yayyy another awesome day starts to continue to build ai project yayy:)
hmm monday is holiday:
so if i resolve the dependency graph problem by today, hmm then would need to continue with the RDF defintiion of topology grammar very fast. to start to create an intiial topology rdf version to start building POS Tag's PTB's language counterparts. and plus it would also mix semantics RDFs to that without definite separation of syntax/semantics. i mean the translated RDF knowledge graph that would be defined basically in topology RDF.
hmm so as soon as graph dependency generation is observed. i dont directly switch to problem of solution of ontology concept prediction tasks. but rather move to some theoretics task of: the problem of initial topology language design /concept of topology grammar.
i think the task of ontology signature concept prediction is also very challenging and needs to asap be solved. but that could wait later. but that would also require lots of data processing to craft ontological signatures of big data paragraphs. that would be some again big data engineering tasks first to create ontological embeddings etc. lots of tasks there again. I have the tendency of also start that task since I priotize most challenging tasks in project type approach i have in this project, of fastly first finishing most challenges. but that needs to await to be resolved. that is a lot of task.
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