hmm yesterday did not switched to ml task of dependency extraction nor topology cause were very tired but would resume today.
hmm most data is now in subject predicate object table yayy :)
hmm so today: initially would study with some NLPtools to check/analyze dependency extractors starting with some encoder/decoder method github library and also others.
then would continue working with this table to analyze its ontological hierarchies/data. and to reduce table and create some other partitioned tables. then later would create neo4j local databases for clustered ontologies.
then also need to start writibng the wordnet ontology topological definitions with an RDF tool on sunday or monday wishfully. to start translating language to its topological meaning/definition sets i mean for verbs.
hmm then after that i would need to create the code that binds paragraphs of pages. and plus a probabilitistic wise interpretation RDF design for read sentences of paragraphs.
plus i might need to also run these neural net code with transforming them to some ontological concept predictor /to create RDF probabilities.
yepp seems as the first ai version as well might be ready by June 1. then would start the study of more topological grammar designs this time maths wise specific more specific maths constructs and nonriemann integrals/differential equations etc etc/ methods / optimization methods and their logic etc.
and analytical topology either.
so after june ai study would refocus on maths grammar design side. then i guess ai would be ready maybe even earlier then november. yayyy :)
but i think again initial very full feature version would be by November alike. (most possibly).
since i had not coded with numpy or pandas for a while, i feel some lack of courage before starting to study to neural network side but that would pass in a hour as I got used to numpy/pandas language in that time period. its just i feel kind of very distant to neural networks domain since i had not strudied for a while but i would get used to and get over that feeling of feeling uncapable temporarily for this part of task of ai project.
its just spark side scala tasks are kind of easier to bvuild since i coded a lot spark/scala in last 5 years but i had not been doing any neural network tasks or such side tasks for maybe last 5 years other then very rare instants once or twice. it just feels i am not any proficient to code numpy/pandas now but that feeling would pass as I study.
there is a mental scare to i mean scare of being untalented or task being very challenging to me like mood i have to neural net taks of ai project right now since i am not any proficient in pandas nor numpy recently. but that would pass as i study now.
i mean normally i usually dont feel this mood of scare of being untalented/uncapable at tasks of project but this time i felt at this module (neural network based NLP module) I mean some feeling of scare as if it would be challenging to get back to proficiency in numpy like neural network libraries or scipy alike.
but it would pass as i would now study to this scipy numpy pytorch based neural network based NLP module now.
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