today's accomplishment were nice to finish the entire course study in consecutive study for 5 hours. 

but thats not enough to the schedule requirements of this ai project. then i continued with this time checking the libraries for ml to integrate. that be tomorrow continued .

now its time to revise the topology study which actually would be fun! even if most possibly grammar i would design would be silly. nevertheless its fun :) (to design a topology grammar). 

I already think of design principles for grammar whilst studying to linguistics utterance types token types that would be represented by such grammar topologically. 

its kind of fun to going to create a topological universe definition. but startng with basic topological constructs of sets based constructs. 

hmm and then mappings. hmm some in some cases verbs are some isomorphic to mapping concept in topology. but not always. and there is more to lambda calculus in functions study of functions in topolgy side. so i when i study linguistics topics i think of toplogical counterparts whilst i study read of linguistic concepts since i would translate to such grammar RDF.yupp.

its not just lambda calculus topology is richer than what original lambda calculus based paradigms provides. 

and also topology is the basis for every following definition even integral's definition later in other domains. 



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