not random and the unknown group whom attempted genocide to me is also somehow did that most possibly) or not. or whether they attack my home with much horrific slander types last 6 months to attempt to silence/discredit the genocide report. nothing would stop me from sueing genocide that happent to me by unknown group. i wont be silenced by discrediting efforts. they wont succeed of having impunity from genocide crime they literally did. they would be sued. noone would silence me nor genocide report. no one would succeed to discredit this report with sociopathic new slander types of last stage. i wont be silenced. my report wont be silenced. last 6 months most ugliest stage of genocide started and very much more worse slanders started. exactly last stage of gnoecide. where they kill the genocideds to silence them. its metaphorically same, discrediting effort so that noone would take genocide report serious type effort it be. they switched to even much more worse slanders like that in this last 6 months. brand new slanders but much horrific. exactly discrediting effort. exact silencing goals. but they wont succeed. theywont succeed to take impunity fromt he genocide they committed with this sociopathic methods/silencing with attempting to discrediting efforts with new slanders.
I would continue to expose the sociopathic methods of genocide doers of the genocide methods/identity eradication process of genocide methods whihc i never replied/ their sociopathic false flag methods, which i always never replied, but always report in blog.
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