none world news anymore. none news anymore
cause i pose risk to world if i read news :S
i know it looks sounds weirdo or some very weird but its my understanding that i really might pose a risk to other people's universes and world's news :S.
i dont think there is only me like this there must be others like me. but any other people whom had nnot observed correlations surely can continue imho to read news safely without impacting multiverses of other people/world imho. but i think we whom observed correlations whomever observed correlations should not read news to not impact usual working of multiverses to not have any impact to universes of world/other people:S
its so unnice to pose risk to other people by just magic. i think i should not be the only one whom has this correlation related magic power. but whomever have this power i think should take care to inputs their universe receives to reduce correlations to other people's universes/multiverse. e.g. for instance with not reading any news nor world news ever. to not get input of other people's universes to not have any correlative impact ever :S its very unnice to pose such risk to unrelated people/world. but i dont think i am the only one with such correlations observing person. there must be also similar others. and we such people should take carevery careful cafre in this correlations/multiverses topics imho.
no more reading any news nor any world news.
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