This once more happent before I did sculpture then somehow hair resembled Leia characters hair not intemdingly and other day I heard such star passed away.
I were taking it as randomness until yesterday.
Yesterday I tried card tests and in my mind thought of a rolling dough over a desk like I m baker. Then tried to make correlate the Moment unfolding ends to my shuffling of cards to end to make 2clubs happen at last 5 cards.
Then I switched to two colors last day that moment first tried some other colors single colored and failed them moved to this colors of 2 and tried white and glitter blues stars crescents lines over white and have it unfolded and when it unfolded in my mind I stop shuffling. Then I figured out I said to myself at that moment Wov 2 colors works. Since 2 were in last 5 cards and were like last second card.
Then I continued to observe that 2 color rs and second color being glitterish really makes test succeed but stopped with alot trying cause got tired.
So then in evening or today I saw such colors specifically glitter same colors in news like that.
Quite resembled Leia incident imho 😢😭😢😥😭😭😭😭
I would never read world news again.
And this were not the only coinciding thing yesterday and I read another coincidence this time about a food that were missing in home and I missed and read very horrific very sad coincidence 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Me reading world news definitely imho poses risks to other people's universes in multiverses
So should never ever read world news again, 😭
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